Exercise Not Only Boosts Immunity, It Protects You from Cancer: Study

Did You Know Working Out Can Help Fight Against Cancer?   We all know that regular exercise can certainly improve overall health in often immeasurable ways, but a new study suggests that it could also enhance your immune system and maybe even help protect against cancer. The small study, conducted by researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in conjunction with the Rocky Mountain Cancer Rehabilitation Institute, found that a large number of the immune T cells in cancer survivors managed to improve their ability to fight disease after they participated in an exercise class for 12 weeks. "What we're suggesting is that with exercise, you might be getting rid of T cells that aren't helpful and making room for T cells that might be helpful," said researcher Laura Bilek, of the University of Nebraska Medical Center, in a statement. "If exercise indeed strengthens the immune system and potentially improves cancer surveillance, it's one more thing we should educate patients about as a reason they should schedule regular activity throughout their day and make it a priority in their lives," she added. 'A variety of positive associations between exercise and cancer' A press release from the American Physiological Society said the exercise program was implemented after patients finished chemotherapy, and that "their immune systems remodel themselves to become more effective, potentially fending off future incidences of cancer." The new research, presented at the Integrative Biology of Exercise VI meeting Oct. 10-13, which was sponsored by the APS, has yet to be published in a peer-reviewed journal so the findings should be considered preliminary. Nevertheless, researchers said, "previous research had turned up a variety of positive associations between exercise and cancer - notably, that exercise can reduce the risk of getting initial incidences of several different types of cancers, can often improve prognosis in cancer patients, and can reduce the risk of recurrence and secondary cancers survivors of some types of cancers. However, the mechanism behind these phenomena has been unknown." 16 people who survived cancer were included in the study; all but one of whom had just finished chemotherapy. Researchers took initial blood samples from participants and analyzed the numbers of senescent and naive T cells (senescent T cells do not fight disease well, while naive T cells do). Then, participants went through a 12-week program of exercise where they performed cardio, strength training and flexibility workouts. At the end of the program, researchers drew more blood samples to reexamine T cell levels. Researchers discovered that in most participants, the ratios of their T cells changed from more senescent and fewer naive T cells to fewer senescent and more naive T cells. 'A litany of positive benefits from exercise' "What we're suggesting is that with exercise, you might be getting rid of T cells that aren't helpful and making room for T cells that might be helpful," says Bilek, adding that the findings highlight the importance of exercise for everyone, including those suffering from [...]

2020-09-18T17:16:19-07:00By |

Thrifty Tips for Losing Weight so You Can Enjoy Better Health

Culturally, when we talk about losing weight, we usually do so with an eye toward how we look. However, reducing the amount of fat on your body also offers a number of other benefits, like better sleep quality and better general health. If it’s time for you to shed some excess weight, here’s how to do it without going through too much work or too much expense.   Work in a Workout Chances are, you’re well aware that one of the keys to weight loss can be exercising. Many people don’t exercise though because they think of it as something they don’t enjoy. They see it as too much work, too much discomfort, or just plain ineffective. Yet, Live Science notes that even short workouts can be effective in your weight-loss program — and you can do something you enjoy! If traditional options like jogging, cycling, or yoga don’t appeal to you, think about martial arts, volleyball, or indoor climbing. There are plenty of ways to get your workout in without investing in a costly gym membership; for example, put on a playlist and work on your dance moves, do some yard work for exercise, or download some free fitness apps that coach you on good choices and workout routines. To keep yourself comfortable, you should always dress appropriately for whatever activity you choose. For instance, for most sports, you’ll want supportive, good-fitting athletic shoes, stretchy outer clothing, and appropriate undergarments. If you need to invest in some new pieces, you don’t need to spend a bundle there, either. Retailers like Old Navy offer activewear, you can shop online for their sales, and you can even pick up an Old Navy coupon or promo code to help you save even more money on your purchases.   Examine Eating Habits The other obvious key to dropping unwanted pounds and inches is consuming fewer calories. Keep in mind, however, that we aren’t suggesting you should eat less food; that’s not the same thing as consuming fewer calories. In fact, if you play your cards right, you might even be able to eat more on your weight-loss journey — or eat less and feel satisfied. As Woman’s Day explains, there are some foods that work as appetite suppressants. Eggs, beans, avocados, and Greek yogurt are just a few foods that make you feel full, so you’ll need less food to be satisfied. There are several reasons for this. Foods with the right types of fat, protein, and/or fiber are the key, and with some foods, like avocados, you get more than one of those magical nutritional components. Since they are more nutrition-dense and lower calorie than unhealthier options like processed or fast food, you can often consume larger quantities. Another way to produce that fantastic full feeling is with soups. By making soups with healthy sources of fat, protein, and fiber, you get the whole package, all in your bowl. On top of that, soups are ultra-convenient. You [...]

2020-09-25T17:18:27-07:00By |

The Benefits of Running

Running is one of the most popular sports around the globe and is something that everyone is, at least, somewhat familiar with. What many may not know are the numerous benefits that running offers us. This isn’t limited to physical rewards, either. When I first started running at a young age—before many of you were born—I thought it was solely good for fitness endurance. You know, to help me run for longer distances in shorter times. While this is true, little did I know that there are some other amazing benefits to running. I bet you didn’t realize some of these, either!   Top 10 Benefits of Running Running comes with even more benefits than we have time for today. What I can say is that they range from physical to psychological and also some that are a matter of convenience. If you’re in a rush and want the shortlist, check these out, but if you prefer the nitty-gritty, scan below: Aids weight loss. Increases bone density. Boosts confidence. Improves mental health. Builds endurance. Prevents high blood pressure. Strengthens immunity. Increases lung capacity. Can be done anywhere. Totally legal high.     Aids Weight Loss Are you looking to lose some weight? Basic science tells us that in order to shed pounds, we need to burn more calories than we consume. The good news is that running burns calories at a higher rate than many other forms of physical fitness. This includes jumping rope, bicycling and swimming, among others. Not only that, but there’s the “afterburn effect,” as well. This refers to the energy our bodies continue to use after we exercise and have returned to a state of rest. For high-intensity runners, this effect could be even more rewarding. Maybe you’re a newbie, and full-on sprints sound like a nightmare. Don’t worry; it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You could sprinkle some high-intensity bursts into your normal routine and see where it takes you. Just make sure that you have the right footwear. If you're in any doubt then check out our best running shoes page for all of our recommended shoes. No matter your sport or type of injury, we have you covered. Whether it's the best running shoes for high arches, the best running shoes for plantar fasciitis, the best running shoes for supination, the best running shoes for flat feet, the best running shoes for heavy men, the best sprinting shoes, or something different. So if you're in the market for a new pair of running shoes check out our reviews and recommendations.     Increases Bone Density When we reach our 30s and 40s, this becomes a real concern. To prevent osteoporosis, we have to make sure our bones are in good shape, and one of the best ways to combat the condition is through regular exercise. Weight-bearing activities, in particular, are shown to have a great impact. For example, in one study conducted on men from the [...]

2020-09-23T16:57:17-07:00By |

6 Ways To Build Strength And Muscle Mass

A healthy body with considerable muscle mass and a lean physique is never out of trend. Whether it is for flexing at a competition or to look fabulous in your everyday life, a robust muscular stature is alluring to many. It shows one's discipline and dedication towards their sport and life in general. You not only exhibit confidence, but also feel great to have perfected your practice. By all means, one may try to achieve it as fast as possible. But before you get ambitious about gaining huge muscle mass, you may want to take a little time in planning your routine first. For it is not merely exercising and increasing the food volume that gets you muscular, numerous aspects need incorporation when you want the actual results.   Devise an efficient workout plan. You may choose any form of exercise to stay fit, but some of them focus primarily on burning fat and adding mobility. While The HIT and aerobics exercise sweats you out and burns a fair amount of fat per session, but in terms of building muscle mass, they might not be a big hero. To get body gains along with the strength, you may most likely want to make yourself a workout plan that includes a substantial amount of strength training routine. Hitting some weight on the bar primarily focuses on breaking down your old muscles and recovering them stronger than before. If you supply yourself with the right technique and, of course, appropriate nutrition, you will walk out with stronger and bigger muscles. When one wants to gain muscle endurance, and resistance training is the king, all you have to decide is what forms will hold your interest and bring maximum results to you. Each body is different so that each individual may respond differently. The frequency, volume, density are small nit-grits that hugely impact your results. Taking help from a legit coach to build a plan for you to deal with uncertainty and get you the results faster and more efficiently.   Proportionate your macros. Like your exercise routine, another vital component that is responsible for muscle growth is your diet structure and calorie input. It is not only about what you eat, but your meal timings also play a vital role in supplying your body with consistent nutrition throughout the exercise and the recovery phase. What and how you eat has an important role to play in your fitness journey, if you are looking to build muscle you may want to proportionate your macros in a ratio that are more carbohydrates, approximately 40 percent, while keeping optimal protein and fat ratios. You may variate this percentage depending on your body needs.   Introduce a small surplus. To build muscle mass, you need to eat above your maintenance calories. You can easily estimate your calorie intake per day and introduce a small surplus ranging from 200 calories to 500 calories, depending on your goals. You can eat one surplus [...]

2020-06-09T17:47:54-07:00By |

5 Ways Exercise Can Boost Mood and Energy

Everyone admires a great body. It improves your self-image and self-esteem. If you want to lose weight and get in shape,  a great workout routine is what you need. Sportsmen and women are always in great shape and health because they exercise a lot. It is impossible to disregard the benefits of regular exercise and its contribution to health and well-being. Many people have turned to performance-enhancing drugs to boost their output during exercise, but do you actually understand what exercise does to your body? Many people know that physical activity helps with fitness, but there are more benefits of exercise beyond physical fitness. The advancement of science has helped us understand the interaction of physical activity with the muscles, bones, heart, lungs, and brain and the benefits of exercise to these areas. Let’s look at five key ways in which exercise boosts mood and energy levels in your body. 1. Boosts Energy Levels Exercise is vital in stimulating muscle growth and strengthening bones. When coupled with appropriate protein intake, physical activities such as push-ups can help with muscle growth. During intense physical activity, the body releases hormones that increase the absorption of amino acids, which act as biofuels during exercise. This increases energy flow throughout the body, which boosts the flow of oxygen and nutrients to different tissues and improves cardiovascular activity. With this increased energy flow, you will have more strength to handle different activities. Because of the role of exercise in muscle and bone density growth, physical activity is useful in preventing muscle wasting and osteoporosis. 2. Helps Improve Mood Many doctors prescribe exercise to depressed and stressed patients as an alternative or supplement to medication. Scientific evidence has shown that exercise’s ability to increase the heart rate and energy levels helps alleviate conditions such as depression and anxiety, which in turn, improves mood. Exercise helps stimulate a range of brain chemicals, such as endorphins, which improve mood and leave you feeling more positive and calmer. Exercise alone can help alleviate stress and prevent the onset of depression. Scientific evidence suggests that regular exercise for a period of 16 weeks is an effective anti-depressant among people who do not exercise regularly. If you have had a stressful day, a casual walk or a gym session may be just what you need to feel better! With regular exercise, you will not only feel less anxious, more relaxed, and happier, but you will also have improved self-image, a boost in self-confidence, and high self-esteem. 3. Improve Sleep Quality Exercise is associated with increased production of serotonin, a hormone useful in the synthesis of melatonin. Melatonin is the hormone that regulates the sleep/wake cycle. Hence, regular exercise can help you regain and maintain your sleep pattern. With good exercise, you should not struggle to fall asleep or wake up in the morning. Exercise also depletes energy in the body, and when you fall asleep, the body enters a recuperative process, leading to deeper, better quality [...]

2020-04-13T17:34:01-07:00By |

Stay Healthy and Fit After 50

Staying healthy and fit is a goal that many people have. Not only do we want to look good, but we want to remain healthy. While looking young, keeping your skin youthful and staying healthy and fit is easier when you’re younger, it becomes much tougher as you age. However, just because you’re getting older doesn’t mean you need to give in and no longer be healthy, fit or care about your skin and how you look. There are things you can do to age gracefully and keep yourself healthy and looking great well into your 5th decade of life and beyond. Without any further ado, this article is going to go over some ways to stay healthy, fit and beautiful as you get older.   Have High-Quality Health Insurance Having health insurance is incredibly important to maintaining your health as you get older. In many cases, it will drastically reduce the amount you need to pay for most healthcare services. Without it, visiting the doctor, getting prescriptions and doing many other things that are important as we get older will be quite expensive. This may keep people from visiting the doctor as often as they should. Be sure to do some research on the best health insurance plans for you. Your needs may differ from your friends, so be sure to evaluate your own needs and select a plan based on that. For example, some people need things like dental and prescription coverage, while others may not. Of course, once you have health insurance, it is important to use it. For example, visiting a doctor once a year for a check-up is always a good idea. Also, if you notice anything feels or seems out of the ordinary, don’t be scared to visit a doctor.   Eat a Balanced and Healthy Diet and Exercise What you eat is incredibly important to your overall health. A bad diet full of unhealthy foods is sure to not only affect your health, but also how you feel. Instead, you should aim to eat a balanced diet full of the nutrients you need. Unfortunately, many people in the USA struggle mightily with their diet. A bad diet can also contribute to many diseases like diabetes, heart disease and several others. The better you eat, the more healthy, fit and happy you will likely be as you get older. In addition to having a good diet, you should try to remain active as you get older as well. Even taking a few long walks a week or doing some light workouts can help you look and feel much better. Of course, be sure to listen to your body when exercising. Don’t overwork yourself and know what your body can handle and what it cannot. Injuries from improper exercises or trying to do too much can be incredibly painful and easily preventable.   Use the Right Skincare Products One of the most visible signs of aging that most people show [...]

2021-01-05T17:11:38-08:00By |

Senior Wellness: How Preventive Care and Technology Can Help Keep You Healthy

Age is the primary risk factor for cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer, and a variety of other illnesses. However, just because you are getting older doesn't mean you can't take steps to stay as healthy as possible. With preventive care, technology, and healthy habits, you can increase longevity, improve immunity, and lower the risks of contracting a number of diseases.   Preventive Care As you age, annual physicals and preventive screenings become more and more important. You need to catch cancer and other diseases early for the best chances of recovery. When it's time to renew your health insurance, compare Original Medicare to Medicare Advantage plans to figure out the best choice for you. The Medicare Open Enrollment period runs from October 15 through December 7 each year. During this time period, you can switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage plan (and vice versa). You can also change from one Medicare Advantage plan to another, as well as add or switch your Medicare Part D plan (prescription drug coverage). Medicare Advantage plans are legally required to cover everything covered by Original Medicare, plus many offer other benefits such as dental, hearing, and vision care, as well as prescription drug coverage, wellness programs, and gym memberships. Compare the premiums, copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles of various plans, as well as the list of benefits, to determine which plan will meet your needs.   Daily Exercise Exercise is vital for people of all ages since it can benefit your blood pressure, sleep habits, and all other areas of life. One way to track your physical activity level is by using smartphone apps. If you'd like to upgrade your current phone, look for a new phone that has the capacity to run a variety of apps. The Samsung Galaxy S10 is a top choice with its high processing speed, durable Gorilla Glass, and super quick wireless charging capability. If you are more of an Apple fan, then check out the new iPhone 11 Pro Max, which has an amazing triple camera system and fingerprint-resistant glass. In addition to having a great smartphone, you should also look into getting an unlimited data plan so you can use your new phone as much as you’d like. Some of our favorite exercise apps for seniors include: Johnson & Johnson's 7 Minute Workout - This app is great if you are on a time crunch and want to get in a quick but effective Runkeeper - This app tracks your speed, distance, and routes with GPS, whether you are hiking, biking, or training for a marathon. Instant Heart Rate - This app allows you to monitor your heart rate accurately and easily by putting the tip of your finger on the camera lens.   Healthy Eating Exercise isn’t enough to stay healthy. You also need to eat well. According to reports by the World Health Organization (WHO), a majority of the diseases that older people suffer from are the result [...]

2019-11-07T16:35:53-08:00By |

Ten Ways to Stay Active as We Age

As you get older, you may find yourself slowing down. But taking the lazy way out and not making the time to move and nourish your body can come with detrimental consequences to your health such as a decrease in your strength, cardio, balance, flexibility, and overall well being. That is why it is important to stay active as you age. But staying active doesn’t have to take the form of laborious workout regimens or pushing your body to the brink. There are several less demanding ways to get active throughout the day that will have your mind and body thanking you later. Here are ten of my favorite ways to stay active as you age: 1. Get Up If you work a desk job or you spend a lot of time at home, then you may get in the habit of sitting for long periods of time. While a more sedentary lifestyle can be tempting, it is essential to split your time sitting up with microbreaks so you can ease inflammation and rejuvenate your body and mind. So stand up, stretch, walk around the office (or your house), or go outside at least every couple of hours. Even if you only move around for just three minutes every two hours you will feel lasting results. 2. Do Strength Training We lose as much as three to five percent of our muscle mass each decade after age 30. The takeaway? If you don’t use your muscles, they will degrade. Performing weight-bearing exercises will help maintain and add muscle tone. These activities can include walking, jogging, hiking, and taking the stairs. 3. Stretch As you get older, you may notice that your body isn’t as flexible as it once was. It is just as important to spend time stretching as it is spending time doing strength training or cardio. Proper stretching will not only make you feel more limber, but it can also reduce injuries and improve balance. 4. Join a Team If you’ve always been a team player and are motivated by working alongside others to achieve a common goal you should consider joining a team. Basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis, and many other sports are available in recreational activity centers. If you love to play or want to learn then you should consider signing up. Sports take a tremendous amount of cardio, strength, and time. Playing just a couple of times a week will easily help you meet your exercise quota. 5. Attend a Workout Class There are hundreds of different classes available for people of all ages. You can do anything from dancing to martial arts to spin classes. Fun, interactive classes make exercising much more enjoyable and can take away the pressure of having to form your own exercise regimen. For those with Medicare, there is an option of adding Medicare Supplement Insurance that offers SilverSneakers, a fitness program with access to gyms and other workout classes. 6. Try Balance Training As you [...]

2019-08-12T17:54:23-07:00By |

Exercise and Falls: How Working Out Can Save a Senior’s Life

Falls are Deadly for Seniors While heart disease is the number one killer in the world, falls are the leading cause of death and injury for older adults in the United States. When a senior falls, they risk lacerations, bone fractures, and head traumas. Once they have a serious injury like that, it doesn’t take long for other health issues to snowball and leave lasting damage on the person’s body. Even if the fall doesn’t take their life, it can lead to mobility issues and continued care needs that can significantly impact a senior’s mental health. The best course of action is to do whatever is possible to prevent falls for older adults. Vertigo from medications can often play a roll, so always review your medicine’s side effects, and have your doctor replace ones that cause dizziness or drowsiness. Evaluate your environment. It may behoove you to remove trip hazards like rugs, ottomans, and coffee tables in rooms with a lot of traffic. Open up curtains and let more natural light in, and consider adding more lamps and lights to rooms without windows. Seniors should have their vision tested at least once a year and report to their optometrists if they find their eyesight growing weaker or often experience blurry vision. Dress comfortably and choose shoes that are supportive and provide good friction.   Exercise as Fall Prevention One fall prevention method that often gets overlooked is regular exercise. Many people assume that because the body is less mobile than when it was young, they can’t participate in sports or work out at the gym. The truth is, exercise has a whole slew of benefits for seniors. Working out regularly helps reduce the risk of developing certain diseases. Combined with a healthy diet,  it is a great way to control weight. Exercise is also really beneficial for mental health. It relieves stress and reduces anxiety. When you exercise, your brain also gets a surge of feel-good neurotransmitters that promote feelings of positivity. Working out can also help prevent overall cognitive decline -- something seniors can really benefit from. When it comes to exercises for seniors, it’s important not to push the limits too much. The best exercises are low impact for a reduced risk of injury. Keeping the workouts indoors is also a good idea. While there are benefits to exercising outdoors, when limiting oneself to the indoors, seniors have easier and quicker access to medical help if needed.   Cardio Exercises for Seniors Cardio exercises improve respiration, heart health, and immunity. An easy cardio workout for seniors to pick up is swimming. Swimming is gentle on the joints and very soothing. It doesn’t have to be done at any certain speed, and most seniors have access to a pool within their community. You can also use cardio equipment like treadmills, stationary bikes, or elliptical trainers that allow you to control the intensity of your workout while tracking progress.   Balance Exercises for Seniors Balance [...]

2022-10-12T14:08:12-07:00By |

The Top 10 Detox Herbs

How to Find The Best Detox Herbs Today I want to explore ten of the best detox herbs used to cleanse various organs and systems of the body. Most of these herbs have been part of the therapeutic lexicon for hundreds, if not thousands, of years and are known across many cultures and borders to help with various ailments and health conditions. Due to their long history, popularity, and reported effectiveness, some of these herbs are also active ingredients in some of our most effective body cleansing products. 1. Organic Gum Acacia Made from the sap of the acacia tree, this substance has been used for centuries to help relieve symptoms of diarrhea by adding bulk to bowel movements and improving electrolyte absorption. It is also one of several ingredients in Oxy-Powder®. As a hydrocolloid, it is used as an emulsifier to stabilize and facilitate synergy between two ingredients which would not normally mix well together. [1] If you’re looking for a supplement that can help with digestion, check out OXY-POWDER in the AlrightStore. 2. Dandelion For centuries, parts of the entire dandelion plant have been used to help with a wide range of maladies. It promotes bowel regularity and good hydration levels in the body. And, its famous derivative, dandelion tea, has been used to help with joint discomfort. Dandelion root is used in our liver-cleansing product, Livatrex® because it supports bile production, and bile helps transport toxins out of the body. Dandelion is also believed by some to help the body’s immune system. [2] 3. Organic Milk Thistle This herb has been used to help the gallbladder and liver for over 2,000 years. It has been known to help produce bile, which in turn improves digestive function. Milk thistle is an active ingredient in Livatrex, which is our most popular liver and gallbladder cleansing product. [3] 4. Black Walnut Europeans were first introduced to this herb in the 1600’s. Three active agents in black walnut, juglone, tannins, and iodine, make it particularly effective in natural health and wellness practices. Juglone is the black walnut’s natural defense mechanism, which helps fight against harmful organisms like bacteria and fungus. Tannins also help deter harmful organisms. Iodine, an essential mineral to all life forms, helps reduce the lifespan of many harmful organisms. 5. Wormwood The subject of much folklore, wormwood’s potent reputation as a component of absinthe lead to it being banned in the United States for many years. Despite the momentary hiccup, wormwood is back and has been used since Egyptian times to fight harmful organisms such as pinworms and roundworms. It has also historically been used to aid with digestion. 6. Cilantro Cilantro is instrumental in helping the body rid itself of dangerous toxic metals that accumulate in organ tissues. It is also a very popular herb that is talked about on almost every cooking show. Cilantro possesses natural cleansing agents that contain compounds which bind to toxic metals and help pull them out [...]

2018-06-18T17:57:58-07:00By |

For Optimal Brain and Nervous System Health, You Need to Exercise Your Leg Muscles

Daily Walking and a Four-Minute Daily Workout — A Winning Combo Most People Can Do   While exercise is primarily valued for its influence on physical health, strength and mobility, there's ample evidence showing physical exercise, especially strength training, is just as important for healthy brain and nervous system function. A number of studies, which I'll review below, have linked muscle strength, and leg strength in particular, to various cognitive benefits. This fascinating link was again demonstrated in a recent study1,2 published in Frontiers in Neuroscience, which shows that neurological health is as dependent on signals from your large leg muscles as it is on signals from your brain to your muscles. In other words, it's a two-way street, and neither "lane" is more important than the other. As noted by the authors: "Both astronauts and patients affected by chronic movement-limiting pathologies face impairment in muscle and/or brain performance. Increased patient survival expectations and the expected longer stays in space by astronauts may result in prolonged motor deprivation and consequent pathological effects. Severe movement limitation can influence not only the motor and metabolic systems but also the nervous system, altering neurogenesis and the interaction between motoneurons and muscle cells. Little information is yet available about the effect of prolonged muscle disuse on neural stem cells characteristics. Our in vitro study aims to fill this gap by focusing on the biological and molecular properties of neural stem cells (NSCs) … The overall results support the existence of a link between reduction of exercise and muscle disuse and metabolism in the brain and thus represent valuable new information that could clarify how circumstances such as the absence of load and the lack of movement that occurs in people with some neurological diseases, may affect the properties of NSCs and contribute to the negative manifestations of these conditions." The Importance of Leg Exercise for Brain and Nervous System Health According to the press release,3 the finding "fundamentally alters brain and nervous system medicine — giving doctors new clues as to why patients with motor neuron disease, multiple sclerosis, spinal muscular atrophy and other neurological diseases often rapidly decline when their movement becomes limited." In other words, whenever you're unable to perform load-bearing exercises, you not only lose muscle mass due to muscle atrophy, your body chemistry is impacted in such a way that your nervous system and brain also begin to deteriorate. To reach this conclusion, the researchers prevented mice from using their hind legs for 28 days. The animals could still use their front legs, however, and were able to eat and groom normally without getting stressed. At the end of 28 days, the sub-ventricular zone of the animals' brains was examined. This is an area of the brain responsible for the health of nerve cells. Remarkably, neural stem cells — undifferentiated stem cells that can develop into both neurons and other brain cells — had declined by 70 percent in the animals that had not used [...]

2018-10-12T13:28:20-07:00By |

Study Shows Link Between Strong Muscles and a Strong Brain

Did You Know Aerobic Exercise and Strength Training Affect Cognitive Ability?   Science has linked the benefit of physical exercise to brain health for many years. In fact, compelling evidence suggests physical exercise not only helps build cognitive power1 but also helps the brain resist shrinkage by promoting neurogenesis,2 i.e., the ability to adapt and grow new brain cells. Unfortunately, forgetfulness and “senior moments” are considered by many medical professionals to be a normal and anticipated part of aging. I disagree. In fact, I believe if you’ve noticed memory lapses you may want to seriously consider making immediate lifestyle changes to help reverse or at least minimize further deterioration. Your brain is actually quite adaptable and has the capacity to repair and regenerate, the medical term for which is neuroplasticity. A recent study has found a strong correlation between grip strength and brain health.3 Your Muscle and Cognitive Power Are Connected Researchers from Western Sydney University have found muscle strength, which they measured using hand grip strength, may be a strong indicator of the health of your brain.4 An analysis of data collected from over 475,000 British participants revealed the stronger an individual’s hand grip, the better they performed across every brain function test the researchers used, supporting previous research from the same university.5 During the study, the researchers evaluated reaction speed, logical problem-solving and multiple tests analyzing memory. Interestingly, they also determined the data was consistently strong both in individuals younger than 55 and those over 55. The analysis accounted for age, gender, body weight and education prior to confirming those who were stronger indeed had better functioning brains.6 A comparison of the results between the general population and individuals who suffered from schizophrenia found strong similarities. Grip strength was strongly correlated to brain health, particularly in working memory and processing speed.7 The researchers theorize if grip strength could predict functional and physical health outcomes in individuals who suffered from schizophrenia, further interventions to improve muscle strength could impact cognitive and real-world functioning.8 Although the correlation between muscle strength and physical activity to better brain health and cognitive function in seniors has been demonstrated in previous studies, the results from this study also revealed a strong connection in those younger than 55. Joseph Firth, Ph.D., from the National Institute of Complementary Medicine at Western Sydney University, commented on the results:9 “These sorts of novel interventions, such as weight training, could be particularly beneficial for people with mental health conditions. Our research has shown that the connections between muscular strength and brain functioning also exist in people experiencing schizophrenia, major depression and bipolar disorder — all of which can interfere with regular brain functioning. This raises the strong possibility that weight training exercises could actually improve both the physical and mental functioning of people with these conditions.” Aerobic Exercise and Strength Training Affect Cognitive Ability Previous studies have also linked physical activity with an improvement in cognitive functioning, even for a short time. While studies [...]

2018-10-04T12:46:57-07:00By |
