Find out How Physical Touch Can Improve Your Health!


The power of touch is touted by many who believe that it has the ability to boost the immune system and help people heal. Time and again, it’s proven to be true; touch has many health benefits ranging from reducing stress to even creating a more youthful appearance. (1, 2)

“Touch is a much more sophisticated system than we ever realized,” said Matthew J. Hertenstein, Ph.D., an associate professor of psychology at DePauw University in Indiana. His statement is in line with numerous studies sowing that there’s a link between touch and health improvements.

For example, a University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill study discovered that, when a love seat was shared with a partner for just 10 minutes, premenopausal women experienced a decrease in their blood pressure. (3) The same researchers also noted that hugging, not just from romantic partners, promoted improved health by reducing heart rates. (3)

Other studies have found that the power of touch was beneficial for those solving challenging math equations. Those who received a chair massage experienced a reduction in stress and, as a result, demonstrated increased mathematical proficiency and derived more pleasure in the task than they did prior to having the massage. (3)

Other ways touch helps improve overall health

Stimulates dopamine

The flow of dopamine, also known as the pleasure hormone, is what makes people feel good. (1) Low levels have been associated with depression as well as neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s.

However, hugs stimulate the brain to release dopamine, providing positive, motivational feelings to those in the embrace. (1)

Disease prevention

According to the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine, touch has the ability to prevent disease and bolster health immensely. (1) In fact, more than 100 of their studies have shown a connection between touch and reduced pain, improved immune systems in cancer patients and faster growth in premature babies. (1)

Youthful appearance, better skin

Experts suggest that more intimate kinds of touching and affection in the form of love-making also has benefits. Dermatologist Dr. Amy Wechsler says that sexual activity up to three times weekly can help repair skin. (2)

“When you have sex, you’re bathing the skin in anti-inflammatory molecules such as oxytocin and beta endorphins. As we get older, we don’t heal as often as we repair. But having sex can turn the clock back on that,” she said. (2)



