Cancer: Busting the Myths – More Natural Cancer Treatments

Natural Cancer Treatments: Great Alternative Doctors and Cancer Healers   Natural cancer treatments abound if you care to look hard enough. It just goes to show that Nature has provided us with all the answers. We don’t need Big Pharma pushing its synthetic agenda to make us well or treat our diseases. The Western Medicine-Big Pharma conglomerate (including the AMA, FDA, CDC, etc.) would like you to believe there is no scientific evidence that natural substances are useful in treating cancer. This is in spite of the fact that Big Pharma companies routinely use natural substances to inspire the design of their synthetic “medicines”, which almost always have toxic side effects. This article is the last in the series (part 1 here) and continues the list of natural cancer treatments begun in part 2. Natural Cancer Cures #10: Cannabis One of the most controversial natural cancer treatments to spring to public consciousness has been the cannabis plant. It has gone from being shunned to embraced in many US states due to its potent medical properties. Cannabis has been shown to help with a variety of ailments including cancer. There are many medical studies now proving the cancer-fighting ability of THC. For one example out of many, look at the 2010 Spanish study which found that THC reduced “tumor growth, tumor number, and the amount/severity of lung metastases” in mice. Rick Simpson (Run From the Cure) famously made cannabis oil with THC, however the non-THC varieties which are high in CBD also have anti-cancer properties. Cannabinoids (the phytochemicals or plant chemicals found in the cannabis plant) can cross the blood-brain barrier, and therefore show great promise as a brain cancer cure. Cannabis arrests the growth of cancer in these 4 key ways (all of which directly combat the hallmarks of cancer outlined in part 1): antiproliferative (prevents cancer cells from reproducing) apoptotic (induces cancer cells to self-destruct) antiangiogenic (prevents formation of new blood vessels needed by tumor to grow) antimetastatic (prevents cancer from spreading to other organs) Natural Cancer Cures #11: Cesium Chloride Cesium chloride is another natural cancer treatment which is both simple and astounding. To understand how it works, you need to remember that cancer cells, as discussed in part 1, function in a very different way to healthy cells. Healthy cells use oxygen to burn glucose (oxidation), whereas cancer cells use fermentation to burn the glucose. Dr. Otto Warburg won the 1931 Nobel Prize for discovering that cancer is anaerobic, not aerobic. Oxygen (O2), and ozone for that matter (O3), are the archenemies of cancer. It can’t stand them. So, as the cancer cells ferment the glucose, they produce the byproduct lactic acid, which begins to flood the surrounding cells. This naturally lowers the pH of the cells, taking them from a healthy alkaline state (around 7.3) to an acidic state (around 5.7). The newly created acidity also destroys the ability of DNA and RNA to control cell division, so the cancerous cells begin to multiply without limit. A vicious cycle of cachexia can begin in some cancer patients. The body sends [...]