When you’re busy with a job or kids, you know the value of eggs. They’re the cheapest readily available source of protein, make a quick and nutritious breakfast, and are essential components to a ton of recipes. But despite their amazing utility, they haven’t always been loved. For a long time, the science behind cholesterol pointed to egg consumption as a culprit in the rising numbers of heart disease sufferers in the developed world.

Now, however, we have a clearer picture of how good and bad cholesterol interact. We know that the fats in eggs actually improve cardiovascular health, as well as contain essential nutrients.

So, if an old-fashioned nutritionist or fad diet tells you to stay off eggs for your heart, consider instead how far cholesterol science has come. Eggs come with these 3 amazing health benefits, which I’ll get into after we look a little closer at the myths surrounding one of the most universal foods in the world.


The Myth Surrounding Eggs







Before we get into the specific benefits of eating eggs, I want to dispel the myth that has made eggs a bit of a taboo subject for nutritionists in the past. They still come up in conversation as fatty and high-caloric, unrecognized for their nutrient content and the science behind healthy cholesterol.

The first statistic that gave eggs a bad name is the fact that half of the calories in an egg come from the fat in the yolk, which is high in cholesterol. Back when doctors didn’t understand that cholesterol comes in different forms that need to be balanced, they advocated excluding eggs from the diets of people with cardiovascular issues.

The link between cholesterol, fat, and heart health gave eggs the reputation of being an unhealthy food, but we now know that they don’t increase “bad” cholesterol in regular amounts. Those who are on a low cholesterol diet may need to restrict their egg intake, but for most normal people, eggs pack a lot of nutrients without any adverse effects. Their cholesterol content is the “good” kind.

With that out of the way, here are the 3 amazing health benefits you can get from eating eggs.


• Essential Nutrients







Eggs are packed with nutrients and it isn’t hard to see why. After all, eggs are designed to feed and nourish a baby bird until it’s ready to hatch. This means, in theory, that eggs are the most perfect food: they contain every single nutrient, mineral, and vitamin necessary to sustain life. So, if you thought they were only a source of protein, you should consider the facts.

Egg yolks contain Vitamins A, B2, B5, B12, and selenium. The egg white is densely packed with protein.
Granted, an adult human can’t survive solely on the trace amounts of these vitamins contained in normal eggs. But the fact that they’re all in there makes them an incredibly versatile health food.


• Improved Brain Function







Choline isn’t something you see in the nutrition information on the backs of cereal boxes. Though most of us are unfamiliar with it, it’s actually an essential synthesizer in our bodies that helps cell membranes form in certain neurotransmitters. In other words, it’s essential for healthy brain function. Low levels of choline are associated with many neurological disorders and even heart disease.
Despite its necessity, choline is not prevalent in the average American diet outside of eggs. The yolk is packed with choline – it’s the most plentiful source we know.


• Protect Your Eyes







Eggs contain potent antioxidants that protect your eyes from the damage that results from exposure to harsh light. These compounds (they’re called zeaxanthin and lutein) can also reduce your risk of cataracts and macular degeneration, which commonly affect the eyes of the elderly.


The Takeaway
Eggs have had a bad name for a while due to their high fat and cholesterol content. We didn’t used to know the difference between good and bad cholesterol or how they need to be balanced to promote cardiovascular health.

The good news for busy workers and parents is that it’s now accepted as healthy to take advantage of eggs and the ton of essential nutrients they contain in one convenient package. Kids love scrambled eggs and poached eggs on toast with avocado is one of my go-to healthy breakfasts. It’s perfect for a busy morning and filling until my lunch break. The amazing health benefits should be the clincher for anyone on the fence about putting eggs back into their regular diet.