About Michelle Simmons

Michelle Simmons is a regular contributor at NaturalNews.com

New Science Confirms You Can Relieve Pain, Attain Better Health with the Power of Your Mind

When it comes to pain relief, the phrase “mind over matter” can be applied. According to an article published in Psychology Today, your mindset affects your health, how fast you heal, and how well treatments work for you. This is because pain, regardless of where it is felt, is processed in the brain and the spinal cord — the central nervous system. Thus, mind-body therapies may be helpful in alleviating pain by changing your perception on it. A team of researchers from Stanford University carried out a study that focused on the treatment for pain catastrophizing, which is characterized by feelings of helplessness, active rumination, and over magnification of feelings toward the painful situation. Moreover, it predicts pain intensity, the need for medication, and the length of hospital stay after a surgery. “Negative pain mindset undermines recovery and predicts the development of chronic pain. You were born motivated to escape pain but you were not born knowing how to modulate pain or the distress that it causes you,” Beth Darnall of the Stanford University School of Medicine explained. In the study, 76 participants who received care at an outpatient clinic were asked to attend a two-hour pain relief mindset class for free. Seventy out of the 76 patients accomplished a survey right after the class. The research team administered the pain catastrophizing scale (PCS) at class check-in, and at the second and fourth weeks after the initial treatment. The findings of the study revealed that a two-hour pain relief mindset class provides patients with the means to change the path and intensity of their pain. Patients acquired control over their own experience of pain. Darnall explained that mindset science can teach people how to calm the nervous system and develop thought patterns that improve functioning in areas of the brain associated with pain control. Currently, the researchers are applying mindset science to help prevent pain after surgery and reduce the risk associated with long-term opioid use. Instead of relying on opioids, health and pain relief mindset interventions help patients improve their positive expectations. In turn, this will help them reduce their use of opioids. Techniques to use your mind to manage pain A lot of people in the U.S. suffer from chronic pain. According to the National Center for Health Statistics in 2006, about 76.2 million or one out of four Americans have suffered from pain that lasts more than 24 hours. Moreover, pain is the leading cause of disability and affects more Americans than diabetes, heart disease, and cancer combined. In addition to this, most patients use opioids to relieve pain, which contributes to the opioid epidemic. In 2016, 11.5 million Americans misused prescription opioids — with 116 people dying each day from opioid-related drug overdose. Aside from positive thinking, here are five other ways that can help you manage pain without the use of pain medications. Deep breathing – Deep breathing is the center of all the other techniques, so it is a [...]

2021-01-13T13:33:38-08:00By |

Acupressure for Asthma: 8 Pressure Points to Relieve Symptoms

(Natural News) Asthma is one of the most common health problems in the world today. It is a long-term lung disease that is most commonly found in children. Fortunately, you can relieve asthma with acupressure techniques. Listed below are eight acupressure points that can help ease the symptoms of asthma. Collarbone pressure point – This pressure point is located on the outer side of the chest, three finger widths below the collarbone. To relieve asthma, press this point with your index and middle fingers for three to four minutes. Regularly doing this can also help ease chest congestion, tension, emotional distress, and breathing problems. Breastbone pressure point – Place your index and middle fingers on the points situated in the hollow below the collarbone and beside the breastbone for five minutes to alleviate asthma. Moreover, this point is effective for mitigating chest congestion, breathing problems, anxiety, and coughing. Shoulder pressure point – To ease asthma, press the point one finger width under the tip of your shoulder blade and rotate slightly. Do this regularly for three minutes. Aside from asthma, this pressure point will help ease sneezing, coughing, and severe muscle pains in the neck and shoulder. The base of the thumb pressure point – The fleshy part near the base of the thumb is where this pressure point is located. Apply slight pressure on this point with your other thumb for five minutes. Doing this regularly will free you from asthma, coughing, swollen throat, and shallow breathing. Wrist pressure point – Positioned on the wrist below the base of the thumb, the small groove in this area will alleviate asthma, cough, and lung problems. With your thumb, press this pressure point for three to four minutes. Release slowly and do the same for the other hand. Throat pressure point – Found in the hollow below the Adam’s apple, this pressure point will improve your breathing. Put your index or middle finger on this point and slightly apply pressure on it. Do this regularly for five minutes three times per day. Index finger joint pressure point – This pressure point can be found on the outer side of the index finger that is slanting to the base of the thumb. With your thumb, apply a small amount of pressure on the sore point in the area for two to three minutes, and do the same procedure on the other hand. Ring finger joint pressure point – This pressure point can be found in the depression near the ring finger. To relieve asthma, regularly move your thumb up and down in this area or to the sore point in the area for two minutes. Repeat the same procedure on the other hand. More on asthma Asthma inflames and narrows the airways that carry air into and out of the lungs. The precise cause of this disease remains unknown. However, scientists believe that some genetic and environmental factors interact to cause asthma, most frequently in early life. [...]

2018-04-02T22:19:25-07:00By |

Brain Farts or Something Else? Telltale Signs of Inflammation in the Brain, and 4 Foods to Fight It

(Natural News) Inflammation is known to play a role in the development of a lot of ailments and long-term health conditions — and the brain is not immune to it. Inflammation in the brain, whether acute or chronic, can cause serious health problems. Because brain inflammation is a silent killer, you must be aware of its telltale signs. You may have inflammation in the brain if you experience one or more of the following: Slow mental processing or a foggy feeling in the brain; Over fatigue or constantly needing caffeine to feel awake; Inability to focus or a short attention span; or Strong reactions to environmental allergens or toxins, such as artificial perfume, secondhand smoke, pollution, or other chemical smells. Furthermore, chronic inflammation in the brain is also associated with one or more other health conditions. These include: Alzheimer’s disease Anxiety Dementia Depression Diabetes Metabolic syndrome or pre-diabetes Mood disorders Multiple sclerosis Parkinson’s disease Stroke Schizophrenia Meanwhile, the exact cause of brain inflammation or encephalitis remains unknown. However, it is most commonly associated with a viral infection. The common viruses that can cause brain inflammation include herpes simplex virus, enteroviruses, mosquito-borne viruses, tick-borne viruses, rabies virus, and childhood infections. In addition, bacterial infections and noninfectious inflammatory conditions can also cause brain inflammation. This condition can occur in anyone, but an increased risk can be seen in young children and older adults and people with HIV/AIDS or those with a weakened immune system. The possibility of developing the condition also depend on geographical regions and season of the year. Four foods to fight brain inflammation Fortunately, inflammation in the brain can be prevented with four foods by nourishing the brain and reducing inflammation. (Related: Pomegranates reduce brain inflammation, helping protect against Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and neurological disease.) Grass-fed butter – Grass-fed butter is a type of butter that is rich in fats and butyric acid — a nutrient that can help to decrease glucose and reverse inflammatory damage from high levels. However, you must be careful when selecting butter. Make sure that it is grass-fed and of high quality because conventional butter does not have the same fatty acid contents. Avocado – Avocado is a known superfood because it is not only rich in healthy fats, but also in various vitamins and minerals. It has monounsaturated fats that can help restrain and balance oxidized cholesterol, which is an inflammatory marker that can be linked with brain inflammation and other health risks such as stroke and Alzheimer’s disease. Coconut oil – Coconut oil is another superfood that contains medium chain fatty acid that can be transformed by the liver into ketones for fuel. Consuming coconut oil can be beneficial to the brain as it can lessen inflammation. Moreover, it can help lower insulin and reduce body fat as well as aid in weight loss. Salmon – Salmon has the greatest levels of omega-3 fatty acids compared to other fish varieties. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to contain strong anti-inflammatory [...]

2020-09-28T17:03:22-07:00By |

Strengthen Your Immune System with Acupressure: Top 7 Points to Give You A Boost

(Natural News)Too much stress, poor quantity and quality of sleep, a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and obesity are the most common factors that weaken your immune system, which in turn lead to sickness. To avoid getting sick and strengthen your immune system, try acupressure. Acupressure is a 2,000-year-old traditional Chinese practice that is effective in treating illness and pain. It is a method of sending signals to the body to turn on its own self-healing or regulatory mechanisms by applying physical pressure on different pressure points on the surface of the body with the use of the hand, elbow, or other tools. The Qi — or vital energy — circulates through meridians, the natural pathways in the body. This method helps restore balance and the flow during an illness or pain. In turn, this will bring back the the body to a more natural state of well-being. Here are the top seven acupressure points to strengthen your immune system that you can do yourself or apply to your loved ones. Great Ravine – Great ravine is situated halfway between the highest point of the inner ankle bone and Achilles tendon. Alternately stimulate this point on both of your feet to help enhance the immune system. This acupressure point is also known to help treat asthma, sore throat, headache, and anxiety. It also helps regulate proper functioning of the kidney. Great Rushing – Located on the top of the foot, in between the big and second toes, stimulating this point can help boost the immune system by improving blood flow all over the body and regulating Qi flow. In addition, it helps relieve vision problems, headaches, menstrual cramps, lower back pain, and insomnia. Three Yin Crossing – This point is the intersecting point of the spleen, liver, and kidney meridians. It is positioned three fingers above the inner ankle bone, along the back of the tibia. Applying pressure on this point on both feet one after the other helps relieve immune weakness and restore vitality. Moreover, it helps reduce stress, treat gynecological problems like premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and painful or irregular menstruation, ease pain in the lower back and knee, and treat insomnia and dizziness. However, this point must not be stimulated during pregnancy. Three Mile Point – Placed two finger widths out from the shin bone and one palm width below the patella, this point, when stimulated, helps re-energize the body and manage immune functions. Furthermore, it helps in stress reduction and depression and is an effective treatment for digestive problems, fever, and shortness of breath. Shu Mansion – This point can be found below the collar bone in the depression near the breast bone. Applying pressure on this point can enhance the immune system, relieve depression and anxiety, clear nasal congestion, and treat difficulty in breathing. Crooked Pond – Placed at the top of the elbow crease, at the rim of the joint, this acupressure point is recommended for treating fever and alleviating constipation [...]

2018-04-02T22:24:56-07:00By |
