So-called “superfoods” have a reputation for being packed with more nutrients than flavor. So, any time I can find a superfood that overlaps with my comfort foods, I know I’ve found something special. It doesn’t happen often, but sweet potatoes more than fit the bill.

You already know they taste great, but sweet potatoes come with 9 amazing health benefits along with their amazing flavor, including natural fiber and antioxidants. Here’s what you need to know about sweet potatoes to answer correctly next time a waitress asks for your preference.


1. Anti-Inflammatory

Sweet potatoes contain antioxidants that help us fight inflammation. This makes them a healthier choice of starch for people with inflammation-related chronic conditions, including arthritis and asthma.

Even allergy sufferers can benefit from the anti-inflammatory compounds found in sweet potatoes.


2. Vitamin B6

Sweet potatoes contain a ton of Vitamin B6, which helps us reduce our levels of homocysteine. You’ve probably never heard of it, but it’s a hidden culprit of a lot of degenerative diseases. Out-of-control homocysteine can even lead to heart attacks, making B6 an essential nutrient in any diet.


3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is the nutrient that we all know as the cold-fighting vitamin, which is certainly a plus to prevent colds from disrupting our focus during the busy week. It can do a lot more for us, though, including playing a crucial role in bone and tooth strength, digestion, and blood cell formation.

Collagen, a nutrient that gives skin its healthy elasticity and helps us cope with stress, also forms more easily when you have a surplus of Vitamin C.


4. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a crucial immune health supplement. It keeps your energy and mood up and helps support your thyroid too. Sweet potatoes have it in spades compared to regular potatoes.


5. Iron

Iron is a mineral that we all need in order to keep our energy levels up. If you find yourself getting tired partway through a normal workday, an iron deficiency may be to blame. Iron keeps up our red and white blood cell production, immune function, and protein metabolism too.


6. Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the most common deficiencies in America. Our bodies have trouble getting and absorbing it despite the fact that it supports healthy arterial, blood, bone, heart, muscle, and nerve function.

As a bonus, magnesium reduces stress and increases relaxation too.


7. Potassium

Potassium regulates our heartbeats and nerve signals, even though it’s not easy to get it from diet alone. Since it performs essential functions related to our nervous system and kidney performance, it’s important to get enough potassium. Sweet potatoes are a great readily available source.


8. Blood Sugar Control

Blood sugar spikes are natural when we eat, but for those with impaired metabolism or diabetes, they can be frustrating or even dangerous. Keeping spikes at bay requires a balanced, regular source of energy through our diets. Since sweet potatoes are both nutritious and filling, they can help us control our appetite for the foods more likely to cause runaway blood sugar levels.


9. Cancer Prevention

Beta-carotene is a compound found in vegetables that have a bright orange or red color like carrots and sweet potatoes. It’s the nutrient that gives these foods the reputation of helping us see better. But you may be surprised to know that they also act as powerful antioxidants that can boost our immune system and fight certain types of cancer.


The Takeaway

We say “superfood” to refer to many nutrient-rich foods, but what’s especially super about sweet potatoes is that they’re also comforting. Slathered in marshmallow and butter or fried into sweet fries may not be the ideal way to reap their benefits, but even in these forms, sweet potatoes have advantages over the alternatives.

Prioritize fresher and healthier ways to eat them and sweet potatoes will reward you with a ton of vitamins and anti-inflammatory benefits. They’re my comfort superfood.