The service industry connects people looking for different products and services. Estheticians are part of the service industry and connect with people specifically looking for beauty and skincare products and services, such as waxing. This means they’re well-informed and knowledgeable about helping people with various body and skin types, including people who have sensitive skin because they’re menstruating. If you’re a new esthetician worried you’ll accidentally hurt a menstruating client, that’s okay. There are ways to ensure you’re doing your job well and keeping your client comfortable. Keep reading to learn how to safely wax someone who’s menstruating.

Ask Beforehand

Before any waxing appointment, ask your client about sensitivities, whether you’re working on a more public part of the body, such as the face and arms, or more intimate areas, such as around genitalia. One of the sensitivities you should ask every client about is the possibility that they may be menstruating during their appointment. People of all gender identities with all different types of bodies like to get waxed, so don’t assume that they don’t or can’t mensurate just because of their name or gender identity. It’s better to know your client’s current and potential sensitivities so you aren’t surprised at the last minute and need to change your waxing plan. If someone is hesitant to reveal this intimate detail to you, explain how menstruating can cause skin all over the body to be more sensitive and that you only want to know to guarantee that they have a comfortable experience.

Only Use Hard Wax

While most salons and estheticians prefer to use soft wax on large body sections, such as legs and arms, you should opt for hard wax if someone tells you that they’re menstruating during the appointment. This is because hard wax is gentler on the skin, and since your client’s skin is going to be more sensitive, a gentler wax is better. Although this could mean that the appointment takes longer, it will improve client comfort, which is always good. If your client is on a limited schedule and would prefer that you use soft wax to make the process quicker, warn them that they may find it more painful. Always consider your client when making waxing decisions.

Take More Breaks

Each esthetician has a different schedule of how frequently they give clients a break during waxing sessions. Even if it disrupts your usual flow, give your menstruating clients extra breaks during their waxing sessions. As we mentioned above, their skin is more sensitive, so they may need more breaks to cope with the higher pain levels, especially if they have a lower pain threshold. Keep cool compresses on hand to apply during these breaks to soothe irritated skin.

Knowing how to safely wax someone who’s menstruating will make your salon more accessible to people of all body types. Asking beforehand, using hard wax, and taking breaks during the appointment will help menstruating clients feel more comfortable with you as an esthetician and in their sensitive skin. Do your best to care for people with all body and skin types in various ways so that anyone can come into your salon and feel welcomed and safe.