Most of us only know Vitamin D as a choice in milk, but it’s actually a multi-purpose calcium absorber that helps form new bones, helps them grow, and prevents them from being brittle. Anyone who has raised children probably knows the basic benefits of Vitamin D from their pediatrician.

With more of us staying inside and absorbing less Vitamin D than ever before, it’s going to become an even more valuable addition to a healthy parent’s arsenal. Even if you only have yourself to worry about, Vitamin D’s physical and mental benefits will come in handy. Here are 4 reasons why you should be supplementing with Vitamin D (and how to do it).


1.   Bone Strength







Calcium promotes healthy bone growth and prevents them from getting brittle. If you’re at risk for osteoporosis or other bone density problems, calcium is the solution. But even if we consume calcium, we can’t use it without Vitamin D.

With Vitamin D, our guts can absorb calcium and mineralize our bones. Especially for growing children, this is a huge reason that a regular source of Vitamin D is a dietary must-have. It’s also the most known reason to take it. Read on to learn about some of the hidden benefits.


2.   Immune Support







Many of us are looking for ways to strengthen our immune systems for fear of infecting ourselves or our loved ones with COVID-19. Simultaneously, cold and flu season is upon us as well! Suffice it to say that anything that supports a healthy immune response is a welcome addition to our medicine cabinets.

Vitamin D has been shown to prevent viral infections (COVID is one) and reduce the risk of respiratory infections like influenza.


3.   Mental Health







A little-known benefit of Vitamin D is that it can help you fight depression. Neurologists have long since discovered a link between lacking Vitamin D and depression. Even though they’re not sure if the vitamin deficiency is a cause or a result of the mental health problems, Vitamin D supplementation remains an easy way for people dealing with depression to take a small step back towards normal function.


4.   Diabetes Prevention








Not only can Vitamin D reduce inflammation, a major factor in prediabetes and diabetes, but it can also lower hypertension. Lacking Vitamin D has been shown to increase blood pressure and cause targeted damage to vulnerable organs.

Combining calcium, Vitamin D, and sunlight has been shown to lower the user’s risk for type 2 diabetes, even while it lowers blood pressure.


How to take Vitamin D







Vitamin D is not the most common mineral in modern diets. I usually have to go out of my way to get a good supply of it. Most people get it through whole milk and fortified cereals, but those may not be the healthiest options. The foods you want to look for are those that are rich in soluble, healthy fats.

This is why fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and sardines are the best readily available sources of dietary Vitamin D. Mushrooms are also a surprisingly efficient source, made even more potent by their exposure to natural sunlight.

Eating or supplementing Vitamin D will not be enough to reap its benefits, however. Remember that to absorb this vitamin, you need natural sunlight. 20 minutes every few days shouldn’t be difficult, even during a lockdown.

Lack of absorption, rather than a lack of the vitamin itself, is the number one reason most of us are deficient in Vitamin D. Regular exposure to sunlight is the solution.


The Takeaway

Vitamin D is a tough mineral to fit into a busy schedule because it’s not readily available. Milk and cereal are fine for some, but the sugars and fats that can piggyback on those foods may make them unwanted additions to your grocery list.

Fatty fish is the best source of Vitamin D if you want its full range of benefits, which includes bone strength, immune system support, mental health support, and diabetes prevention. You can also buy it as a supplement.

But no amount of Vitamin D will help without regular sunlight to help you absorb it. You may find that difficult during the pandemic, but this is exactly why you should make the effort. A natural Vitamin D supplement can help you meet your daily requirement, especially when you’re not able to shop for groceries every week. Look for plant-based, vegan-friendly supplement formulas as a perfect way for you and your family to get the immune and mental health-boosting effects of Vitamin D, even during a lockdown.