About Tracey Edmonds

Tracey Edmonds is a mother of two, television/film producer, and health/wellness advocate who seeks to empower others with a combination of pertinent, enlightening, and inspirational information. She practices yoga, daily meditation and believes in self-cultivating wellness at every level: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Tracey is the editor of Alrightnow.com and can be contacted at [email protected]

8 Healthy Alternatives to Morning Coffee

For many people morning coffee is a godsend.  It boosts us for everyday business, lifts us when we’re sluggish, and jumpstarts our day. Some of us drink cup after cup after years of relying on it. Not only are we consuming all that cream and sugar, but we’ve also become both dependent on and desensitized to caffeine. This is a vicious cycle! And it’s one that I hope to help you break. Caffeine is habit-forming, which means that we train ourselves to want it more than we need it. In excess, it can also increase stress and blood pressure, cause headaches and restlessness, and even lead to sleep issues. Many of these alternatives still contain caffeine, since we need to stay busy working or taking care of the kids and we still need that boost. However, these 8 healthy alternatives to morning coffee come with other benefits. Some may even help you kick caffeine altogether.   1.   Matcha Tea             I’m going to start with a few types of tea as the easiest replacements for morning coffee since you can brew a cup of tea about as easily and still get your caffeine fix. Matcha green tea differs from other green teas since you use the whole leaf to make it, meaning you get even more antioxidants. Like other green teas, matcha can help you lower your blood pressure and lose weight too. Buy matcha powder or whole leaves to brew it. Just remember that the caffeine content is higher than normal green tea, so it shouldn’t take much to get your day started.   2.   Yerba Mate             Yerba Mate comes from a type of South American holly which is then harvested and dried into this herbal tea. It contains natural caffeine, so you don’t have to give up your energy boost if you don’t want to. But unlike coffee, yerba mate is packed with antioxidants, as well as minerals like thiamine, phosphorus, riboflavin, and Vitamin C.   3.   Chai Tea             Chai tea is a spicy black tea with a strong herbal taste. It contains less caffeine than coffee but also contains other properties that help you stay alert. Like many teas, it also contains antioxidants. Common ingredients in chai tea include peppercorns, cardamom seeds, ginger, and cinnamon.   4.   Turmeric Milk             Getting beyond teas, turmeric milk (also called “golden milk”) packs an anti-inflammatory punch that makes it a great substitute for morning coffee. This is due to a natural chemical in turmeric called curcumin. Add black pepper to your drink to increase absorption. For an added boost of flavorful benefits, also consider using ginger, cinnamon, and honey. Just remember that the drink is only as good as the quality of your turmeric. Buy organic powder that prominently displays a full dose of curcumin.   5.   Morning Smoothie         [...]

2022-12-09T13:04:58-08:00By |

7 Tips on How to Be A Successful and Happy Single Parent

Let’s face it. Single parenting is no easy task. You are faced with a constant need to balance your work life, personal life, and budget even with the tremendous job of parenting. You are also entirely responsible for tending to the emotional, physical and developmental needs of your kids. Being a single parent to two sons, I have been asked, over the years, how I have managed to remain happy and energetic while juggling my career, kids and other responsibilities. The truth is that I have always felt empowered by being a single mom and have gained strength in my singleness and the freedom that comes with it. Although single parenting may seem demanding, exhausting and challenging, it can be very fulfilling and rewarding. My sons are older now, but here are some tools that I learned along the way to help keep you happy and fulfilled as you navigate single parenthood.   Don’t feel guilty             First of all, learn to “give yourself a break.” It’s easy to feel guilty about working too much (or too little), not having enough money, or even your child’s success. However, dwelling on this guilt will not help improve the situation. It will only paralyze you and suck the energy right out of you. So, stop putting yourself under pressure to get everything right. Don’t beat yourself up for making mistakes or blame yourself for everything that goes wrong with your kid. All you can do is your best.   Create a schedule or routine             Create routines and stick to them. Start by scheduling things set for a specific time so your kid(s) know what to expect. Create consistency with scheduling wake-up time, bedtime, mealtime, sports practice and games, appointment, and special family time. Not only do routines create stability, but they also ensure less falls through the cracks.   Make time for self-care             Never overlook your self-care; it isn’t selfish. Creating “me time” for yourself is as equally important as having time for your child. I understand you want to sacrifice your needs and immerse yourself in your kids, but it can get overwhelming. When you feel overwhelmed, take a step back, take care of yourself, and when you feel all relaxed and rejuvenated to continue, pick up from where you left off. Some self-care practices you can engage in include: -watching a favorite movie -taking time to exercise -keeping in touch with friends -getting enough rest -getting that mani/pedi in so you can keep yourself looking good These things help you remind yourself that you and your needs are important too and make you a better parent.   Set goals and prioritize             What would you like to do? Learn to paint, get fit, go back to school or start a new relationship?  Take out time to write your goals. This exercise gave me [...]

2021-05-04T19:24:52-07:00By |

4 Amazing Health Benefits of Elderberries

Elderberries may sound like something you’d pick while out in the country on a fairytale adventure, but they’re very real and very good for you. There are a few different kinds, but the one you’re most likely going to buy is the European or black elderberry. They have a commonly associated use for treating cold and flu symptoms, but there are some secret health benefits packed into their unassuming shape that you should know about. Since elderberries come in many forms, from teas to gummies, people can be picky about which vitamin-rich foods to eat to reap these benefits. With cold and flu season coming fast, that benefit alone should convince you to look into elderberry products. I use them often for these 4 amazing benefits.   1.   Cold and Flu Remedy             Elderberries have been used to treat colds for hundreds of years, especially in syrup form. Sicknesses caused by a virus can be snuffed out with a strong dose of elderberries, which contain an antioxidant super-chemical called anthocyanin. It not only zaps free radicals to protect your DNA from breaking up and speeding the aging process, but fights viruses, inflammation, and swelling too. A stronger immune response will help you fight through the sick season, keeping your family safe as well. They’re easy to take too – elderberries taste better than cough medicine, after all.   2.   Relief from Pain             The same anthocyanin that fights colds also treats pain by reducing inflammation. This is where elderberries and their extracts become a godsend for me throughout the week. The thing about inflammation is that we now know it’s the cause of most chronic illnesses, yet most conventional medical treatments for it come in the form of addictive medications that have side effects from long-term use. Finding all-natural inflammation relief is the only relief, as far as I’m concerned. Elderberry offers it by reducing your body’s nitric oxide production, which will stop triggering so much swelling and pain. We need more studies about how effective it is, but elderberries are a no-risk supplement worth trying for people with out-of-control inflammation.   3.   Digestive Health             When you have a busy work schedule, you can’t always use the bathroom whenever you want. Constipation that prevents you from taking advantage of your breaks can make your whole week uncomfortable, throw off your eating schedule, and even cause pain and pelvic tension down the road. Elderberries can serve as a gentle laxative owing to a compound in them called anthraquinone, which stimulates the muscles you need to have a comfortable bowel movement. Especially if you’ve had kids, pelvic pressure and tension related to constipation can build into symptomatic pelvic pain if you hold onto it for too long. Use elderberries to break the cycle.   4.   Nutrients             Elderberries contain antioxidants, the same compounds that make blueberries [...]

2021-05-28T15:31:28-07:00By |

How Weighted Blankets Can Help with Anxiety and Sleep

Blankets provide comfort and warmth when we need it, but did you know that specific kinds of blankets can provide more direct relief? Weighted blankets, which can weigh as much as 30 pounds, can be therapeutic in many ways, leading to relief from anxiety, autism, or insomnia. Children with ASD, attention disorders, autism, depression, and sleep problems can particularly benefit from the therapies mentioned below. These conditions affect sleep so profoundly that some in the medical community advocate considering mental conditions like attention deficit disorder, bipolar disorder, and others as sleep disorders. Weighted blankets can offer several profound therapies for these conditions, as well as for those suffering from more generalized anxiety and insomnia. Read on to learn how weighted blankets can help, as well as how to choose one.   Benefits of Weighted Blankets Elevated mood, high blood pressure, brain fog, fatigue, and even a high heart rate can all be present in adults and children with anxiety disorders. The purpose of a weighted blanket is to force the body into a more relaxed state, which in turn allows their bodies to achieve a deeper sleep. You might be thinking: why would a 30-pound blanket pushing us down into the bed create a calming effect? The answer is a well-known yoga technique called “grounding.” Grounding means that you become aware of where you are in space and the weight of yourself on the floor. In other words, grounding means connecting with the earth through your body. It’s an essential calming practice and one that holds relevance for weighted blankets. Weighted blankets that successfully ground you in your bed can reduce your cortisol levels (the “stress hormone”) and convince your body that you are safe and secure. High stress levels instigate higher blood sugar and bad digestion. Grounded sleep can promote the opposite. As a result, due to grounding as well as deep pressure touch, a therapy that puts weight on relaxing pressure points, weighted blankets can help with anxiety, stress, depression, weight gain, insomnia, and even chronic pain. Grounding your body can help you sync your stress levels with your natural body rhythms, regulating hormones (especially for women) and improving sleep.   A Note of Caution Before discussing what kind of weighted blanket you need, please read this note of caution. Weighted blankets might be great for anxiety, but they aren’t good for everyone. They can be too heavy, especially for children, and they can also get very hot. People with certain conditions should not add heat and weight to themselves while they sleep. These could include: Menopause Circulatory conditions Respiration conditions Temperature regulation conditions In addition, a weighted blanket should not be too heavy. A good rule of thumb is to take 10 percent of your weight and add 2 pounds to find out how heavy your blanket should be.   Best Weighted Blankets Here’s a short list of some of the best weighted blankets available right now. Most can be customized for [...]

2021-01-07T16:02:23-08:00By |

4 Breathing Exercises to Ease Anxiety

The busy workweek often leaves little time for rest, but letting anxiety build up can allow it to dominate your life! Even the way we breathe can help ease some of that burden. In return, you’ll find that you sleep better, feel better, and have more time for the things you love. Whether your week is swamped with errands, parent events at school, a busy job, or a tumultuous love-life, you may be letting your anxiety get out of control. The result? High blood pressure, low attention span, increased fatigue, weight gain, and the list goes on and on. Therefore, these breathing exercises to ease anxiety can help you confront your busy week confidently, calm your nerves before important meetings or presentations, control your body and mind, and be more yourself with the people you love.   What is Deep Breathing? First, I need to clarify what it means to breathe “deep” and “shallow.” The difference contains all the secrets to breathing for necessity versus breathing for comfort. When you breathe normally, many of us breathe into our chests – these are called shallow breaths. This kind of breathing increases your heart rate and muscle tension, signaling your body to begin the physical process of stress response. It’s no accident that when we’re scared or in danger, we breathe in quick, shallow breaths like this. Oppositely, abdominal or deep breathing opens and expands our diaphragm and belly. These breaths even out our stress response, reduce anxiety, and increase our oxygen intake. When all of us were infants in our cribs, we breathed this way naturally! It’s how we achieved that relaxing, full-body sleep that only babies can. But we forgot how. Now that you know the difference between shallow and deep breaths, use these simple exercises to try and reclaim the relaxation you forgot.   Exercise #1: Sitting Breath When you’re sitting at home or work, become aware of your breathing in an attempt to change it from shallow to deep. Inhale through your nose deliberately and deeply. You should feel your belly expand more than your chest. Exhale out of your mouth slowly, opening your mouth only slightly. Do this every day, not only when you feel stressed but regularly, even once an hour. Set an alarm to remind yourself!   Exercise #2: The Book Technique Some of you may not know exactly what the difference between shallow and deep breathing is. That’s not surprising, since most of us have been doing it wrong for decades! The book technique is a simple way to help train yourself to feel the difference. It also forces you to set aside time specifically for breathing and relaxing. It’s simple – lay on your back with a book of any size on your belly. Place your hand on your chest. Breathe in and focus on moving the book up and down with your breath and not moving your hand at all. Eventually, you’ll be able to breathe this [...]

2021-01-07T15:48:03-08:00By |

The Benefits of Using A Vibrator

Ladies…listen up. You may feel shy about the topic, but self-pleasure is perfectly normal…and healthy. While an active sex life with a partner may be all you need to fulfill your desires, some alone time is also important.   Titillating Toys With a vibrator, you can let loose, explore, and experiment. Of course, you can use your gadget with a partner too, but try one out solo to see what it can do. There are so many to choose from, so search online or go to a specialty shop to find out what you fancy. Tracy’s Dog makes a bunch of vibrators, and this one’s even waterproof for some fun in the tub! Hey, you never know when the mood will strike.   Pleasure, Please Of course, the main benefit of using a vibrator is the sexual satisfaction. The direct stimulation is erotic and exciting, and you can maneuver the device just so in order to achieve its maximum potential. Achieving orgasm is always nice, but the path to getting there is just as enjoyable.   More Than The “Big O” There is more to using a vibrator than the thrill of climax alone. Overall, you can improve your health, particularly your mental health, thanks to its stress-relieving properties, a hike in those “feel good” hormones, and so forth. Speaking of stress, a round with your vibrator is a tension releaser and all-over cure for the chaos that’s taking away your sense of calm. You can focus on feeling good, allowing your mind to rid itself of anxiety and aggravation while you enjoy the intimate massage you so desperately crave. Allow yourself to take it slow, and when your session is complete, you’ll feel less worry and more “Wow!”   Spice Up Your Sex Life When you’re in touch with yourself (both physically and emotionally), it can be a boost to your confidence. This can lead to a better sense of self, improved relationships, and will get you in sync with your partner, or a future mate, both in and outside the bedroom. Speaking of inside the bedroom, once you’ve mastered your vibrator, you’ll learn what turns you on and gets you off. Share this intimate information with your partner so you can have a mind-blowing experience between the sheets. Your openness will make your sex life so much better.   Feeling (Not So) Frisky? If you’re in a sexual dry spell, using a vibrator can recharge your libido. Perhaps it’s the pandemic that has been causing this phase, but you deserve to feel good. Let your vibrator remind you of what you have been missing, and you’ll be sure to put pleasure back on your to-do list.   Your Monthly “Friend” It has been said that orgasm can ease menstrual cramps, thanks to the release of endorphins.  Rather than grabbing pain pills or a heating pad to help, perhaps a few minutes with your vibrator will do the trick. If it works for you, [...]

2021-01-05T18:16:08-08:00By |

When is Filing for Bankruptcy a Good Idea?

Can you define “bankruptcy” in a legal sense? Did you know that “bankruptcy” does not mean you do not have any money? Now, if you picture the word “bankruptcy,” you would not be picturing anything happy, uplifting, or positive. You’d be picturing someone sad, hopeless, and doesn’t have any money to their name. We are living in times of great uncertainty and anxiety. Some people have been impacted more than others, but everyone has felt the effects of the world we find ourselves in. One of the most damaging and common effects of these challenging times is our finances. Businesses that used to be steady in their profit are now struggling to make ends meet. People are taking salary cuts, being furloughed, or even losing their jobs. Unexpected medical bills, from either COVID-19 or something else, have created heartache, stress, and hardship for hundreds of thousands of people.   No matter who you are, you have felt the negative financial effects, and you are probably feeling lost or worse - hopeless. When people start to struggle financially, filing for “bankruptcy” doesn’t usually seem like an option. They’ll strive to work hard to avoid it, but they are missing out on a potential opportunity to improve their situation. “Bankruptcy” doesn’t mean you are admitting you are a failure, and it doesn’t make you a bad person. We want to share why filing for bankruptcy may be a good idea.   How is bankruptcy defined? Before we get into when you may want to consider filing for bankruptcy, let’s define it. Bankruptcy is a court order that discharges some (but not all) of your debts if the court finds you have no means to pay back the debt you are currently in.   Is there only one way to file for bankruptcy?             There are two main ways to file for bankruptcy – Chapter 7 bankruptcy or chapter 13 bankruptcy. Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, most of your assets (things you own that have value to the economy, like a house or car) are liquidated (sold to generate money to pay off your debt). People can file for Chapter 7 due to reasons like divorce, unexpected and expensive medical bills, and unemployment (making this more relevant in today’s times). Chapter 7 bankruptcy is considered a fresh start because it can quickly resolve almost all your debt. However, it is important to remember that assets like your car or house will be sold to pay off your debt. If you have personal assets that you cannot part with for whatever reason, then Chapter 7 may not be an option. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is different from Chapter 7 because it allows you to keep all your property and repay lenders with less than the amount owed. The catch with Chapter 13 bankruptcy is that you must meet certain qualifications.   How can bankruptcy help me?   If you’ve been affected by economic hardships, you [...]

2021-05-24T21:03:17-07:00By |
