In a world of chaos and confusion, cultivating calm comes from our own efforts. With the hustle and bustle of these fast-moving modern times, finding peace and quiet seems near impossible. We have hurdles and hardships, but that doesn’t mean a place of calm isn’t possible.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated, it’s important to calm down before things get out of hand. From my own experiences, I know that if I don’t take that important “me time” to decompress, I’ll wind up frantic and frazzled. No matter how much is on my plate, I carve out time for calm in order to center myself and create a harmonious balance that gets me through even the most challenging moments.

My secrets? They’re pretty simple. It’s not rocket science or anything time consuming, expensive, or elaborate. These go-to calm-me-down techniques always help me chill out and concentrate. I can relax, recharge, and get that sense of renewal that keeps me from losing my cool.


  1. Mellow Music







I have a special playlist I put on when I need to take things down a notch. Smooth R&B, old-school love songs, delicate instrumentals, and pared down acoustic versions of my favorite songs are easy to listen to and put me in a mellow mindset. I love upbeat music too, but I play those songs when I need some pep, like during my intense workouts. When it’s time for low-key listening, I’d rather feel the music than get on my feet and dance.

When I’m in bed or resting on the couch and I’m not in a music mood, I play sounds of nature or listen to a book on tape. I can zone out and forget about the world for a while.


  1. Meditation Mode







Meditating is so healing. I try to practice as much as possible, even if I can only spend a few minutes here and there to do so. I focus on my breathing and posture, as well as loosening my tight muscles and built-up tension.

There’s no formal way to meditate – you can sit quietly in a dim room, follow the instructions of an expert on video, or find an in-person “guru” to guide you. The most important thing is to get in touch with your inner peace as you learn how to cope effectively with outside noise and nonsense. After each meditation session, I always feel like a new person. I’m more patient and positive.


  1. Incense Aromas







I’m a big fan of burning incense, not only for the aromatic elements, but for the calming properties. I have a huge collection with nearly every scent I can think of. My favorite sandalwood, with its woodsy waft that permeates the air with warmth. It makes my home feel cozy and I never get tired of the smell. I often burn incense while meditating, making the experience even more soothing for my soul.

If you’re not into burning incense, try home fragrance oils. They last long and they’re inexpensive. You can light candles too, which is especially nice if you get them in the same scents as your oil. The lighting itself is calming, so turn down the lights and let the candlelight caress every corner of the house.


  1. Hot Bath Bliss







Slipping into a piping hot bubble bath is pure perfection. I make a real effort to create an ambiance that’s spa-worthy, from the luxurious soaps I splurge on to the extra-fluffy towels I save for these special occasions.

I get into the tub and soak, with light music playing in the background and a “no interruptions” sign on the bathroom door. On occasion, I’ll even sip some wine or champagne as I let the suds silken my skin. I emerge feeling feminine and free.

When I’m actually at a spa, I take advantage of their sauna, as the heat and humidity detox my pores as I sweat and glisten. I love the dewy glow and good vibes that come from a sauna session, and when followed by a quick cool rinse off, I’m ready for whatever’s next on my agenda.


Keep calm and carry on!