Self-improvement comes in many forms; it can be outward or inward, superficial or deeply meaningful. You might decide this year to change your style, lose weight, resolve to keep in touch with family members. Whatever you choose to help you feel like you’re living your best life should be considered self-improvement, and that means doing a little planning.

Many people associate self-improvement with physical changes, such as getting fit, and while that can be a worthy goal, it’s important to remember that improving yourself can also be about making better choices for your own mental health or making a decision to be a more involved parent. Personal growth doesn’t have to be something you can see; it can also be about the way you feel and the way you interact with the people you love.

Making these changes may not be easy at first; anything worthwhile usually takes a little time and effort. However, if you have a good plan to start with and the motivation to see it through, changing your life for the better is attainable. AlrightNow offers a few tips on how to go about it.


Start with professional goals

If 2020 turned your life upside down, you may find yourself rethinking everything from the city where you live to the job you currently hold. Perhaps you’ve realized that it’s time to change up your professional goals. Maybe you’re even ready to commit to launching your own business.

Your first few months of entrepreneurship will be very busy, and it’s important to establish yourself as professional and reliable early on. To get started on the right foot, you’ll also need to register your business in your state. Incorporating as a California LLC is a smart choice because it grants you special tax deductions and limited liability. Filing through an online formation service is an inexpensive and convenient way to register.


Get a new wardrobe

If you feel you’re in a slump with a career you love, it’s possible that all you need is a new wardrobe for a new attitude. While it may sound superficial, many people have found that buying new clothing in order to dress for the job they want rather than the job they have helps to boost their self-confidence. It might just give you the motivation you need to go for that promotion, or to ask for a raise.


Change something that makes you feel self-conscious

Everyone has something that makes them feel self-conscious, whether it’s their smile or the way they interact with people socially. Feeling awkward and insecure isn’t just for teenagers, and it can really affect your self-esteem. If the issue is something physical, consider moving forward with a change that will help you feel better. For instance, you might decide to get dental implants to fix your smile. Or maybe you have a regrettable tattoo that you can now afford to erase through laser removal. If it makes you feel more confident, go ahead.

When it comes to your self-image, it’s also important to keep in mind that you deserve kindness and compassion. One of the best ways to enhance personal growth is to stop rejecting yourself and simply embrace who you are and how you look. By eliminating self-punishment from your life, you are effectively removing a toxic mentality that is a huge obstacle to self-improvement.


Get involved

One surefire way to feel isolated and disconnected from the world (especially right now!) is to refrain from being involved in the lives of your friends and family members. It may be that you feel there just aren’t enough hours in the day, or there may be tension with one of your loved ones. Whatever the issue is, making an effort to resolve it and become more involved will allow you to feel connected, and it might even help you heal emotionally. Reach out to someone you care about, start setting aside time for reading to your kids before bed, or make an effort to visit an elderly loved one every week.


Learn something new

A wonderful way to improve yourself is to commit to learning something new. Whether it’s by taking a class in a subject that interests you or learning a new language, educating yourself and broadening your horizons can help boost your confidence and allow you to make strong social connections at the same time.

Remember, self-improvement starts with you. Map out a game plan before beginning anything and talk to a trusted friend or loved one about your goals; this will help you stay motivated and accountable so that you can continue down the path you want.

About the Author

Sara Bailey hopes that by sharing her journey of grief she can provide insight and hope for others who experience loss. After losing her husband, Greg, she created as a way to share her unexpected journey of learning to be the best parent (and person) she can be while nurturing her grief.