About Raw Michelle

Raw Michelle is a natural health blogger and researcher, sharing her passions with others, using the Internet as her medium. She discusses topics in a straight forward way in hopes to help people from all walks of life achieve optimal health and well-being. She has authored and published hundreds of articles on topics such as the raw food diet and green living in general.

Eating Healthy Meals as a Family Found to Reduce High-Risk Behaviors in Children

Food quality just as important for children as eating together as a family   Studies have shown that when children eat meals with other family members, especially healthy meals, they're less likely to become involved in disordered eating, drug abuse or practice unsafe sex. (1) Considering that up to 15 percent of youth in the United States suffer from depression and approximately 80 percent of 10-year-old girls have been on a diet, the findings offer hope for the future of children. (1,2) One study from the University of Illinois found that, when a child ate meals with their family, they were 24 percent more likely to eat healthier foods and 35 percent less likely to engage in disordered eating. (1) According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), about 10 million men and 20 million women in the United States have a clinically significant eating disorder. (2) Many of them range from bulimia and anorexia to ones not yet clinically classified, but which still involve extremely unhealthy behaviors. Food quality just as important for children as eating together as a family Experts suggest that, when eating together, where the focus is not on watching television or eating mindlessly alone, children are more apt to engage in conversation that reduces states of depression that are often linked to drug use and other unhealthy actions. They also note that quality of food in addition to quality of conversation is important. Providing children with healthy foods is essential. Dr. Felice Jacka of Deaken University led one of the studies that showed a link between higher-quality food and mental health improvements. She said, "In the U.S., as in the rest of the world, diet quality appears to be on the decline largely due to the availability of highly processed, high-fat, refined sugar foods." (1) Consumption of high-fat, sugary foods can, among other things, lead to obesity, which has been associated with premature puberty in girls who may reach that state as young as 10.5 years of age. (3) Girls who reach puberty so young are more likely to develop uterine and breast cancer later in life as well as face unwanted sexual advances, since they are often mistaken as older. (3) Healthy food tips Eating healthy foods, ideally with family members, can therefore help keep the childhood obesity epidemic at bay and, in turn, pave the way for the youth of America to live long, healthy lives. Healthy foods include fresh, whole and organic nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits. When making recipes for children, it's also helpful to be creative, trying meals that involve healthy food substitutes, such as swapping out traditional items when making a muffin and using zucchini as a main ingredient. Experts at the family-oriented publication Parents suggest this idea, as well as incorporating plenty of healthy frozen treats, fruits and vegetables like sweet potato "chips" in a child's diet. (4) Sources for this article include: (1) http://news.therawfoodworld.com (2) http://blogs.naturalnews.com (3) http://blogs.naturalnews.com (4) http://www.parents.com http://science.naturalnews.com About [...]

2018-10-24T14:26:04-07:00By |

Top 5 Health Benefits of Eating Mangos

Eating Mangos Can Help Prevent Cancer!   The juicy, tropical flavor of mangos are enjoyed by many, but there are other benefits of eating the fruit beyond its flavor. In fact, June is National Fresh Fruits and Vegetables month, and according to Mango.org, June is also National Mango Month. All the more reason to hone in on this healthy fruit! Aside from the delicious taste, mangos are full of health benefits. Top 5 health benefits of mangos 1) May prevent certain cancers. Discoveries have found that mangos contain a large amount of polyphenols, which play a role in fighting free radicals and protecting against cell damage, which could lead to cancer (1). Specifically, it's been found that many of its compounds have the ability to combat breast and colon cancer cells. Furthermore, mangos have high levels of flavonoids like beta-carotene and alpha-carotene, which help protect against oral cavity and lung cancers (2). 2) Help eye and skin health. Mangos have a high vitamin A content, which is good for helping to keep bones, skin and eyes healthy. Eating one cup of mangos provides the body with approximately 35 percent of the vitamin A needed for optimal functioning (3). 3) Help reduce blood pressure. Because this fruit has good potassium levels, yet is low in sodium, it's considered ideal for those looking to lower blood pressure (2). 4) Boost brain health. Improve mood and overall brain ability with mangos. They have large amounts of the vitamin B-6 as well as glutamine acid which helps to improve neurotransmitter function, so the brain remains healthy while also benefiting from improved memory and concentration (4). 5) Better heart health. According to the Institute of Medicine, women should have 25 g of fiber daily, at a minimum (3). One cup of mango as more than 2.5 g of dietary fiber, and eating it along with other fiber-rich foods contribute toward meeting that goal. As with all high fiber diets, heart disease risks are lessened. Mango fun facts It's also interesting to note that there's more to the mango that what's ingested. Many fun facts abound when it comes to this fruit including legend that says Buddha used to meditate under a mango tree, are thought to be a gesture of friendship in India, and that they're related to pistachios (5). Mangos are brimming with health and fun history! Sources for this article include: (1) http://www.naturalnews.com (2) http://www.nutrition-and-you.com/mango-fruit.html (3) http://www.livestrong.com (4) http://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/fruit/mango.html (5) http://www.mango.org/mango-fun-facts https://www.naturalnews.com  

2020-09-28T16:49:36-07:00By |
