“Hold up your cup. Here is some positive tea that I want to pour out for you”.

What is a Risk? You can say it’s a dark tunnel before you reach the end of it. It’s a storm before you can see a rainbow. In other words, it’s a path of uncertainties and insecurities before something great happens. Too many people “play it safe.” This is the playground of mediocrity. It’s where average people live. They color inside the lines and always play by the rules. They fear the unknown and rarely, if ever, venture outside the boundaries. People who “play it safe” are predictable. Their life is run by rules and routine. Their actions are often dictated by the opinions of others. This is the crowd that fights to keep things the same.

Risk-takers, live in the realm of possibility and greatness. They are not afraid to live beyond the boundaries and to color outside the lines. To them, there is no such thing as failure; only experiments that didn’t work! Risk-takers are marked by a sense of adventure and passion. They care little for the accolades of the crowd. They are more focused on squeezing everything they can out of every moment. They are not afraid to “boldly go where no one has gone before.”

For instance, several years ago I was asked by a friend of mine to go hiking in Southern California. He asked about twenty people to go with him. Everyone eventually backed out except me. That trip became one of the defining moments of my life. Why did I do it, but so many others backed out? Because I am a risk taker.

Becoming a risk taker seems to have a negative connotation to it. The word brings up images of danger, hazards or even loss. But no matter how dangerous the idea of risk taking is, there is an even greater danger of not taking risks. Risks are a key ingredient to living life to the fullest.

Think about it. Try naming one historical figure that made a difference by playing it safe and being average. We are inspired by people who go beyond the norm and push the boundaries of possibility. Mediocrity, on the other hand, does not inspire. For example, Bill Gates has consistently made big moves to get what he wants. It is this bold, ‘buy it or bury it,’ risk-taking personality that has made Gates the success he is. Henry Ford would have never invented the automobile if he had paid attention to his critics. David would have never defeated Goliath if he had allowed his own family to discourage him. The list goes on and on.


If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary. – Jim Rohn

Fortunately, the skills of becoming a successful risk taker can be learned.

The first thing you need to do is make sure you’re looking at risk the right way.


Ask the following three questions:


  1. What’s the best-case scenario?


  1. What’s the worst-case scenario?


  1. What’s the most likely scenario?


People who achieve greatness take calculated risks. Weighing your options, performing due diligence, and “getting in the know” is more possible than ever. But, what sets successful people apart from others is that after they have conducted their research, they ACT! They take the leap. They dare to charge ahead. They take the risk!

The second and final thing is “Overcoming Your Fears”

I have fears. You have fears. Simply put, we all have fears. Risks by their very nature are risky and that can be scary. This fear is natural, but can be a roadblock in things you want to do. Sometimes fear can take another form in excuses. This appears when someone has an idea to do something, but something, one thing, is holding them back. They’ll often claim this one thing is “preventing” them from doing what they want to do. When you understand how fears limit you, overcoming them is easier. Every time you aim towards reaching new heights, you will encounter fear. Reaching that next level requires you to take a leap of faith. The choice is up to you, 100% up to you. Either you freeze, fall back and run away or give your fear a push and leap to success!


There’s nothing wrong with understanding the situation, the risks and rewards associated with it and doing your legwork before you head into something. But when you are going to go for it, you really have to go for it. Life doesn’t reward those who sit around playing it safe, too afraid to go after what they want.




The rewards are given to those who take the biggest risks and throw themselves into something time and time again with the belief that they will eventually accomplish it no matter how many times they have failed.


Risk it all.


Because it’s in the risk that you truly come alive.


When you step into your greatest fears you end up realizing that there was nothing to really be afraid of in the first place. It was all shadows dancing around your mind. It was fear shaking in its own boots because it witnessed itself.


The space in between where you are and where you truly want to be in the end is something that should motivate you…not discourage you.

But, you’re not going to get there by just putting your toe in the water.

You have to dive in.

You have to work for it.

Sweat for it.

Dream about it.

And continue the journey until you reach an end that you have absolutely no idea what it will exactly look like or what it will be like. But, you can fully trust that you will have the right feeling when you arrive.

This is your life. You only have one. You should go for it!
