A good night’s sleep mentally and physically rejuvenates you. It brings a long day to a close and sets you up with a successful start to your next morning. At night, as you slip into the dream realm, your body focuses all its energy on healing and patching you up for the next day. The better rest you get, the healthier you’ll feel.

A nighttime routine helps you get into the proper mindset and state for sleep. It encourages you to slow down and prepare for the rest you and your body needs. Here are some tips for improving your nighttime routine to ensure quality sleep.

Prep Your Sleeping Space

Where you sleep factors into how well you rest. A room full of distractions and discomfort makes going to bed challenging, keeping your mind active and restless. Transforming your bedroom into a sleep haven eliminates any factors negatively influencing your rest. Before bedtime or during the day, prep your sleeping space to create an ambient place to relax and lull you to sleep. There are numerous ways to prep your bedroom, from adding calming scents to dimming the lights and turning off electronics.

Set a Wind Down Time

Even as an adult, a set bedtime provides numerous benefits. It ensures you get enough hours of sleep, optimizing your energy, health, and mental wellness. Along with a specific bedtime, setting a wind-down time prior to hopping into bed ensures you get a successful night’s rest. Many people spend hours lying in bed, eyes and mind fully awake. A wind-down time soothes your mind and allows you to get into a sleepy and calm state. It ensures that once you close your eyes, you drift away. Set a time to start slowing down an hour before your allocated shut-eye time.

Engage in Relaxing Activities

During wind-down time, engaging in relaxing activities calms you down and prepares you for rest. Meditation, drinking sleepy-time tea, coloring, and listening to ASMR entices your mind and body to slow down. It also makes you feel safe and comfortable, making it easier to sleep with no mental anxieties keeping you awake. Many people find different activities soothing and calming. Finding something that works for you ensures you reach the ultimate sleepy state for a good night’s rest.

Create a To-Do List for Tomorrow

Even long after you close your eyes, sometimes it’s hard for your mind to cooperate. One of the biggest culprits is anxiety. From uncertainties of tomorrow to replaying and redoing scenarios in your head, anxious thoughts find countless ways to keep you awake. Creating a to-do list for the following day reduces anxieties and makes you feel prepared to take on tomorrow. With anxieties soothed, you can slumber easier.

Improving your nighttime routine sets you up with the perfect mindset to rest. It ensures you slip into your dreams as soon as your head hits the pillow. With a good night’s rest, you’ll be ready to take on the next day with a bright start.