Old fashioned situps are a thing of the past for those wanting to work their core. There just seem to be too many studies completed where situps have done damage to a person’s neck or back. They should have gone with a better alternative instead. That alternative would be planks!

A plank is a strength exercise movement that many times is common to the form of a pushup. The goal is to hold the form for a considerable amount of time as it trains and strengthens your body.


1. Full Body Workout







Instead of doing an exercise that just targets your core, why don’t you get more bang for your buck and do an exercise movement that is really a full body workout? Holding a plank will work just about all of your muscles throughout your body.

When I started doing planks, I quickly noticed that not only did it seem to start to slim my waist, but it firmed up the back of my arms as well. Our triceps are a problem area for many of us and planks can definitely help with this!


2. Bodyweight Exercise That Gets Results







You need no special fitness equipment to do a plank. Perform these on your living room floor, in the gym, or outside in the grass. In a world where it seems like there is equipment needed for every exercise movement, the plank won’t cost you anything extra. All it requires is your bodyweight. Plus, you can make the plank easier or harder by making slight adjustments at the height you are placing your feet and forearms.


3. A Variety of Planks to Choose From







You could do a completely different form of the plank every day of the week if you wanted. With many exercises, there is just one way to do them and do them safely. On the other hand, the number of planks you can actually do are almost endless. It really all depends on the exact muscle groups you wanted to focus on for the day.


4. A Full Core Exercise







Many core exercises just train one or two areas of your midsection while planks are able to train multiple core areas at once. A few of these muscle groups you may have not heard about since your days in Science class, but get ready to brush up on your anatomy.

  • Transversus Abdominis
  • Rectus Abdominus
  • Obliques
  • Glutes
  • Hips
  • Lower Back
  • Spine


5. Improve Posture







As we get older, our posture seems to sort of cave in on itself. Shoulders begin to sag and the back seems to stoop over a bit. Are we just expected to accept this as a sign of aging? It doesn’t have to be that way. Strength training increases bone density and planking will definitely work wonders with your posture. You will be standing up straight and proud for decades to come as long as you keep consistent with your planking exercises.


Start Today







The sooner you get started with planks, the sooner you will be able to witness the benefits of them firsthand. Set your planking goals and try to accomplish them in a timely manner. You may be able to hold the pose for only 15 seconds at the moment, but after a couple of weeks, you could easily be up to a minute!