For your home, skin, hair and stress – sea salt is one of the best natural products.


Sea salt is salt that is produced by the evaporation of sea water. It is used as a seasoning in foods, cooking, and cosmetics. It is also called bay salt, solar salt, or salt. Like mined rock salt, production of sea salt has been dated to prehistoric times.

Keep it Positive!
Sea salt is excellent to help clear negative energy and is considered a symbol of purification. Sea salt can be used alone or mixed with spring water and placed in certain areas of the home. If you are adding water, just add some sea salt to a bowl filled with water. After a few hours drain the water in the washbasin, be sure to not touch the sea salt. If you prefer sea salt only – pour sea salt into a few pretty bowls around your home, and keep for up to a week, and discard.

Beauty Treatment
From head to toe, sea salt works wonders on your skin and hair. Sea salt is full of vitamins and minerals, which are required for providing nourishment to the skin cells. If you have acne prone skin, go for the sea salt as a pore cleanser, plus it is a natural exfoliate, leaving skin radiant and firm. It is excellent for people with oily hair because it adds volume and makes the hair softer.

Brighter Teeth Means a Bigger Smile.

Sea salt helps remove the stains on your teeth because it contains natural fluorine. Mix one ½ teaspoon of sea salt and ½ teaspoon of baking soda, add a few drops of water, and 1 drop of peppermint or tea tree essential oil. Rinse and smile.

Say no to Stress!
A sea salt bath is a perfect way to de-stress the day away. Sea salt restores balance in your body and relieves stress. All you need is 1 cup of sea salt in your bath water, and 20 minutes and the stress of the day is wiped away. Feeling fatigued? Adding sea salt to your diet refreshes your body and aids in general functioning because it is rich in electrolytes, and lastly if you suffer from insomnia, sea salt is packed with magnesium and will help you get a good night sleep.

Historical Facts

  1. The Egyptians began trading salt (in the form of salted fish) to Middle Eastern societies like the Phoenicians circa 2800 BC. The Phoenicians, in turn, traded with everyone else around the Mediterranean. By 800 BC, the Phoenicians were also producing large quantities of salt from lakebeds in North Africa, and they traded it, along with salted fish, for other goods across the Mediterranean.2. Written records describe the production and trade of sea salt in China, and dates back to 1800 BC, as well. The Chinese process involved “putting ocean water in clay vessels and boiling it until reduced to pots of salt crystals.’

“The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea.”
– Isak Dinesen


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