Do you wonder how to make your children follow your instructions and make kids’ education successful? This article offers tips for getting children of all ages to listen to their parents’ words and follow their directions.

Parents are often nervously trying to get their children to hear them and do something. Why isn’t my child listening to me? Why is it so difficult for him to do what I ask? How can I get him to listen to my instructions? If you are asking yourself these questions, then this article is for you. Yes, we all want a better education for our kids. If you ask these questions, advice on how to get your child to listen to you and follow your directions can help. Here are some simple tips for you, so let’s dive in!


Capture your child’s attention

Do you want your child to listen to what you have to say? First, grab his attention. Here’s how to help your child pay attention to what you are saying.

  • Remove any distractions (TV, music, computer).
  • Use some physical education games for kids for concentration.
  •  Try to be on the same level and stay close. If necessary, sit down and look him in the eyes as you speak.
  •  Use your example to show how to pay attention to what other people are saying. When he wants to talk to you, take your mind off everything and listen carefully only to him.


Be clear and specific

Talk to your kid directly to the point. Ask him to do something, avoiding abstract long phrases. Try to keep it concise and straightforward as it helps your child understand you better. Why is education important for kids in doing parents’ tasks? In most situations, the child does not follow your instructions because he may forget what you are telling him. The reason may be your verbosity.

You can help your child hear you using these simple ways:

  • Try to use no more than 3-4 words. For example, instead of, “You need to wash your hands every time before you eat,” say, “Wash your hands.” Or, if you want your child to clean the room, say bluntly, “Clean the room.”
  • You need to give the children only one instruction at a time. It is the best way to make sure they follow all your commands. If you want to give your child more than one task, wait for him to complete the previous one before explaining the next one.
  • If you do need to give your child more than one instruction at once, clearly define the sequence.
  • Give your kids all the information they need to do the task, help them learn everything about it in detail, and know the method and correct sequence of actions.

Speak affirmatively, don’t ask questions

“Darling, can you close the door?” It is a question to which you can get different answers – yes or no. For the child to follow instructions, you need to eliminate the possibility of a negative response and bring all your guidance in an affirmative form. Do not ask, but tell him to pack a bag, wash his hands, or tie his shoelaces. Don’t ask if the child wants to do this task; just ask him to do it.

Give your child enough time to process the information

Most teachers use the wait time technique during kids’ education. You can use this hint too. When you are saying something to your child, give him 5-7 seconds to process the information, and understand what he needs to do. This method is recognized as one of the most successful in school teaching.

It may take some children longer to understand what you are saying, and this is normal. If your child doesn’t answer you right away, that doesn’t mean ignoring your instructions. He’s just trying to figure out exactly how he needs to respond. Give him some time.


Check if the child understood you correctly

When the child responds to your instructions, make sure that he knows in detail what he needs to do. These are the basic rules of ethical education standards for kids. For example, if a child is talking rudely to someone and you ask him to apologize, he must understand exactly what he has to say. Likewise, when you ask him to help you with cleaning, he must know what he should do.


Give your child a choice in any situation

Not all children follow all directions equally well. When you tell your children what to do, they may resist and rebel, especially during adolescence. What to do in this case?

Give your child the right to choose – this will give him a sense of power. For example, you might say, “You can clean the room now, or you can do it later, but then you can’t go watch the movies,” or “You can set the table now or wash the dishes after breakfast.”


Set expectations

It is essential to establish rules and expectations for your child to listen to you. Expectations and consequences must always accompany commands. Be clear about what you expect from your child. One way to clear your expectations is to write the regulations on paper and hang them on your refrigerator or wall. This list should be reviewed from time to time.

Remember that rules are non-negotiable, and you should not let children (especially teenagers) drag you into arguments about it.


Strengthen your bond with your child

Whether or not a child listens also depends on your relationship with him. Children want to get closer to their parents, so you should strengthen your relationship with your child. Bring more love, friendship, and respect for this relationship. Pay attention to character education for kids. When your relationship is good, your child will be happy to follow your directions because he cares about you and wants to make you happy.


Show empathy

Sometimes even a small show of understanding is essential. Therefore, you shouldn’t say, “Don’t push your sister! Stop it now! ”; better say, “I understand that you are angry that your sister broke your toy. But if you push her, it doesn’t help you to fix the situation. ” Instead of the phrase: “Now turn off the TV,” say: “I know you want to watch this movie, but you have to get up early for school tomorrow.”


Don’t raise your voice

When children refuse to follow your directions, you can shout at him or raise your voice. But does it help? No, and you know that. But how do you get your child to listen to you without raising your voice?


  • Breathe. Whenever you want to yell at your child, stop for a second and take a few deep breaths. Calm down before talking to a naughty child. If you yell at him, you will make him show defensive reactions. It will only make the situation worse.
  • Focus on behavior. The problem is not in the child himself but his behavior. Therefore, if you want to teach a kid something, you must first inspire him to do so. Don’t punish the child. Instead of shouting: “Don’t do it!” or “Stop!” say it in a calm voice. Tell your child: “Well done!” or “Thank you!” when he listens to you, no matter if he succeeds with the best potty training seat, or cleans his room.
  • Speak to the point. Shouting at your child for not listening to you will not solve the problem. If you want your child to do something, tell him clearly and to the point. Don’t be rude. Speak in a calm tone, but be firm. Make it clear to your child that you are talking about serious things and want him to listen to you and do what you tell him.


If you do raise your voice sometimes, that’s okay. After all, no one is perfect. If you lose your patience, don’t blame yourself. But at the same time, you must apologize to the kid. However, do not change your position – be firm in your requirements for the child, explain to him why he should or should not do something. It is important to practice getting your kid to listen to you without yelling. You may use some special education games that kids love to get complete success.


How to get your teen to listen to you

Some of the tips discussed above apply to both high school children and teens. But sometimes this is not enough. Here are some more tips on how to get your teen to listen to you and respect you.


Be honest

Honesty is the best strategy for dealing with teens. It may not always be easy, but try to talk openly with your teen about what worries you in their behavior. It will help him understand the reality of the situation. Multicultural education for kids will also set your child a good example and encourage him to be honest and open with you.


Stay in the role of parents, not friends

It’s vital to be the best friend with your kids, but don’t let them take advantage of your indulgence. You can be your child’s friends, but above all, you are his parents. Your teen must understand that you will not tolerate disrespect for yourself and your words.

Treating your teen as an adult and giving him responsibilities will help you gain the child’s trust. As a result, he will respect you and listen to your words.

Don’t forget about sex education for kids and financial education for kids in this period. It will help them get more responsible.


How to get your preschooler to listen to you

At preschool age, your child is not mature enough to understand the importance of your words. Therefore, the explanation will not bring the desired result.

  • First of all, get the child’s full attention. Don’t start talking until your child has noticed you.
  • Make sure you are at eye level with your child. Make contact with him gradually. Start the conversation by asking what he is doing.
  • If you need to repeat something, the child will probably stop paying attention to what you are saying. Therefore, you will need to go back to the first step and get his attention again. It will take a lot of patience on your part.
  • Use short sentences with different words and diverse kids’ fun education games. Long sentences can be too complicated for a child.
  • Try to look at the situation from the child’s perspective. Acknowledge his feelings. It will teach your children how to express their emotions.
  • The best way to teach a child something is to do it with him. A child learns best when he sees you doing something and repeats after you. Use education toys for kids.
  • To teach your child to listen, engage with him in activities that require listening, such as different computer education programs for kids.
  • If you want to reinforce a specific behavior of the child, create permanent routines. Even if you forget about it or are in a hurry, the child will do everything necessary.


Finally, to teach your child to listen, you need to learn to listen to your child when he or she says something to you.

If you want your child to listen to you and follow your instructions, you shouldn’t force him. It is also vital for kids’ education planning. The secret is for the children to listen to the parents’ words and follow the instructions of their own free will. You do not need to shout at the child or raise your voice to do this.

How do you think, why is social media bad for kids’ education? What tips do you use to get your children’s attention? Please share your experience with us.