If you’re allergic to pet dander, you may assume you’ll never get to enjoy puppy cuddles or kisses—but think again! Hypoallergenic dogs can be ideal for people with allergies because they don’t shed as much as other breeds. Less shedding means less pet dander floating through the air and adhering to your upholstery. Keep in mind no dog is truly hypoallergenic, but some breeds release an amount of dander that’s low enough to not cause allergic reactions in humans. Continue reading to learn about the best hypoallergenic dogs for people with allergies.

Bichon Frise

The bichon frise is bred to be hypoallergenic, so it’s a great pick for people with allergies. These fluffy white dogs are also ideal for people who live in compact spaces or urban environments due to their small size and confidence. Bichons love children, so they also make great family dogs. Bichons have cheerful personalities and enjoy pleasing their owners, so expect a lot of tail wags.

Bichons have adaptable personalities and get along well with other dogs, so if you already own a dog, a bichon may be the perfect addition to your family. With an alert and curious attitude, a bichon encounters friends everywhere they go. If you enjoy taking your dog on trips but are looking for ways to keep pet hair out of your truck or car, a hypoallergenic bichon is a great choice.


Poodles are some of the most popular dogs in the United States as well as one of the best hypoallergenic dogs for people with allergies. Poodles fall into one of three categories: standard, toy, or miniature. The good news is, every version is hypoallergenic, so you can choose the size that best fits your lifestyle and activity level.

Poodles have curly coats in black, white, or apricot. Although movies and television shows often portray them as prissy or high maintenance, they’re extremely athletic and versatile. Poodles are also incredibly smart, so they’re very easy to train. With a low-allergen coat and a sharp mind, a poodle makes a great companion for any dog-lover.

Portuguese Water Dog

If you’re looking for a medium-sized dog, a Portuguese water dog is a great option. In fact, former President Barack Obama owned two throughout his years at the White House. Portuguese water dogs are known for their curly, allergy-friendly coat as well as their laid-back, playful personalities.

As the name suggests, Portuguese water dogs were bred to be fishermen’s helpers, so they have an athletic build that’s highly adaptable to water. Their extreme intellect and desire to please makes training a breeze. Plus, they’re comfortable in small living spaces if they receive enough exercise throughout the day.

No matter what type of hypoallergenic dog breed you choose, you’ll enjoy the unconditional love and companionship that comes with being a dog-owner. At the end of a long day, there’s no greater feeling than walking through the front door and knowing someone is always excited to greet you.