Discomfort comes in many forms. Dolphin Pose or Ardha Pincha Mayurasana helps you address pain in your shoulders by opening them, strengthening your extremities, and even treating the symptoms of menopause. Many people go to Downward-Facing Dog to find relief from some of these issues, but that pose becomes difficult and even dangerous for people with shoulder issues or carpal tunnel syndrome.

Dolphin Pose offers a modified version that can bring you similar relief without risking injury in these areas. Practice Ardha Pincha Mayurasana for a host of calming, strengthening, and therapeutic benefits. Read on to learn the reasons to practice this pose and the step by step moves to perform it correctly (and safely!).


Benefits of Dolphin Pose

Dolphin Pose stretches out your arms and legs while increasing circulation to your abdomen and head. This strengthens your extremities at the same time you get a good stretch in your hamstrings, calves, and arches.

If you’ve been sitting for a long time, or do so regularly for work, these areas are probably stiff, shortened, and tight. Giving them this gentle stretch can improve circulation and restore your range of motion in those spots. This position also opens and stretches your shoulders.

As the blood gets flowing to your head, you’ll notice a calming sensation. After a busy day at work, with the kids, or whatever’s been stressing you out, Dolphin Pose can relieve your stress. If your stress has progressed to depression, this pose can give you some quiet time to stretch it out. This applies to symptoms of stress, including headaches, fatigue, and high blood pressure.

Menstrual discomfort can hit hard, and Dolphin Pose can offer some relief (I recommend supporting your head during the pose if this is your goal). Improving digestion and relieving symptoms of menopause comes with the improved circulation offered by this stretch.


How to Do the Pose

Begin Dolphin Pose on your hands and knees. Make sure your knees are lined up with your hips and your shoulders are above your wrists. One major mistake that beginners can make in this pose is to let their shoulders fall behind their elbows, which can cause shoulder pain. So, make sure they stay lined up!

Feel your weight press into your forearms as you press your palms together. As you exhale, lift yourself by the knees, keeping them slightly bent with your toes curled and your heels lifted. Feel your tailbone get longer as you lift your sits bones towards the ceiling. You should feel a good stretch in your inner ankles and groin.

You’ll feel your shoulder blades widen as your arms press into the floor. The placement of your head is important here! You don’t want it to hang too loosely or push too hard into the floor. Particularly if you’re looking for a treatment for menopause symptoms, make sure your head is loose and supported. Your knees can be straight (it helps you get a better stretch!) but if you feel your back rounding out, keep your knees bent.

Hang out in Dolphin Pose for up to a minute, letting your pelvis reach towards the ceiling and your shoulder blades widen. When you’re ready to release, drop your knees as you exhale.


The Takeaway

Dolphin Pose offers you benefits similar to Downward-Facing Dog without the pressure on your shoulders and wrists. You can put your weight on your forearms as you lengthen your tailbone and reach your sits bones towards the ceiling. This stretches your legs and shoulders and relieves the symptoms of many mental and physical ailments.

If you’re looking for relief from symptoms of menopause, stress, or depression, Dolphin Pose can be a great addition to your floor sequence.