When I’m on the go in the morning, I don’t always have time for a full breakfast, even though I know that breakfast gives me the energy to get through the busy day. When I find myself having trouble focusing at the end of a long day at work or with the kids, I can often point to a bad breakfast to figure out why.

If we had time, we could all create our perfect breakfast every day (mine would be homemade pancakes with fresh berries). But even when time is short, we still need options for a healthy breakfast that gives us the energy and nutrients we need. Here are the 5 best things to eat when you’re in a hurry in the morning (in my opinion). These are foods that you can grab quickly but which still taste great and give you that important energy boost as you’re heading out the door.


1. Poached Egg on Toast







A poached egg takes less than 4 minutes to cook and you don’t even have to watch it. Of all the egg breakfasts I’ve tried to piece together in a busy morning, this is by far the most rewarding. All you have to do is get water boiling, swirl it, and drop in your egg. It can cook while your toast is in the toaster.

Since eggs are packed with protein and vitamins, they make perfect breakfast food. The only problem is time and a poached egg on toast is the best compromise I’ve found. Try it with freshly sliced avocado for an even more delicious makeshift breakfast.


2. Oatmeal







Oatmeal is a fantastic breakfast in general: the fiber relaxes and regulates your digestion while the antioxidants help control inflammation. Adding nuts, berries, and cinnamon can make it taste great and provide additional health benefits too. My go-to oatmeal has blueberries and a little brown sugar in it.

We don’t always have time to make fresh oatmeal, so the instant kind is always an option too. While it’s not as healthy, it’s still filling. If you add your fresh toppings, it’ll do well in a pinch.


3. Smoothie







Smoothies have several advantages when it comes to making healthy breakfasts for busy people. The first is that you can easily take it on the go for mornings that are really rushed, but the second is more personal. Smoothies give you the ability to make the breakfast you need, which can be helpful for those that know what foods work best to get them through the day.

Some nutrient-packed options include using frozen organic fruit, oatmeal, almond milk, and protein powder to make an energy-boosting and filling smoothie that will hold you until lunch. Cashew butter is a great ingredient to get morning protein when eggs aren’t an option.


4. Yogurt and Granola







Granola is a quick but healthy breakfast option that helps control cholesterol and blood sugar and will tide you over till lunch. It tastes great on yogurt, which is high in protein, helps you manage your weight, and helps with digestion too (add some berries for even more flavor).

Granola can be mixed with nuts for a healthy snack. As a breakfast food, it needs a little help, but yogurt and granola make a tasty compromise when I don’t have time in the morning for something bigger.


5. Pre-Made Breakfast

This option is for people that still want a full breakfast but don’t have time to make one the morning they eat it. The night before, you can make and refrigerate breakfast sandwiches, quiche, burritos, wraps, and other more complicated breakfasts that can be reheated the next morning.

These options aren’t quick in total because they require prep the night before, but they’re quick during the busy morning. If you find yourself craving a big breakfast (such as those who struggle to find time for lunch), a pre-made breakfast might be your best bet.


The Takeaway

I know how busy mornings can get, whether you’re running out the door to a job or micromanaging a couple of school kids (or both). Breakfast is still important, though, and not picking the right food could come back to bite you later in the day when you’re losing energy and thinking about how hungry you are.

That’s why these 5 quick, tasty, and healthy breakfast options are great choices for busy people. They combine easy prep and plenty of nutrients into the most filling possible breakfasts. In a pinch, they’ll get you through the day without dreaming of eggs and bacon later.