I’m all about staying well-hydrated, but basic water isn’t my favorite. I never seem to drink enough “plain” water, so I need to jazz it up to meet my daily recommended fill.

All I need is a little flavor, and lemon is the go-to add-in that makes all the difference. Not only does it make my water more taste bud-friendly, but there are a number of benefits to boot.

I can drink lemon water from the moment I get up ‘till bedtime, and I never get tired of it. It’s refreshing and thirst-quenching, and I always feel healthy when I get plenty of hydration.

I leave a bunch of lemon wedges in a pitcher with purified water in the fridge, and I also make to-go bottles I can grab on my way out the door. I also squeeze lemon into hot water as an alternative tea when I’m in the mood to relax. Do it your way, as long as you do it!

Here’s why you should be drinking lemon water too. You’ll notice a change in your energy and overall well-being.


Ayurvedic Roots – It’s The Real Deal







Alternative medicine appeals to me, as I try to stay as all-natural as I can. Lemon water is a go-to for those practicing, for many health-related reasons.

Lemon is cleansing. It not only leaves my mouth feeling fresh and tingly, but it also aids in digestion. My system always feels like it’s working like a well-oiled machine when I drink lemon water throughout the day.

Ayurvedic medicine also suggests that lemon water improves complexion, helps with weight maintenance, and may even reduce the chance of developing heart disease. It’s also recommended as a cold remedy, breaking up phlegm and easing chest pain. Not to mention, the Vitamin C in lemons is a natural immune booster. As I quench my thirst, I feel like the picture of good health.


Cold Or Warm?







Lemon water can be enjoyed cold or warm, as both options have their plusses. I love an ice cold glass when I’m really thirsty, as it perks me up and gets my motor running. It’s also a terrific post-workout beverage, cooling me down with every gulp. I tend to drink more water when it’s cold too, so I always have a steady supply in the fridge. It’s also fun to freeze ice cubes with chunks of lemon frozen inside. When they melt, more lemon infuses into the glass. It’s pretty and practical!

Warm has it’s benefits too. I start the day with a warm cup, as it fills my belly and gives me time ‘till breakfast. I’m not quite ready for something too cold first thing, so this warm beverage eases me into the morning, waking me up with its fragrance and flavor. When I’m having an upset stomach, the warm lemon water eases my symptoms. It also flushes toxins out of the body more readily. I find it to be a stress reliever too.


From its clarifying properties to its cure-all potential, lemon water is a simple solution for so many things. As they say…when life gives you lemons…