Anyone who knows me, knows that I love to travel. I was blessed to have been been able to study abroard in Florence, Italy during my junior year at Stanford University and have had the “travel bug” ever since. I consider it an important part of my mental health and well-being. It’s also a wonderful opportunity for personal growth and to gain a greater sense of balance and purpose that too many people take for granted. Even as a single parent mom, I have always prioritized travelling as a family. My two sons and I have travelled all over the world together. The memories that you create with your family through travel are priceless and will have a positive impact on your children for the rest of their lives.


You won’t realize all of the amazing benefits of traveling until you try it and most people never really have. Travel is often seen as a luxury for the few, but travel is a necessity for all of us. Here’s why you can and should make it a priority:


Forget Your Troubles


Sometimes the best way to leave your troubles is to actually LEAVE your troubles. It’s wonderful to get out of your element and into new surroundings. The air is different and you will feel free from the complicated energies that may see all encompassing in your day to day life. You will get a new perspective and your problems will seem smaller from a distance. When you feel there’s something in your everyday life that needs to change, lots of times you just need to get away.


Get Out of Your Comfort Zone


Travel not only gives you the opportunity to experience people of other races, religions and cultures, you get to participate in other ways of life. Whether it’s riding a subway, or trolley, speaking a different language or understanding a new accent, other foods, styles of dress, music festivals or entertainment, it’s a whole new world, even if it’s just a new city.  When you’re not attached to the regimen of your daily life, you find yourself more easy-going and open to change. Once you realize it’s safe to try new waters, you will continue to seek more adventures in your daily life. Your universe will demand it and you will be better for it.


Something to Talk About


When you travel, you have something to talk about when you’re there and when you get back. You’ll meet people who haven’t heard all your old stories and make new ones to share when you get back home. People who travel are more interesting, that’s why they tend to talk a lot. They’re not bragging – well, sometimes they are, but the more you travel, the more you have to share. And the more you have to share, the more open you will be to speaking to and meeting new people.


Eat, Pray, Leave


They say art imitates life. So according to movies like “Eat Pray Love,” “Under the Tuscan Sun,” and “How Stella Got Her Groove Back” good things happen when you travel. And whether it’s finding love or a new lease on life, you can’t live the fairytale from your couch. Whether it’s the chance of a lifetime or just a memorable moment, experience it. You can’t always afford to dance like no one’s watching or live, like it’s your last day. But when you travel, you can be the you that nobody knows. You can choose to share that part of yourself with the regulars in your life or save it as a little keepsake.




The Cost of Freedom


Frequent travelers know the value of life experiences. They save up for months and years on for each trip. Most of us are willing to commit substantial amounts of our budget to material things: clothes, cars, jewelry, electronics. Things that depreciate and eventually lose their value and need to be replaced. Travel experiences are literally invaluable. You have them forever. They actually appreciate in value as you treasure the moments and memories for the rest of your life and beyond as those are the things that are held near and dear to your friends and loved ones and can passed down generations.


Not So Far Gone


You don’t have to go far, you just need to go. If your finances or time is limited, sometimes a quick jaunt to a neighboring city will do the trick. It may not seem like you’re travelling because it’s so accessible, but there are people who are saving up for a trip to a city near you. Get your Google on and find the hottest destination city closest to you and things to do when you get there. Then make it happen.


Personal and Spiritual Growth


Life is a journey, not a destination. As we get older, we constantly evolve based on our jobs, friends, family and the events in our lives, both the good times and the not so good times. You aren’t the same person you were ten years ago. You aren’t the same person you will be ten years from now. Travel broadens your exposure and is an investment into the evolution of your future self. And trust me, it’s one of the most important investments you can make.