Stress Reduction is the Next Key to Getting Rid of Inflammation


The latest science is in, and though it is being used to promote a pharmaceutical solution (is it any surprise?), there are natural ways to stop chronic inflammation in the body – a problem that is now linked directly to the top five killers on our planet – heart disease, cancer, neurodegenerative disease, and diseases of the gut, primarily.The latest evidence of inflammation’s contributory role in disease came just months ago, when a global clinical trial of 10,000 patients who had previous heart attacks showed that an anti-inflammatory drug from Novartis reduced their risk of further heart attacks or strokes. A surprise side effect: The drug also sharply cut the risk of lung cancer. While Big Pharma would like our take-away from this study to be: “Oh, I need this incredible drug!” there’s another obvious fact we can glean.

Inflammation, as has been suggested by ancient medicine from China to South America to India, is the source of almost all disease. Stopping it would therefore stop most diseases from developing or progressing.

Here’s why inflammation is so critical to understand:

The human being has a normal inflammatory response any time we are injured or a foreign pathogen enters our bodies. While modern medicine has been trying to throw medicine after medicine at the symptoms of disease, they rarely look at the underlying cause of it.

Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Ayurveda, along with other anciently wise medicinal traditions know better. They look at the root issue, and never prescribe an antidote without first trying to find the underlying cause of a disease.

For example, heart disease is caused by inflammation of the arteries. Neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease are caused by the inflammation of the brain. Arthritis is caused by inflammation of the joints, and depression, chronic fatigue, and almost all ailments which start in the gut care caused by inflammation of the intestinal tract. Root cause? INFLAMMATION!

The body uses its natural defense, inflammation, when we need to repair damaged cells or fight against viruses and bacteria. This is how the body heals itself.

The problem is that chronic inflammation caused by a toxic diet, lack of sleep, stress, a lack of exercise, along with altered gut flora, etc. occurs. This is what happens when the body mistakes the inflammation itself for a disease, and starts to kill off its own tissue thinking that it is a foreign pathogen.

Then we start developing all kinds of weird symptoms, from brain fog to depression to irritable bowels, angry joints, and more.