New Fields to Pursue After Losing Your Job Due to the Pandemic

After losing your job, it can be easy to feel distraught and wonder what to do next. Losing your job during the Covid-19 pandemic is another event entirely and can make these feelings exponentially more potent. Despite this, take solace in the fact that you are not alone. As covered by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 10 million workers in July alone reported being out of work directly due to their employers business being affected by Covid-19. Clearly, the disruption caused by the pandemic has been widespread. However, there are still paths available to employees currently looking for work that will survive long into the future. Whether it’s a surprise to you or not, technology is changing how work is performed. From the skills required of employees to the job tasks themselves, nothing will be the same in a few years. Therefore, recovering your career after losing your job due to the pandemic may involve pursuing a tech-based field.   Look Into Coding When it comes to the fields and skills that will be incredibly important in the future of work, coding dominates everything. While closely related to programming, which has been around for decades, coding has emerged as a skill of its own in just the last decade. This important skill has been changing the way work is performed and is responsible for a lot of the automation seen in industries today. As mentioned, there are a number of tech jobs that use coding as the base skill which can be pursued via a coding bootcamp. This quick and cheap alternative to traditional college education is capable of giving anyone the skills needed to launch a career with this skill in a matter of months. Coding is an example of a skill that will be a staple of work for decades and, as the number of computers and smartphones increase, will only become exponentially more important as the years go on. Getting a little more specific, you may be wondering where to possibly begin and with which language. Business Insider covered a study that found Python and Javascript were two of the most popular languages, so that would be a good starting place for anyone.   Consider Becoming a Data Scientist If learning how to code at an intense level doesn’t seem like something you could do, consider instead becoming a data scientist. This important field is responsible for taking the large amounts of data gathered by a given company and sorting through the information to turn it into meaningful data that executives can use to make business decisions. Although this field used to require a master’s degree to enter, popular data science bootcamps have become more common and can teach anyone the skills they need to land a job in this field. Landing a career in this field may be as easy as enrolling in an online program offered in your area. Data science is one of those tech fields that doesn’t [...]