Facial oils can provide your skin with the moisture and healthy fats necessary to keep your skin smooth, plump, and firm. While ideally, everyone has a facial oil in their skincare routine, not all facial oils are made to meet the specific needs of each individual’s skin. This article will help you choose the best facial oil for your skin type.


It’s no secret that dry skin results from a lack of hydration, but that hydration typically comes from the sebum your skin naturally produces. And as you get older, your skin is less likely to produce the amount of sebum necessary. So, whether your skin is mature or simply isn’t producing enough sebum, you’ll need a thicker facial oil to make up for what your skin is lacking. The best oil for these purposes is marula oil, which is high in Vitamin E, C, lecithin, and oleic acid. However, if you have acne-prone skin, you might want to stay away from this one.


One of the most common misconceptions about face oil is that they make skin more oily and clog pores. However, this is only true if you’re using the incorrect facial oil. If you have oily skin, your skin is likely producing too much sebum in order to compensate for a lack of moisture. This means you need to moisturize just as much as someone with dry skin would. For this skin type, jojoba oil is your best option, as it is the best oil to naturally mimic the sebum in your skin and helps rebalance oil production.

Acne Prone

Whiteheads, cysts, and blackheads are often caused by dry skin, oil, dirt, and bacteria falling into open pores. It may seem counterintuitive to add more oil, but in this case, you need an oil that will balance your skin’s sebum production and act as an antibacterial. Facial oils with tea tree are your best option, but make sure the tea tree oil is naturally diluted in water or another beneficial oil, such as grape seed.

Now that you know how to choose the best facial oil for your skin type, you’re one step closer to making the best skincare routine to meet your skincare goals.