About Dr. Tabatha Carr

Dr. Tabatha Carr, ND, MBA, PMP is a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness, focusing on the extremely powerful and effective tools of natural medicine. She is a leading advocate for women using the power of their mind, body, and spirit to bring positive changes to their lives. Dr. Carr recognizes that women today face many personal challenges which can keep them from living a full life, including issues around weight management, hormonal imbalances, blood sugar imbalances, adrenal fatigue, and more. Dr. Carr specializes in identifying the root causes of a woman’s symptoms and partners with her to address these issues, leading to a life of energy, good health, and balance. When she is not working, Dr. Carr focuses on bringing positive energy to her community. She can be found playing the piano for her church, volunteering at local charities, or doing public speaking.

Heart Health

The heart is the essence of our lives, the center of emotional wisdom, and sometimes referred to as our heart chakra which is the source of our love. It is imperative to take care of our heart and the good thing is YOU are in control and it starts with your LIFESTYLE! What action can you take to start moving towards a healthier heart? You can start by understanding metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a group of factors that influence the risk of developing heart and other health challenges. These factors place people at a higher risk for heart challenges.   Let’s take a look at the risk factors for metabolic syndrome: Larger waistline (more than 40 inches for men and more than 35 inches for women) Elevated fasting glucose (more than 100) Elevated triglycerides (more than 150 mg) Elevated blood pressure (more than 130/85) Low HDL (less than 40mg in men and less than 50mg in women) Inflammation (specifically an elevated C-reactive protein) The presence of three or more of these factors will put you at greater risk for developing heart and other health challenges.   There are several ways for you to start working on these numbers. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can start today. For a smaller waistline, consider increasing your fiber and reducing your sugar intake. To improve your fasting glucose, start reducing sugar, reducing simple carbohydrates, drinking more water and adding spices like cinnamon to your morning drink. For elevated triglycerides, blood pressure and HDL, increase your activity, add in some cayenne pepper, hawthorn, CoQ10 and essential fatty acids for circulation. For inflammation, increase your water intake, reduce your salt and reduce high processed foods with hidden sugars. A good mineral supplement is great for all of these risk factors.   The link between diet and heart health is becoming clearer. What you put on your plate can influence just about every aspect of heart health, from blood pressure to inflammation to triglyceride levels. Start taking these necessary steps, follow a well-balanced diet and get in some physical activity to minimize your risk for heart and other health challenges. -- Dr. Tabatha Carr, ND Livingandlovinglife.org

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Emotional Health

Isn't it sometimes exhausting to keep up with everyday life? You have all the pressures of your job. You give your time and energy to your kids and have the joy, tears and work that make up your marriage. Then there are the million other responsibilities pulling you in every direction all the time. Life can be challenging when things are going relatively well and it can also seem near impossible when things are not. This is because everyday events affect our emotions and our emotions can have a direct, physical influence on our health. In Latin, the word "emotions" means "to move-out." So we can see that "emotions" are a result of what is going on inside our body and they need "to move-out" of our body one way or the other. Did you know that how you feel about yourself affects your body, mind, and spirit? It also manifests in your parenting, relationships, and career because it influences how you relate to others. We all know the glass trick – half empty or half full! But did you know that according to a Harvard University and Northwestern University study, pessimists have twice as many illnesses than optimists? At the same time, optimists are twice as likely than their counterpart pessimist friends to have ideal heart health. The body’s response to stress is to suppress your immune system. This causes a cycle of problematic challenges within your body. Let’s take a look at how our emotions manifest these challenges – which organs are affected and the following possible results.     Are you taking time to nurture YOU so that you can live a better and fuller life? The more you do so, the more you will notice a shift in your energy and productivity. This might require waking up 15 minutes earlier to take deep breaths, meditate, or exercise. You can also try a few of the following 7 ideas to help you easily maintain your emotional health:   Start your day out with meditations and affirmations. Identify the stressors in your life and find ways to relieve that stress. Eat living, high vibrational, whole foods that support your energy. Get adequate physical activity to increase serotonin and reduce stress. Get enough sleep to honor the circadian rhythm and for your body to recharge and heal. Remain hydrated with plenty of water to keep your body cleansed of toxins. Add Omega 3 fatty acids and B vitamins to support your hormones and adrenal health.   Emotions are not always bad. They tell us that we need to change or fix something. Give these tips a try so that you can handle those job pressures like a pro, enjoy your time with your kids and husband more, and confidently face all those other challenges life is getting ready to throw your way. For optimal health and happier relationships, take those emotions and get them moving out instead of keeping them in and internalizing them. [...]

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