Be healthy with the latest information and tips on diet, nutrition, and natural medicine!

Doing Your Best to Feel Your Best

As we grow older and joints and muscles grow achier, mustering the motivation for a healthy lifestyle gets harder. However, when we can no longer take our good health for granted is precisely the time that healthy habits are most important. Of course, it's possible to feel better, live better, and do more as you age. However, better aging doesn't come without effort. If you want to make the most of each day and live a fuller life, you need to make wellness a priority. How? Courtesy of AlrightNow, here are seven ways you can live a healthier, richer life so you grow better with age.   Stay Physically Active A body in motion stays in motion. It's true for physics, and it's true for aging. As tempting as it may be to settle into your La-Z-Boy for a retirement of leisure, a sedentary lifestyle does the aging body no favors. Inactivity is linked to mobility loss and disability in adults aged 60 and up. Exercise that improves heart health, builds strength, and enhances balance and flexibility is important for our aging bodies. One mistake people make is focusing too much on aerobic activity like walking and jogging and not enough on strength training. However, it's building muscle that will keep your body strong and capable at every age. Consider building out a home gym in your home to ensure you have all the necessary equipment. With the right space you can have room for a cardio machine as well as a weight bench and other necessary equipment. If you opt to make this a flex-room, you could even add some value to your home. Talk about a win-win!   Maintain a Positive Attitude Positive thinking does for the mind what resistance training does for the body. Optimistic people have less stress, better coping skills, and lower rates of depression compared to glass-half-empty types. While you might think optimism and pessimism are personality traits, the way you think is primarily a matter of habit. You can train yourself to stop negative thinking in its tracks and practice gratitude and positive self-talk. If bad energy has pervaded your household, start by opening the windows, taking out the trash, and declutter for an emotional fresh start.   Watch Your Weight You don't need a supermodel-slim figure in your Golden Years. In fact, a few extra pounds may have a protective effect on the 80-plus crowd. However, it's still important to maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI) as you age. Obesity-related health conditions like heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes are leading causes of death among adults in early old age. While weight loss is important if you're outside of a healthy weight range, it shouldn't be done at the sake of nutrition. Adjusting your eating habits to include more protein, fiber, and fresh produce is both more effective and safer than crash dieting.   Mind Your Diet You can't outrun a bad diet — especially [...]

2021-12-24T15:42:03-08:00By |

Everything You Need to Know Before Getting Involved in Surrogacy

Surrogacy is becoming increasingly common in the United States. Through surrogacy, parents who are unable to have a baby of their own are able to start families. While surrogacy is a promising method of assisted reproduction, many people aren’t exactly sure what is involved or how to get started. Here’s what you need to know if you’re considering becoming an egg donor, surrogate, or parent.   What Does Surrogacy Cost? The cost of surrogacy depends on many factors. Most intended parents choose to pursue surrogacy through the help of an agency. A surrogacy agency provides all of the necessary services you’ll need, from finding donors and surrogates to coordinating medical procedures and covering your legal bases. Although you can save money with a private surrogacy, many parents find that the process is too complicated to tackle on their own. It’s recommended that parents only pursue private surrogacies if they’ve already found a friend or family member to carry their baby. Hiring a surrogate through an agency can cost anywhere between $75,000 to over $100,000. This includes medical procedures, legal fees, compensation for the surrogate mother, and insurance coverage. If you’ve already found a surrogate, you can save money by finding an egg donor only. According to Circle Surrogacy, using an egg donor costs about $26,000. This expense covers egg donor screenings, compensation for the donor, insurance, and coordination of the entire process.   Choosing a Type of Surrogacy There are two main types of surrogacy: gestational and traditional. In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate mother is inseminated with sperm from a donor or from the intended father. As a result, the surrogate is the child’s biological mother. A gestational surrogacy, on the other hand, involves a surrogate who is completely unrelated to the baby. Often, the sperm and egg are taken from the intended parents and used to create an embryo that is transferred to the surrogate. Gestational surrogacies can also take place using donor eggs and donor sperm. Because legal issues can arise when the surrogate mother has a biological connection to the child, most parents prefer a gestational surrogacy.   Surrogacy Laws Surrogacy laws are complicated in the United States. Since there are no federal surrogacy laws, individual states have set their own regulations. Some states are very open towards surrogacy while others place restrictions on the process and will not recognize surrogacy contracts. Some states have outlawed traditional surrogacy or banned surrogates from receiving compensation for their services. Whether you’re becoming a surrogate or a parent, make sure you take some time to learn about the surrogacy laws in your region.   How to Become a Surrogate Mother Most surrogate mothers sign up with an agency. This is the easiest way to find intended parents and ensure the entire process is handled properly. In order to be accepted by an agency, surrogate mothers must meet certain qualifications defined by the organization. Mothers also have to undergo psychological and medical testing. If you [...]

2021-09-17T04:39:25-07:00By |

4 Amazing Health Benefits of Elderberries

Elderberries may sound like something you’d pick while out in the country on a fairytale adventure, but they’re very real and very good for you. There are a few different kinds, but the one you’re most likely going to buy is the European or black elderberry. They have a commonly associated use for treating cold and flu symptoms, but there are some secret health benefits packed into their unassuming shape that you should know about. Since elderberries come in many forms, from teas to gummies, people can be picky about which vitamin-rich foods to eat to reap these benefits. With cold and flu season coming fast, that benefit alone should convince you to look into elderberry products. I use them often for these 4 amazing benefits.   1.   Cold and Flu Remedy             Elderberries have been used to treat colds for hundreds of years, especially in syrup form. Sicknesses caused by a virus can be snuffed out with a strong dose of elderberries, which contain an antioxidant super-chemical called anthocyanin. It not only zaps free radicals to protect your DNA from breaking up and speeding the aging process, but fights viruses, inflammation, and swelling too. A stronger immune response will help you fight through the sick season, keeping your family safe as well. They’re easy to take too – elderberries taste better than cough medicine, after all.   2.   Relief from Pain             The same anthocyanin that fights colds also treats pain by reducing inflammation. This is where elderberries and their extracts become a godsend for me throughout the week. The thing about inflammation is that we now know it’s the cause of most chronic illnesses, yet most conventional medical treatments for it come in the form of addictive medications that have side effects from long-term use. Finding all-natural inflammation relief is the only relief, as far as I’m concerned. Elderberry offers it by reducing your body’s nitric oxide production, which will stop triggering so much swelling and pain. We need more studies about how effective it is, but elderberries are a no-risk supplement worth trying for people with out-of-control inflammation.   3.   Digestive Health             When you have a busy work schedule, you can’t always use the bathroom whenever you want. Constipation that prevents you from taking advantage of your breaks can make your whole week uncomfortable, throw off your eating schedule, and even cause pain and pelvic tension down the road. Elderberries can serve as a gentle laxative owing to a compound in them called anthraquinone, which stimulates the muscles you need to have a comfortable bowel movement. Especially if you’ve had kids, pelvic pressure and tension related to constipation can build into symptomatic pelvic pain if you hold onto it for too long. Use elderberries to break the cycle.   4.   Nutrients             Elderberries contain antioxidants, the same compounds that make blueberries [...]

2021-05-28T15:31:28-07:00By |

How Weighted Blankets Can Help with Anxiety and Sleep

Blankets provide comfort and warmth when we need it, but did you know that specific kinds of blankets can provide more direct relief? Weighted blankets, which can weigh as much as 30 pounds, can be therapeutic in many ways, leading to relief from anxiety, autism, or insomnia. Children with ASD, attention disorders, autism, depression, and sleep problems can particularly benefit from the therapies mentioned below. These conditions affect sleep so profoundly that some in the medical community advocate considering mental conditions like attention deficit disorder, bipolar disorder, and others as sleep disorders. Weighted blankets can offer several profound therapies for these conditions, as well as for those suffering from more generalized anxiety and insomnia. Read on to learn how weighted blankets can help, as well as how to choose one.   Benefits of Weighted Blankets Elevated mood, high blood pressure, brain fog, fatigue, and even a high heart rate can all be present in adults and children with anxiety disorders. The purpose of a weighted blanket is to force the body into a more relaxed state, which in turn allows their bodies to achieve a deeper sleep. You might be thinking: why would a 30-pound blanket pushing us down into the bed create a calming effect? The answer is a well-known yoga technique called “grounding.” Grounding means that you become aware of where you are in space and the weight of yourself on the floor. In other words, grounding means connecting with the earth through your body. It’s an essential calming practice and one that holds relevance for weighted blankets. Weighted blankets that successfully ground you in your bed can reduce your cortisol levels (the “stress hormone”) and convince your body that you are safe and secure. High stress levels instigate higher blood sugar and bad digestion. Grounded sleep can promote the opposite. As a result, due to grounding as well as deep pressure touch, a therapy that puts weight on relaxing pressure points, weighted blankets can help with anxiety, stress, depression, weight gain, insomnia, and even chronic pain. Grounding your body can help you sync your stress levels with your natural body rhythms, regulating hormones (especially for women) and improving sleep.   A Note of Caution Before discussing what kind of weighted blanket you need, please read this note of caution. Weighted blankets might be great for anxiety, but they aren’t good for everyone. They can be too heavy, especially for children, and they can also get very hot. People with certain conditions should not add heat and weight to themselves while they sleep. These could include: Menopause Circulatory conditions Respiration conditions Temperature regulation conditions In addition, a weighted blanket should not be too heavy. A good rule of thumb is to take 10 percent of your weight and add 2 pounds to find out how heavy your blanket should be.   Best Weighted Blankets Here’s a short list of some of the best weighted blankets available right now. Most can be customized for [...]

2021-01-07T16:02:23-08:00By |

4 Breathing Exercises to Ease Anxiety

The busy workweek often leaves little time for rest, but letting anxiety build up can allow it to dominate your life! Even the way we breathe can help ease some of that burden. In return, you’ll find that you sleep better, feel better, and have more time for the things you love. Whether your week is swamped with errands, parent events at school, a busy job, or a tumultuous love-life, you may be letting your anxiety get out of control. The result? High blood pressure, low attention span, increased fatigue, weight gain, and the list goes on and on. Therefore, these breathing exercises to ease anxiety can help you confront your busy week confidently, calm your nerves before important meetings or presentations, control your body and mind, and be more yourself with the people you love.   What is Deep Breathing? First, I need to clarify what it means to breathe “deep” and “shallow.” The difference contains all the secrets to breathing for necessity versus breathing for comfort. When you breathe normally, many of us breathe into our chests – these are called shallow breaths. This kind of breathing increases your heart rate and muscle tension, signaling your body to begin the physical process of stress response. It’s no accident that when we’re scared or in danger, we breathe in quick, shallow breaths like this. Oppositely, abdominal or deep breathing opens and expands our diaphragm and belly. These breaths even out our stress response, reduce anxiety, and increase our oxygen intake. When all of us were infants in our cribs, we breathed this way naturally! It’s how we achieved that relaxing, full-body sleep that only babies can. But we forgot how. Now that you know the difference between shallow and deep breaths, use these simple exercises to try and reclaim the relaxation you forgot.   Exercise #1: Sitting Breath When you’re sitting at home or work, become aware of your breathing in an attempt to change it from shallow to deep. Inhale through your nose deliberately and deeply. You should feel your belly expand more than your chest. Exhale out of your mouth slowly, opening your mouth only slightly. Do this every day, not only when you feel stressed but regularly, even once an hour. Set an alarm to remind yourself!   Exercise #2: The Book Technique Some of you may not know exactly what the difference between shallow and deep breathing is. That’s not surprising, since most of us have been doing it wrong for decades! The book technique is a simple way to help train yourself to feel the difference. It also forces you to set aside time specifically for breathing and relaxing. It’s simple – lay on your back with a book of any size on your belly. Place your hand on your chest. Breathe in and focus on moving the book up and down with your breath and not moving your hand at all. Eventually, you’ll be able to breathe this [...]

2021-01-07T15:48:03-08:00By |

The Benefits of Using A Vibrator

Ladies…listen up. You may feel shy about the topic, but self-pleasure is perfectly normal…and healthy. While an active sex life with a partner may be all you need to fulfill your desires, some alone time is also important.   Titillating Toys With a vibrator, you can let loose, explore, and experiment. Of course, you can use your gadget with a partner too, but try one out solo to see what it can do. There are so many to choose from, so search online or go to a specialty shop to find out what you fancy. Tracy’s Dog makes a bunch of vibrators, and this one’s even waterproof for some fun in the tub! Hey, you never know when the mood will strike.   Pleasure, Please Of course, the main benefit of using a vibrator is the sexual satisfaction. The direct stimulation is erotic and exciting, and you can maneuver the device just so in order to achieve its maximum potential. Achieving orgasm is always nice, but the path to getting there is just as enjoyable.   More Than The “Big O” There is more to using a vibrator than the thrill of climax alone. Overall, you can improve your health, particularly your mental health, thanks to its stress-relieving properties, a hike in those “feel good” hormones, and so forth. Speaking of stress, a round with your vibrator is a tension releaser and all-over cure for the chaos that’s taking away your sense of calm. You can focus on feeling good, allowing your mind to rid itself of anxiety and aggravation while you enjoy the intimate massage you so desperately crave. Allow yourself to take it slow, and when your session is complete, you’ll feel less worry and more “Wow!”   Spice Up Your Sex Life When you’re in touch with yourself (both physically and emotionally), it can be a boost to your confidence. This can lead to a better sense of self, improved relationships, and will get you in sync with your partner, or a future mate, both in and outside the bedroom. Speaking of inside the bedroom, once you’ve mastered your vibrator, you’ll learn what turns you on and gets you off. Share this intimate information with your partner so you can have a mind-blowing experience between the sheets. Your openness will make your sex life so much better.   Feeling (Not So) Frisky? If you’re in a sexual dry spell, using a vibrator can recharge your libido. Perhaps it’s the pandemic that has been causing this phase, but you deserve to feel good. Let your vibrator remind you of what you have been missing, and you’ll be sure to put pleasure back on your to-do list.   Your Monthly “Friend” It has been said that orgasm can ease menstrual cramps, thanks to the release of endorphins.  Rather than grabbing pain pills or a heating pad to help, perhaps a few minutes with your vibrator will do the trick. If it works for you, [...]

2021-01-05T18:16:08-08:00By |

How to Clean the Air in Your House

Many of us have been living at home more than ever for the past few months. As a result, we’ve been more worried about airborne diseases, smoke, gas, and other contaminants. Even if a virus isn’t your main concern, you may be more cognizant now of keeping the air in your home clean, if for no other reason than you and your family’s comfort. However, many air cleaning methods require chemicals that do more harm than good. This list of 8 suggestions should help you learn how to clean the air in your house without these products. I’ve included high-end machines as well as cheap DIY solutions to air purification so that you can make yourself and your family safer (and more comfortable) on any budget.   1.   Air Purifier Air purifiers may be the most expensive suggestion on this list, but they’re a must for people who have family members with compromised immune systems, breathing problems, or a desire for the highest level of cleanliness possible. Air purifiers reduce smoke and particulate contamination in your air at the same time that they refresh the air in your home so that it never tastes stale. Since airborne contaminants can cause infections, asthma, allergies, or even neurological problems, machines such as the affordable and efficient PARTU HEPA Air Purifier can make your home healthier and cleaner without a hassle.   2.   Carbon Monoxide Awareness Carbon monoxide is poisonous despite being odorless. Those who have been exposed may have flu symptoms (this includes your pets) and may not even know they need medical attention. Houses with fuel-burning appliances and indoor garages are particularly susceptible. Install carbon monoxide detectors near sleeping rooms to ensure that this isn’t a problem with the air in your home. Use common sense when parking in your indoor garage and don’t leave the car idling for too long. This is an easy way to build up carbon monoxide pollution in your house.   3.   Ventilate Ventilation can improve the air in your home at little or no cost. Simply opening a window or installing exhaust fans in bathrooms and other problem areas can improve the air in your home. Water vapor from cooking, showering, and other activities can lead to mold growth if your home isn’t properly ventilated. And mold affects the air in your home, triggering allergies and causing coughs. Promoting adequate ventilation can prevent these issues and improve the air quality in your home.   4.   Buy Plants Some potted plants can improve air quality in your home with little effort on your part. Peace lilies, philodendrons, and devil’s ivy are three plants that are known to remove toxins like formaldehyde from your home, just by growing and looking beautiful. They grow well in pots and hanging baskets while they keep your family safe.   5.   Essential Oils Essential oils have stress-relieving properties, but they can also fight bacteria in the air when used with a diffuser. In addition, they can [...]

2021-01-07T15:15:39-08:00By |

6 Great Ways to Increase Your Iron Levels

Iron is a building block for our body’s health, which is why we’ve named it one of the “essential” minerals. It helps your body make hemoglobin, which is the protein in your blood that expedites oxygen transportation between all the parts of your body. Iron supports your muscles and organs in this way and is an even more essential vitamin for pregnant women. Despite these facts, our diets often don’t contain enough iron. Iron deficiency has a two-pronged cause – not enough iron in our food and not enough ability to absorb the iron we do eat so that our bodies can use it. We need both to have adequate iron levels, so I’m going to address both in the information below. Keep reading to learn 6 great ways to increase your iron levels.   1.   Eat Meat             Meat is the most known source of dietary iron and for good reason. Not only is most meat –beef, chicken, pork, shellfish, and even regular fish like haddock and tuna – packed with natural iron, but it’s also easy to absorb. The iron found in meat is called heme iron and is the healthiest our bodies can consume because our digestive systems recognize it and disperse it easily. Unfortunately, in a cruel twist of fate, pregnant women often have trouble digesting red meat and shellfish, even though they need 2-4 times more iron than the average person. That’s one of the reasons I’ve listed many non-meat alternatives below.   2.   Leafy Vegetables             Vegetables that are dark green and leafy contain a ton of iron. Spinach and kale are the superstars when it comes to getting non-heme iron as part of your dietary routine. Kale makes a great salad but also goes well as a thickener in a fruit smoothie. Start your morning routine right with a balanced smoothie that includes protein, fruit, and kale. This is especially great for pregnant women, who may be cutting back on morning caffeine to keep their baby healthy. A good smoothie can be a great replacement for your caffeine fix.   3.   Quinoa             Quinoa may already be a part of your healthy diet owing to its advantages to people who have a gluten intolerance. Quinoa contains proteins, folates, magnesium, antioxidants, and a ton of iron. This nutty grain blends great into soups, pilafs, and salads, letting you get your daily iron in style. For pregnant women with diet-restricting nausea, its nutty, unassuming taste should be easy to keep down.   4.   Pumpkin Seeds             I’m always looking for easy snacks to take with me on the go to work or on my errands. Pumpkin seeds represent the best portable snack for people looking to increase their iron intake, but they contain a cocktail of other minerals as well. They’re packed with magnesium, which is a big plus for [...]

2021-04-09T17:36:56-07:00By |

Early Signs of Possible Type 2 Diabetes in Adults

When you eat food, your body produces a hormone called insulin. Insulin helps your body turn food into energy by controlling the amount of glucose in your bloodstream and regulating your body's metabolism.  In cases of type 2, your blood sugar level is higher than usual. However, your body has stopped producing the adequate levels of insulin, or none at all. Type 2 is a progressive condition. The best case scenario is to recognize symptoms of high blood sugar.  This detection and treatment can slow or eliminate serious future complications from diabetes. Many people don’t realize they have high blood sugar until they already have type 2 diabetes. Many onset symptoms of type 2 diabetes are mild and go unnoticed. So, what symptoms should you be keeping a close lookout for? If you notice symptoms such as these, you should speak with your doctor.   Frequent urination - Your kidneys try to filter out excess sugar from your blood. This causes one of the biggest signs your blood sugar is not at the correct levels. Increased thirst or hunger - With the biggest symptom being abnormally frequent urination, you may become dehydrated. It is recommended you drink at least 8 cups of water a day! If you have increased thirst you might want to drink more water - which won’t solve the problem of frequent urination. Additionally, not enough glucose is being absorbed in your cells. Your muscles, liver, and fat cells cannot remove the glucose from your blood and use it properly. Unintended weight loss - “In people with diabetes, insufficient insulin prevents the body from getting glucose from the blood into the body’s cells to use as energy. When this occurs, the body starts burning fat and muscle for energy, causing a reduction in overall body weight”, says Diabetes UK. In this case, eating more would not satiate your hunger or keep your weight stable - your body would still not absorb the glucose from the additional food. Fatigue - Dehydration and your body's inability to absorb glucose can cause excessive tiredness. Fatigue and weakness might result when the cells do not get enough glucose. Also, if you are experiencing excessive urination - this could keep you up at night or disturb your sleep. Read more about type 2 and fatigue in our blog. Blurred vision - High blood sugar levels can cause fluid to seep into your lens, distorting your vision. The fluid can affect the blood vessels in one or both eyes. Slower healing - you may notice slow-healing sores, as wounds heal slower and progress faster. Less oxygen will be able to reach your narrowed blood vessels if your blood sugar is high. High blood sugar causes circulation and inflammation issues. Therefore, you might notice numbness or pain in your hands or feet caused by poor circulation (eventually can cause nerve damage). Dark skin patches - One physically noticeable symptom of high blood sugar is Acanthosis Nigricans. In this case, [...]

2021-07-09T17:28:38-07:00By |

6 Healthy Dairy Alternatives

We may crave the taste of dairy without being able to partake in it. Due to a diet, allergy, lactose intolerance, a bloating problem, or even an ethical preference, dairy isn’t always our best friend, even though it tastes pretty great. This leads many of us to seek out healthy dairy alternatives, despite milk’s convincing nutrient profile and nostalgic taste. Read on to learn about 6 healthy alternatives to dairy. Whatever your reason for adding this restriction to your diet, these alternatives can provide you a safe haven from dairy. You may not need to lose the protein and carbs that milk provides, either. Depending on your needs, choose one of these alternatives to include in your diet.   Why Eliminate Dairy? There are several reasons to exclude dairy from your diet, including lactose intolerance and milk allergies, which can cause people to vomit or break out in rashes. Though a milk allergy is rare, parents should be aware that it’s possible in young children. There are other reasons you might want to eliminate dairy. For vegans, milk products present ethical issues, so using an animal-free alternative like those listed below would be preferable. Others may fear the potential health hazards of consuming milk in the modern-day, which could include growth hormones, antibiotics, and even pesticides. Whatever your reason for seeking out other options, here are 6 healthy alternatives to dairy for those that need one.   1.   Soy Milk Soy milk is probably the most known milk alternative. It’s made from soybeans and thickened with vegetable oil. While it doesn’t have the exact taste of milk, it’s still pretty creamy! The brand makes a difference here, so you may have to pay extra to get the best taste. Especially if you need milk for a baking preparation or in coffee, the taste difference is easy to get used to. As a plus, soy milk contains a full protein profile. Be aware that soy can affect estrogen levels when consumed regularly, so a little research may be required on your part to determine if it’s right for you.   2.   Coconut Milk Coconut milk is creamy and sweet. It can be found in many smaller grocers as a milk alternative, often sold in cans. The water and flesh of the coconut go into the “milk” to provide a hydrating, subtle alternative to cow’s milk. Coconut milk has far fewer calories, protein, and carbs than normal milk. It may also aid in weight loss by improving blood cholesterol and reducing appetite.   3.   Almond Milk Almond milk comes from its namesake nut, often combined with water or almond butter for a better texture. Almond milk is a great substitute when added to desserts, coffee, and tea owing to its nutty, sweet taste. If you’re calorie-conscious and looking for a milk substitute, almond milk is the best option on this list. Keep in mind that it’s mostly water, which means that it contains fewer nutrients as well. [...]

2021-01-07T14:11:47-08:00By |

9 Natural Ways to Improve Your Energy Levels

We all have jobs and families that need us at peak performance levels all week long and we all hope to do the best we can. But we don’t always have the energy to back it up! Especially as we get older, healthy energy levels become more difficult to maintain. Energy drink companies try to sell us temporary boosts or incorporate the latest ginseng derivative into another supplement. However, most of the energy-boosting products on store shelves have no real value for consistently maintaining high, healthy energy. Most of the real solutions to low energy involve simple, effective lifestyle changes that can help you change your hormones and activity levels to achieve higher energy in the long run. However, some supplements can help – I’ll go over those as well. Read on to learn 9 effective, natural ways to improve your daily energy.   1.   Work Less The first lifestyle change sounds like a no-brainer even though for some of us, it may be impossible. But the pressures of a modern work schedule are a huge contributor to reduced energy levels. Refocus your priorities on the work that you must complete and leave yourself time for breaks, recreation, and family time. Don’t be afraid to lighten your load for the sake of your energy (if you can).   2.   Exercise Whether or not you can lighten your workload, adding exercise to your routine can easily help you regulate energy. Exercise increases brain activity, improves mood, circulates blood and oxygen, and even contributes to some of the other benefits listed below. Exercise is known as a natural painkiller due to the endorphin release you get from it. That applies to energy levels as well.   3.   Eat Right Most of us try to eat well. But those of us who suffer from low energy need to eat right for our specific issue. Refined carbs and starches, for instance, are made of sugars that our bodies absorb quickly, which is what makes them worse for regulating blood sugar and sponges when it comes to our reserves of energy. A diet that includes protein, whole grains, fibrous vegetables, and olive oil can do wonders for your energy.   4.   Cut Back on Drinking … If you find your days feeling longer, a lunch-time cocktail may be to blame. Alcohol sedates you (we all know it!) and during the day, this can really eat into your energy levels. Drink less and time it right so that your energy only takes a hit when you want it to.   5.   … But Remember to Drink Water Athletes know that water improves performance. For anyone, water is nature’s answer to mid-day fatigue, when your body tells you that you need to hydrate to keep your cells plump and active. Remember to calculate the amount of water you need (approximately half your weight in ounces) to maintain optimum energy.   6.   De-Stress Stress is a huge culprit of low energy since it [...]

2021-01-07T14:03:02-08:00By |

Ghee vs Butter: How to Choose a Healthy Spread

We all occasionally crave the rich, creamy taste of butter, even though we eat it only in moderation. When you’re spreading butter on toast, you probably want to use real butter for the familiar taste. However, in cooking processes, ghee can be a versatile substitute. Whether you’re sautéing veggies, baking, or adding flavor to a recipe, ghee has advantages and disadvantages compared to butter. If you’re cognizant of your butter intake, use this brief guide to understand the difference between ghee and butter and which you should be using. Depending on the situation, ghee may be the alternative you’re looking for.   What is Ghee? We need to be on the same page with what ghee is before talking about its pros and cons. Basically, ghee is butter that has been clarified. This means that the butter has been heated, separating the fat from the liquid. With the milk product removed from the butter, the remaining oil solidifies and becomes ghee. Food culture in India and the Middle East commonly uses ghee instead of butter. Read on to learn if the pros outweigh the cons for you.   Pros of Using Ghee Compared to butter, ghee is harder to burn since the fat composition is different. When heated, it doesn’t produce as many toxic aftereffects as other oils. So, ghee is safer to burn than most of your cooking oils and easier to use than butter. For those who are lactose-intolerant (or just sensitive), ghee’s makeup should be a huge plus. Since the milk fat has been removed, people with sensitivity to lactate would do better using ghee in their cooking, even though it should be noted that it isn’t completely dairy-free.   Cons of Using Ghee Ghee doesn’t taste exactly like butter since it contains less dairy, so those who are looking for the rich, creamy taste of real butter may need to adjust or switch between them. Ghee contains slightly more calories and fat than butter, including saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated. However, it’s important to remember that a range of healthy fats is necessary to maintain healthy heart function and weight regulation. So, this is barely even a con – it’s more like an observation.   A Note About Butter Butter’s reputation has been waning since health food culture hit the mainstream. But there’s one thing that needs to be said: in moderation, butter is fine for you! A healthy mix of fats is required to keep your cholesterol in check, which is why fat-free diets often result in more problems than they fix. Butter has no trans fats, which are the unhealthy fats in many oils that raise your risk for metabolic disorders. These fats are why margarine is actually much worse for you than butter. But ghee has no trans fats in it either, so in the case of making healthy diet changes, don’t listen to a pushy health craze that tells you that ghee is a magic alternative. The differences [...]

2021-01-05T18:46:23-08:00By |
