About Alex Pietrowski

Alex Pietrowski is an artist and writer concerned with preserving good health and the basic freedom to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. He is a staff writer for WakingTimes.com and Offgrid Outpost, a provider ofstorable food and emergency kits. Alex is an avid student of Yoga and life.

Proof Surfaces Insurance Co Pays Massive Bonuses to Doctors for Vaccinating Babies

Here is a perfect example of the tactics that Big Pharma uses to incentivize doctors to push vaccines on the public. Insurance company Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) pays pediatricians $400 for EACH fully vaccinated child under the age of 2. This means that for every 100 vaccinated patients, the doctor gets a $40,000 bonus! Moreover, it is now very difficult to find a pediatrician who will accept a family who doesn’t vaccinate. Even parents who partially vaccinate or follow a different schedule have a hard time finding a doctor. Here’s why: doctors have to vaccinate a certain percentage of their patients or they don’t get their bonus. BCBS says doctors need to vaccinate 63% of their patients to get the payout. BCBS outlines the incentive program for vaccinating babies in the BCBS doctor incentives booklet. Below is an image of the childhood immunization incentives page. The program specifies that patients under the age of 2 must receive 24 inoculations for the doctor to receive the $400 per-patient payout. Notice the list includes the flu vaccine, even though evidence suggests that the flu vaccine actually weakens the immune system long-term. Furthermore, during the 2012-2013 flu season, the flu vaccine’s effectiveness was found to be just 56 percent across all age groups reviewed by the CDC. Exorbitant Payouts for Vaccinating Babies So how much money can a doctor make by pushing vaccines on trusting parents? Here’s the breakdown: The average American pediatrician has 1546 patients, though some pediatricians see many more. The vast majority of those patients are very young, perhaps because children transition to a family physician or stop visiting the doctor at all as they grow up. As they table above explains, Blue Cross Blue Shield pays pediatricians $400 per fully vaccinated child. If your pediatrician has just 100 fully-vaccinated patients turning 2 this year, that’s $40,000. Yes, Blue Cross Blue Shield pays your doctor a $40,000 bonus for fully vaccinating 100 patients under the age of 2. If your doctor manages to fully vaccinate 200 patients, that bonus jumps to $80,000. (source: CongitiveTruths.com) The complete BCBS doctor incentives booklet was posted by CognitiveTruths.com here. The booklet shows that payouts aren’t available just for vaccines. Doctors receive bonuses for making sure that patients “adhere to their prescribed drug therapy.” This falls under BCBS category of “disease management” and includes statins, drugs for hypertension, and oral diabetes medications. Doctors also receive bonuses for helping patients manage depression…but only if they do so using drugs. These types of practices by the medical establishment give rise to many questions. First, are doctors more concerned about earning their bonus than about children’s health? That would explain why so many doctors are no longer taking families that do not vaccinate. Further, do doctors even care if the one-size-fits-all approach to vaccination is safe? Finally, if doctors receive payouts for disease management, then why would they want to cure their patients? This approach definitely illustrates the biggest problem of our medical establishment. Let’s face it, the establishment is creating long-term customers instead of [...]

2018-01-07T19:28:48-08:00By |

Prescription Broccoli in a Pill Seen as the Potential Future of Diabetes Treatment

The life-changing disease Type 2 Diabetes is on the rise worldwide, and especially alarming is the fact that rates are on the rise among children and teenagers, potentially condemning them to a lifetime of dependence on pills, shots, blood-sugar testing, and doctor’s visits. There are many natural alternatives to popular prescription medicines, in fact, many of today’s pharmaceuticals are derived from plants, and now concentrated broccoli is being seen as a potential treatment for diabetes. Sulforophane is a miracle compound you have probably never heard of. Found in its highest concentrations in broccoli, and especially broccoli sprouts, the compound is something anyone can grow in their kitchen and consume on a regular basis for very little money, and is being shown to have a beneficial effect on many aspects of health. “Sulforaphane is a precursor nutrient. Meaning, when it enters the body, it starts out as something else and is processed into the super beneficial compound which can stop cancerous tumors from doubling, and help diabetics to balance their blood sugar levels, among hundreds of other clinically-proven health benefits.” [Source] Regarding the most recent study, control participants were given the equivalent of 5 kilograms of broccoli every single day for a number of weeks, some 100 times the amount of sulforophane found in broccoli. The results indicate that the concentrated dose lowered participants’ blood sugar by up to 10% more than participants given a placebo, an encouraging outcome. “The extract reduced blood sugar levels by up to 10 per cent in people with the disease.   Type 2 diabetes usually develops around middle age, often in people who are overweight. Their body stops responding to insulin, which controls the level of glucose in the blood. Abnormal insulin regulation causes a rise in blood sugar levels, which can raise people’s chances of heart attacks, blindness and kidney problems.   People with the condition are often prescribed metformin, which helps to lower blood glucose. However, as many as 15 per cent cannot take this therapy because of kidney damage risks.” [Source] Dr. Rhonda Patrick remarks on the potential of this discovery: “Type 2 diabetics given broccoli sprout extract containing 150 μmol sulforaphane for 12 weeks lowered blood glucose levels by 10% compared to placebo.   Broccoli sprout extract reduced HbA1c by 7.04% in obese patients with dysregulated type 2 diabetes. It has been demonstrated that a 1% decrease of HbA1c corresponds to 37% reduced risk of microvascular complications.   Sulforaphane reduces glucose by suppressing liver enzymes that otherwise stimulate the production of glucose.   In animals, sulforaphane also attenuated exaggerated glucose production and glucose intolerance by a magnitude similar to that of metformin.” ~Dr. Rhonda Patrick In 2012, the worldwide market for diabetes management drugs was nearly $37 billion, and has continued to rise since. The idea that concentrated vegetables could soon be complimentary, or perhaps even replace in some cases, to the standard pharmaceutical treatments In recent years, concentrated broccoli has also been researched as a [...]

2018-01-02T10:49:27-08:00By |

This is What Government Sponsored Mass Surveillance is Doing to Your Mind

Big Brother is watching you and he wants you to believe that if you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear. This is a lie, of course, and as we move deeper into the era of state sponsored technological surveillance, we see more evidence that the loss of privacy and confidence in inter-personal communications is transforming the individual into a compliant, self-policing ward of the state. In one of the first empirical scientific studies to provide concrete evidence of the ‘chilling effects’ that government surveillance has on internet users, Oxford University professor Jon Penney looked at Wikipedia search data and traffic patterns before and after the 2013 revelations by Edward Snowden regarding widespread NSA surveillance of the internet. The results demonstrated an immediate trend towards self-censorship, as traffic and searches for terms like ‘Al Qaeda,’ ‘car bomb,’ and ‘Taliban’ showed nearly instant and mentionable decline. The changes were statistically significant enough to indicate that many people automatically alter their own behavior upon realizing that a punitive authoritarian organization is monitoring them for legitimate or perceived wrongdoings. “If people are spooked or deterred from learning about important policy matters like terrorism and national security, this is a real threat to proper democratic debate.” – Jon Penney In 2013, the organization Pen America conducted a survey of writers in the United States showing that many were already self-censoring themselves in an increasingly oppressive atmosphere of government surveillance. The fear of being caught up in a dragnet of legal and financial problems was sufficient enough for many to change their tone and content, even though no direct physical threat existed. “The results of this survey—the beginning of a broader investigation into the harms of surveillance—substantiate PEN’s concerns: writers are not only overwhelmingly worried about government surveillance, but are engaging in self-censorship as a result.” [Source] Commenting on the effects of authoritarian governments which heavily surveil their citizens, Pen America also notes that, “historically, from writers and intellectuals in the Soviet Bloc, and contemporaneously from writers, thinkers, and artists in China, Iran, and elsewhere—aggressive surveillance regimes limit discourse and distort the flow of information and ideas.” This is without question the intended aim of such programs. That study also included data which indicated how people curtail their online behavior and interactions with other people out of fear of being persecuted by the nanny state: “Smaller percentages of those surveyed described already changing their day-to-day behavior: 28 percent said they had “curtailed or avoided activities on social media,” with another 12 percent saying they had seriously considered doing it; similar percentages said they had steered clear of certain topics in phone calls or email (24 percent had done so; 9 percent had seriously considered it).” [Source] Furthermore, in a 2015 study by the Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT) examining how awareness of government surveillance affected people’s use of Google, the world’s most widely used internet search engine, researchers concluded that, “users were less likely to search using search terms that they believed might get them in trouble [...]

2022-10-12T14:33:25-07:00By |

This Major Organ is the Seat of Your Anger, Frustration and Irritability

We often hear of the problems associated with widespread illnesses and mental health issues like depression and anxiety, but spend a single day out in the big city or some time in rush hour traffic and it quickly becomes apparent we are also in the midst of an epidemic of irritability, frustration and anger. Some argue that mass shootings and other extreme acts of violence are not as ideologically driven as we like to believe, but instead are symptoms of a cultural inability to understand, process and escape from anger. Strong emotions such as anger can be clues that help detect physical illnesses before they fully manifest as serious problems. Anger has long since been linked to the health of the liver and the other organs in the biliary system, which cleans toxins from the blood and aids for breaking down fats in digestion. If the liver is not functioning properly, or the biliary system is clogged or obstructed, then this can first be recognized in a patient’s behavior as irrational anger, fits of rage, and chronic frustration and irritation. The Role of the Liver in Maintaining Vitality Located on the right side of the abdominal cavity above the stomach, the liver sits just below the diaphragm at the bottom of the rib cage. Working with the gallbladder to produce bile, the gnarly green-yellowish fluid consisting of waste products, cholesterol, and bile salts, the liver is also looked at as a warehouse of sorts, controlling the flow of blood to the heart. The liver and associated organs are extremely important to overall vitality and metabolism, and when they’re over-taxed or have become stagnant, the body and mind show it in many ways. Signs may include: Higher than normal levels of anger, irritability, frustration Problems with eyesight Fatigue Skin problems such as rashes and itching Ancient Wisdom for Peaceful Living In the past, traditional cultures have had a completely different approach to diagnosing health, often reading emotional cues as clues to how the physical body was performing. If a person showed signs of being imbalance in favor of one emotion out of the entire human range of emotions, then a closer look at physical was required. People didn’t used to have to depend on the onset of pain before knowing that their health needed to be addressed. “The liver is associated with wood. It stores the blood and is the home of the hun spirits. Among the seven human emotions, only anger is of an intense nature. It dries up the blood and dissipates the hun spirits. The person who understands the way of nourishing the liver, therefore, never throws fits of anger.” ~From Zhang Huang, A Compendium of Illustrated Texts (Tushu Bian), Ming Dynasty READ: The ‘Muscle of the Soul’ may be Triggering Your Fear and Anxiety Even the English language acknowledges the connection between anger and the detoxifying function of the liver which turns toxicity into bile which is then ejected from the body by the excretory system. Consider [...]

2018-01-07T19:28:23-08:00By |

Will Medical Magic Mushrooms Make it on the Ballot Next?

Oregon recently made international news for passing a state bill to decriminalize possession of some hard drugs like cocaine, meth and heroin, demonstrating a progressive option for an end to the disastrous war on drugs. The motivation for this is largely economic, as Oregon struggles with prison overcrowding, however, we do know that legalizing drugs has many positive benefits, as demonstrated in Portugal. This is especially true when the emphasis shifts from looking at drugs as a criminal issue to seeing it as a health issue. The researched medical benefits of cannabis has even opened the door for legal recreational weed in several U.S. States, and society is benefitting in many ways. Pushing the envelope in this regard, a group in Oregon is drafting state legislation for the 2020 ballot to legalize psilocybin mushrooms for use in mental health treatment context within a regulated clinical framework. In other words, medical mushrooms may be the next move in the war on the war on drugs. This only makes sense, because not only are mushrooms the world’s safest recreational drugs, according to a recent study, the psychedelic experience of brought on by ingesting psilocybin is widely beneficial for mental health, and especially powerful for treating depression and anxiety. The Oregon Psilocybin Society (OPS) is the first group in the nation preparing draft legislation which would create a legal framework and industry for people to experience psilocybin mushrooms as treatment for personal and mental health issues. Introducing the idea of ‘psilocybin services,’ OPS is outlining a model for supervised psychedelic experiences: “The Oregon Psilocybin Society (OPS) is proposing a framework for legalizing and regulating the use of psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychoactive compound produced by more than 200 species of mushrooms. The proposal is being formatted as a ballot initiative measure which aims to make supervised Psilocybin Service — shown safe and effective in research settings — accessible to the public here in Oregon. Under the proposed measure, any individual over 21 years of age, upon attaining medical clearance from a physician, could participate in a sequence of sessions, provided on-site at a state licensed Psilocybin Service Center. The service progression would include, at minimum, a preparation session, a psilocybin administration session, and an integration session. All sessions would be facilitated by trained and certified Psilocybin Service Facilitators who are registered with the state.” [Source] Founders of the OPS, Tom and Sheri Eckert, were recently interviewed by Troy Farah of the Psychedelic Times, and expounded a bit on the idea for such services. Tom Eckert: The initiative is getting behind the idea of what we call Psilocybin Services, which is basically following cues from the research. That means supervised services, with a progression from assessment and preparation to psychedelic facilitation and integration afterwards.   Sheri Eckert: Right, so it’s regulated: it’s not making it legal to possess psilocybin; it’s making it legal to have a psilocybin experience.   TE: …and to access it through a licensed service center. We want to [...]

2018-01-07T19:27:50-08:00By |

How Showing Compassion for Animals Can Improve Personal Well-Being

Compassion is the humane side of suffering, which inspires the most beautiful acts of humanity. In man’s world, animals often bear the worst of our dark side, suffering under the stresses of cruelty and ruthlessness, however, being compassionate towards animals may actually be good for your health and well-being, perhaps even prolonging your life. For so many of us, compassion appears to be an innate, instinctual part of the human experience, something so many of us do automatically, and decades of clinical psychological research into the problem of human suffering shows how our most evolved nature is to respond compassionately. A host of university studies share the conclusion that compassion is part of our higher nature, looking at the biological basis for compassion. “Dacher Keltner summarized the emerging findings from this new science of human goodness, proposing that compassion is “an evolved part of human nature, rooted in our brain and biology.”” [Source] Human well-being is multi-dimensional and the corollaries between how we behave and how that behavior in turn affects our overall wellness are more understood now than ever before. When we act from our higher nature, it benefits our health, which may explain the tendency for so many people to live altruistic lives in helping others and protecting animals. “That suffering, as unpleasant as it is, often also has a bright side to which research has paid less attention: compassion. Human suffering is often accompanied by beautiful acts of compassion by others wishing to help relieve it. What led 26.5 percent of Americans to volunteer in 2012 (according to statistics from the US Department of Labor)? What propels someone to serve food at a homeless shelter, pull over on the highway in the rain to help someone with a broken down vehicle, or feed a stray cat?” [Source] Taking this one step further, looking at the tendency of people to extend compassion beyond the human race, showing empathy towards the animal kingdom and the natural world, we find an infinite number of possibilities for improving our own lives by directing our energy toward ending the pain and suffering of many beings. Being compassionate has even been shown to make us more attractive to the opposite sex in behavioral studies looking at societies with more altruistic tendencies. “One more sign that suggests that compassion is an adaptively evolved trait is that it makes us more attractive to potential mates. A study examining the trait most highly valued in potential romantic partners suggests that both men and women agree that “kindness” is one of the most highly desirable traits.” [Source] Furthermore, engaging in acts of compassion, when done for the right reasons, can increase one’s peace of mind and happiness: “The cultivation of well-being has specifically shown that it is eudemonic, rather than hedonic wellbeing which is linked to a sense of connectedness with oneself, and others. Eudemonic wellbeing implies finding meaning and purpose in life, living in accordance with one’s values and developing a sense of long-term “spiritual” health (not necessarily [...]

2018-01-07T19:27:07-08:00By |

Fake Medical Research as Big a Problem as Fake News, Says Former CBS Anchor

As the world confronts the realization that mainstream media organizations are the primary source of fake news and corporate propaganda in our world, more information continues to come to light indicating that much of mainstream science and medical research is also largely fraudulent. In 2015 the editor of the prestigious Lancet Study issued a report warning that as much as 80% of today’s research supporting pharmaceutical marketing is fraudulent. “Much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.” – Dr. Richard Horton, editor of the world’s most respected medical journal, The Lancet These cracks of credibility have been growing for many years now, and as we reported in 2016, the scientific community is proving itself to be highly susceptible to the corruption, dishonesty, dogma, and blatant profiteering, the same negative influences found in all other segments of today’s economy. This is absolutely insane when you consider that the implications of corruption in this field very directly affect people’s lives and well-being by leading them into false cures and phony treatments for life-changing medical issues. Medical research journals influence law, insurance policy, doctor’s decisions, and bolsters prospective treatments and cures for many ailments and diseases. Now, in 2017 we are still uncovering just how flawed and corrupt the medical research industry really is, and this may lead us to question much of what we hear and read on scientific medical studies. A recent report for Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson dives into this issue more deeply. Attkisson is a former anchor for CBS News who quit after 21 years with the network to expose how fake news is rampant within the network. Her best-selling book, The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control What You See, What You Think, and How You Vote, exposes the fake news industry.  In her recent report on fake science, Attkisson interviews a number of respected professionals, beginning with Dr. Marcia Angell who was at one time the editor-in-chief of the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine. Angell is a pioneer in the field of medical journals, but is highly critical of the state of the industry today, has been targeted for her views on this issue. I think physicians and the public have come to believe that drugs are much better and much safer than they really are. ~Dr. Marcia Angell Angell points out this type of corruption wasn’t always the norm, but that things began to change when the pharmaceutical industry became wealthier and gained more influence over doctors and researchers. Dr. Howard Pomeranz offers a similar warning on the impact that pharmaceutical companies now have in producing so-called research. One always has to be aware of the possibility that somebody who is an author or co-author, or someone who is consulted to [...]

2018-01-07T19:26:49-08:00By |

The Alcohol Industry Doesn’t Want You to Understand the Link Between Drinking and Cancer

The alcohol industry doesn’t want you to understand that alcohol consumption, even in moderate degrees, is strongly linked to the development of a number of cancers. Much like the resistance put up by the tobacco industry, the alcohol lobby and powerful in industry trade groups are attempting to persuade the public that the risks are insignificant, although evidence continues to mount. In a recent study undertaken by global British-led team of experts, the alcohol industry was examined for its efforts to obfuscate and downplay the connection between alcohol consumption and cancer, especially breast cancer. Looking at the organizations that most impact public opinion, the study uncovers what the manipulation of public information looks like. “Drinks industry organizations often present the relationship between alcohol and cancer as highly complex, implying there is no clear evidence of a consistent link, said the study led by scientists at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet. Other strategies include denying any relationship exists, or saying inaccurately that there is no risk with moderate drinking, the study found. The industry also seeks to mention a wide range of other real and potential cancer risk factors in an effort to present alcohol as just one of many, it added.” [Source] Of course this type of industry behavior is typical when so much money and political influence is in play, yet just like revelations about the role of tobacco in cancer, the public deserves to know as much as possible, as soon as possible, and this study highlights the lack of concern industry often has for human health. According to the Guardian, “while there are more than 200 types of cancer, alcohol is recognised by key medical authorities as a cause of two of the commonest: breast and bowel cancer, which between them result in almost 100,000 new diagnoses a year in the UK alone.” While cancer may be the scariest possibility to consider, other negative effects of alcohol consumption are actually much more statistically dangerous. “Binge drinking effects over 20% of the US population, according to a recent report published by the U.S. surgeon general. The 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (USDUH) estimates this to be even higher at 27%. Alcohol misuse in the U.S. contributes to over 88,000 deaths each year. Globally, deaths in 2012 attributed to alcohol consumption stacked up to 3.3 million. The statistics are even more staggering when you consider USDUH’s estimate that 86% of people 18 or over who live in the U.S. consume alcohol.” [Source] The alcohol industry study’s conclusion are quoted below. Of note is the inference of how alcohol lobbies are well-connected and sway significant political influence in many nations around the world. “Our analysis shows that, on the contrary, the global AI is currently actively disseminating misinformation about alcohol and cancer risk, particularly breast cancer [48]. The AI, unlike the tobacco industry, still has significant access in many countries to government health departments [52, 53]. It is also active in [...]

2018-01-07T19:26:37-08:00By |

Depression Now the Number 1 Worldwide Cause of Disease and Disability

Something is dreadfully wrong in the world when depression has become such a major cause of dis-ease. Even the most successful members of our society are plagued with this illness, and it has become so prevalent that it is now the number one cause of disease and disability in the world. “According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is now the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide,1,2 affecting an estimated 322 million people worldwide, including more than 16 million Americans. Globally, rates of depression increased by 18 percent between 2005 and 2015.3 According to the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, 11 percent of Americans over the age of 12 are on antidepressant drugs. Among women in their 40 and 50s, 1 in 4 is on antidepressants.4 In addition to the human suffering, the financial impact of depression is also severe. WHO estimates the global economic loss by households, employers and governments is at least $1 trillion annually. Depression is also strongly linked to an increased risk for substance abuse, diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, and suicide.” [Source] These numbers only reflect cases of reported depression, suggesting that in actuality, the crisis may be much worse. In the U.S., suicide rates are now at a 30 year high, coincidentally about 30 years after Prozac was pushed into the mainstream by Pfizer. This begs the question of whether or not the modern catch-all solution of antidepressants is helping this crisis or actually making it worse. Given that one of the known side-effects of antidepressants is an increase in risk for suicide, it would seem logical that taking psychotropic medications for emotional wellness is not the best solution. While most doctors will tell you that medication is the best solution, the three primary causes of depression are known: poor diet, lack of sunlight, and spiritual anemia. People today are suffering from a serious lack of connection to themselves and to the natural world, and as pharmaceutical companies push the boundaries of chemical remedies, a host of natural spiritual medicines that have been clinically proven to swiftly counter depression and anxiety are outlawed by the drug war state. Entheogens like ayahuasca and iboga are not welcome in our society, while psilocybin mushrooms are also illegal, all of which are helping people to overcome mental illness without developing expensive, long-term addictions to pharmaceuticals. READ: The Difference Between My Psychiatrist and My Shaman When such an epidemic as this grows to affect so many, it’s time to reevaluate our lifestyle and our treatment for it, yet this is increasingly difficult with the presence of a medical establishment which limits our understanding of depression while so willingly recommending pills as a convenient solution. This article (Depression Now the Number 1 Worldwide Cause of Disease and Disability) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Alex Pietrowski and WakingTimes.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement. [...]

2018-01-07T19:25:50-08:00By |

MSM and the Dairy Industry Attack Clean Eating as Dangerous

As more information comes to light about both the horrors of dairy industries practices in producing cow’s milk, and the negative health effects of consuming dairy products, more people are rejecting dairy in their diets, and mainstream media is now working to convince people that such dietary choices are dangerous. In a recent article, the Telegraph attacks what they refer to as ‘clean eating,’ aiming to spook readers into believing that modern dietary choices which reject processed foods and foods known to be harmful to many people are, again, dangerous. “A cult of clean eating is a “ticking timebomb” that could leave young people with weak bones, the National Osteoporosis Society has warned. The diets have become increasingly fashionable, and are associated with a number of celebrities, who have boasted how they have cut out gluten, dairy, grains and refined sugars.” [Source] Professor Susan Lanham-New, Clinical Advisor to the National Osteoporosis Society and Professor of Nutrition at the University of Surrey remarked: “Without urgent action being taken to encourage young adults to incorporate all food groups into their diets and avoid particular ‘clean eating’ regimes, we are facing a future where broken bones will become just the ‘norm’. [Source] In a somewhat more balanced article by the BBC a warning is issued about diets that skip out on dairy products. “Dairy-free diets warning over risk to bone health,” reads the headline, which cites a survey by the National Osteoporosis Society expressing concern that people under 25 aren’t getting enough calcium in their diets. “It said it was concerned many young adults were putting their health at risk by following eating fads.” [Source] The primary argument presented in both of these articles is that dairy products are the best source of calcium, and if young people aren’t consuming substantial amounts of dairy products they are putting themselves at risk of developing weak bones and acquiring osteoporosis later on in life. This may be true to a degree, however, there are other ways to get sufficient calcium. Furthermore, both of these articles pin the blame on cultural dietary changes on ‘alternative’ health information and the fact that alternate viewpoints and research is available on the internet. They imply the information ecosystem is to blame for people making poor choices, regardless of the fact that so much of the anti-dairy information on the web is very well documented with scientific and medical studies. Some research even disproves the dairy industry’s claim that milk makes bones stronger. “This group were far more likely than older adults to be getting their information about health and diets from blogs, vlogs and other social media.” [Source] This is fear-mongering by the food industrial complex with the aid of mainstream media, as neither of these articles fairly represent the downsides to consuming the homogenized, pasteurized dairy products of today. The dairy industry is also heavily subsidized by government and spends millions of dollars a year lobbying in to keep it this way. Finally, the dairy industry spends over [...]

2020-09-28T17:17:58-07:00By |

Study Finds Cannabis Reverses Aging Process in the Brain

The movement to free up the weed is growing, thanks in large part to an ever-growing body of scientific research disproving the U.S. government’s assertion that cannabis has no medical value. Research has proven that medical cannabis has a positive effect in the prevention and treatment of cancer, as well as having a clear benefit for seizure patients. The benefits of cannabis on the human brain are still being outlined by medical research, and in a recent study, scientists at the University of Bonn concluded that it can help reverse the aging process in the brain.   Commenting on the study, Dr. Rhonda Patrick, who has ‘extensive research experience in the fields of aging, cancer, nutrition.’ Her research and work is largely devoted to nutrition rather than the study of cannabis specifically, offering an impartial look at the health benefits of cannabis. “Low dose THC from cannabis reverses the aging process in the brain. 12-and 18-month old mice that were given a low dose of THC daily for 4 weeks performed as well as 2-month old control mice on learning and memory tests. The THC treatment completely reversed the loss of performance in the old animals. The mechanism is still unclear. Other studies have found that THC helps clear away amyloid beta plaques from the brain. Additionally, cannabinoids bind to specific receptors called cannabinoid receptors in neurons as well as on immune cells. It is possible that there are multiple mechanisms at play.” [Source] The study examined the effects of THC on certain mice, noting that aging mice saw a return the brain function of their much younger counterparts: “This was shown in mice by scientists at the University of Bonn with their colleagues at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel). Old animals were able to regress to the state of two-month-old mice with a prolonged low-dose treatment with a cannabis active ingredient.” [Source] Speaking to the significance of this finding, Eureka Alert makes the following comment: “Like any other organ, our brain ages. As a result, cognitive ability also decreases with increasing age. This can be noticed, for instance, in that it becomes more difficult to learn new things or devote attention to several things at the same time. This process is normal, but can also promote dementia. Researchers have long been looking for ways to slow down or even reverse this process.” [Source] Regarding the outcome of this study, Professor Andreas Zimmer from the Institute of Molecular Psychiatry at the University of Bonn remarked that, “the treatment completely reversed the loss of performance in the old animals.” And while there is certainly a gap to bridge between mice and humans, the study offers promise in the future development of dementia treatments, a discovery that some in this field find rather exciting. “The promotion of knowledge-led research is indispensable, as it is the breeding ground for all matters relating to application. Although there is a long path from mice to humans, I feel extremely positive about the [...]

2018-01-07T19:25:25-08:00By |

Canadian Study Gives More Evidence Cancer is a Lifestyle Disease Largely Caused by Food

Shockingly, worldwide cancer rates are predicted to rise even further, and that by the year 2020, 1-in-2 women and 1-in-3 men will be diagnosed with some form of cancer. It is so common already, in fact, that it getting cancer is more common than getting married or having a first baby. The cancer industrial complex is negligent in warning people that chemotherapy is now known to actually make some cancers spread and make some tumors more aggressive. Government and its myriad regulatory agencies work diligently to prevent access to natural or alternative cancer treatments, and doctors and the mainstream media give the impression that the causes of cancer are a mystery. In reality, one can significantly reduce the likelihood of getting cancer by making lifestyle changes, and according to a recently published study out of Canada found that the total proportion of cancer rates which can be attributed to lifestyle and environmental factors is quite high, nearing 41%. Regarding the methods used in the study: We estimated summary population attributable risk estimates for 24 risk factors (smoking [both passive and active], overweight and obesity, inadequate physical activity, diet [inadequate fruit and vegetable consumption, inadequate fibre intake, excess red and processed meat consumption, salt consumption, inadequate calcium and vitamin D intake], alcohol, hormones [oral contraceptives and hormone therapy], infections [Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis B and C viruses, human papillomavirus, Helicobacter pylori], air pollution, natural and artificial ultraviolet radiation, radon and water disinfection by-products) by combining population attributable risk estimates for each of the 24 factors that had been previously estimated. [Source] The list above essentially outlines the wide range of personal choices we know can increase the risk of cancer, mainly pointing out that food causes cancer. Along with exercise, and common avoidable environmental factors, cancer is somewhat preventable. Overall, we estimated that 40.8% of incident cancer cases were attributable to exposure to the 24 factors included in the analysis (Table 2). Tobacco smoking was responsible for the greatest cancer burden, accounting for an estimated 15.7% of all incident cancer cases (2485 cases), followed by physical inactivity and excess body weight, which were responsible for an estimated 7.2% and 4.3% of incident cancer cases, respectively. All other exposures of interest were estimated to be responsible for less than 4.0% of incident cancer cases each. [Source] Within this information is the revelation that so much of our food system works against good health. Perhaps the greatest secret here in all of this is the growing awareness of the negative affects that consumption of sugar has on human health. Now, some 80% of all packaged products contain some form of fructose, and sugar has been identified as a top cause of the global cancer epidemic. Final Thoughts In the face of such frightening statistical evidence on rising cancer rates, it is imperative to remember that the individual has more control over their health than the mainstream would have us believe.   This article (Canadian Study Gives More Evidence Cancer is a Lifestyle [...]

2018-01-07T19:25:14-08:00By |
