About Jhoanna Robinson

Jhoanna Robinson is a regular contributor at NaturalNews.com

The Secret to Longevity May Be as Simple as Eating Less Sugar

Dropping Sugar from Your Diet May Extend Your Lifespan!   Cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra said the secret behind the “world’s healthiest village”, which can be found in the village of Pioppi in southern Italy, was as simply as consuming less sugar. Malhotra, a self-confessed ex-sugar addict, has immersed himself in the study of the factors contributing to heart disease and obesity in Britain. As such, his research led him to observe the residents of Pioppi, who mostly live up to 100 years of age, and he found out that diet, lack of stress, at least seven hours of sleep each night, and decrease in sugar consumption – only once a week – were the factors that led the Pioppians to have long lives. “Yes, the local[s] eat pasta – but only in small quantities, and they rarely touch sugar. They only eat dessert on a Sunday, pizza once or twice a month. They take time over lunch. They don’t have a gym but they are constantly on the go,” he said. Pioppians have a high-fat and low-sugar diet, and they touch very little dairy, meat, and carbohydrates. “We did find that those in Pioppi didn’t have a diet rich in dairy products other than cheese, but this wasn’t out of choice; other dairy products simply weren’t widely available. Nor did they eat a lot meat; it was expensive. A diet with hardly any sugar and one that was rich in locally sourced vegetables and fish, with olive oil eaten with practically every meal, gave them significant health benefits,” Malhotra said. And even though it wasn’t intentional, it just so happened that “intermittent fasting” was a part of life in the village, Malhotra said, which incidentally had an anti-aging effect. According to Malhotra, the kind of food that one ingests is more of a determinant in longevity compared to the frequency and severity of vices. “More than physical inactivity, smoking, and alcohol, [diet] contributes to more disease and deaths. This should be the message from doctors – food is medicine.” “There is no such thing as a healthy weight, [only] a healthy person. That is what we all should be aiming for,” Malhotra added. As a member of non-profit organization Action on Sugar, he is calling for Britain’s sugar tax to expand and cover all confectionery products. He is also calling on the British government to ban vending machines and the sale of junk food in hospitals. Malhotra said people’s fear of fat consumption is what prompts them to eat more food rich in sugar and carbohydrates, which contribute to an increased risk of developing heart disease, obesity, and type-2 diabetes. He added that food that are labeled “low fat”, “gluten-free” or “heart-healthy” may be more harmful that initially perceived. Malhotra is also of the opinion that indulging in a Mediterranean diet versus a Western diet makes all the difference. (Related: Mediterranean diet slows cellular aging, study shows) “Many believe that it’s not just individual components components of the Mediterranean [...]

2020-09-28T16:40:46-07:00By |

Natural Carb Blocker Backed by Science is Affordable and Effective at Helping You Lose Weight, Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

For just 25 pounds, you can purchase a carb blocker guaranteed to promote weight loss and hinder post-meal slumps. Created by Polish scientists, Tribitor is a supplement marketed as a carb blocker which is mixed with water and consumed 15 minutes before eating foods that have a high glycemic index (GI). Once ingested, it prevents the absorption of carbohydrates and deters the prevalence of high insulin levels and the accumulation of fats around the midriff, said Kate Marczak, who supervised the supplement’s clinical trials. GI is a value assigned to foods based on how fast or slow they cause increases in blood sugar levels. Some say that carb blockers – which are made of a group of compounds called alpha-amylase inhibitors and which are naturally-occurring in certain foods – decrease the amount of glucose and insulin spikes your body gets after consuming foods that are high in refined carbohydrates. These include items such as rice, bread, chocolate, fizzy drinks, pasta, pizza, and popcorn, among others. They allow you to eat carbs without the unwanted calories. Carbohydrates break down into glucose in the bloodstream, with refined versions such as bread, pasta, and sugar such as there is excessive insulin release as they lead to high spikes in blood sugar that tell the body to make more of the hormone to process it. Insulin is the hormone manufactured in the pancreas that aids the body in moving sugars from food into our bodies’ cells. It delivers glucose to the liver and then the muscles, where it is stored as glycogen to be used as energy. If there is any extra glucose, which usually happens, it is brought to the bodies’ fat cells and kept there, especially around the midriff. Ingesting a carb blocker before eating a meal that is high in refined carbohydrates could help decrease glucose and insulin spikes. This is not to say that it is now acceptable to eat donuts all day, as carb blockers do not reverse the effects of carbohydrates on your body, they merely reduce their effects. “The intake of high GI foods makes your post-meal blood sugar level go up very quickly. A natural compensation mechanism of your body is the release of the hormone insulin. This enables the decrease in blood glucose levels. The higher the glucose spike, the more rapid the insulin reaction,” London-based general practitioner and endocrinology and diabetes specialist Dr. Theodora Mantzourani said. “With an insulin release, blood sugar levels go down again. As the insulin has been rapidly released, blood sugar levels also drop fast and low. This is where post-meal slumps and the cravings for more sugar and carb heavy meals occur,” Dr. Mantzourani, who has a special interest in weight management, added. Experts recommend choosing a carb blocker with sound scientific evidence to back its claims, as well as one that has concentrated ingredients that have a reputation for working. Many carb blockers have single ingredients that have carb-blocking effects, like the white bean [...]

2018-04-02T22:26:55-07:00By |
