It’s hard to get kids to eat their greens, especially when everything from cartoons to commercials reinforces the idea that vegetables taste awful. But if mature, hardworking, busy adults like ourselves could be honest for a minute, we’d also rather eat chocolate than broccoli. One reason might be that we’ve never been told in concrete terms what eating broccoli regularly can do for us.

With a little effort, broccoli can be delicious, but that’s just a bonus. The real attraction are these 8 health benefits that the “SUPERFOOD,” broccoli, literally brings to the table when we eat it regularly.


1. Cancer Prevention






Anti-cancer diets include broccoli for good reason. Eating it regularly is an easy way to get selenium, beta-carotene, and other cancer-fighting nutrients. This goes for both genders but may be particularly effective in preventing breast and uterine cancer because of its ability to absorb excess estrogen.


2. Detox








Detox diets aim to reduce the buildup of toxins and heavy metals in our body that can cause problems over time. Zapping free radicals and uric acid requires nutrient-rich superfoods like broccoli, which contain ample amounts of Vitamin C, amino acids, and Sulphur.

Rashes, itchiness, and eczema could be signs of toxins building up in your body. A detox diet that includes broccoli may solve the problem at the source.


3. Healthy Skin







Radiant skin may seem like a luxury as you get older and your days get busier, but broccoli can actually be a great skincare supplement. It’s packed with antioxidants that fight oxidative stress and Vitamins that nurture your skin and help it stay plump and healthy.

Especially if you spend a lot of time in the sun and worry about its effect on your skin, phytonutrients in broccoli can go a long way to repairing that damage and bringing vibrancy back to your everyday look.


4. Improved Digestion







You probably know that the “secret” to healthy digestion is to eat fiber and drink water. Broccoli covers both bases, making it a great food choice if you find yourself struggling to have healthy bowel movements.

Broccoli is also packed with magnesium, which can naturally alleviate acid reflux and reduce related inflammation in your stomach.


5. Heart Health







Heart disease is the number one killer in the developed world and diet is the major culprit. Broccoli can provide beta-carotene, omega-3 fatty acids, and other nutrients that help keep your heart healthy.

Preventing the onset of heart disease requires daily care. Eating broccoli regularly is a simple step to take towards that end. It even contains potassium, which increases blood and oxygen flow to essential organs, further preventing diseases from forming.


6. Bone Strength







Broccoli is a great natural source of calcium, which we’ve all been taught since childhood leads to stronger bones. Your teeth also reap the benefits of a broccoli-rich diet because of its high concentration of zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus.


7. Pregnancy Support








Diet plays an essential role in supporting a healthy pregnancy and broccoli contains a host of nutrients that will benefit both the mother and the baby. It’s full of protein, iron, antioxidants, and fiber. This leads to healthier digestion and bowel movements, which can relieve a lot of the daily stresses of childbearing.

If that wasn’t enough, broccoli is even high in folates, which can prevent birth defects from forming.


8. Anemia Prevention







When your blood lacks healthy red blood cells, you can become anemic. This usually happens due to a lack of iron, which can be acquired through broccoli. This directly reduces your risk of becoming anemic or helps you manage anemia if you already have it.


The Takeaway

Broccoli is not romantic food, but it’s packed with essential nutrients and a unique blend of fiber, folates, and vitamins that give it a lot of uses in our modern, nutrient-starved dietary landscape. Broccoli can prevent cancer, improve skin and heart health, and support a healthy pregnancy.

Whether you’re suffering from digestion issues or just want to get ahead of the curve of your health, the “ALRIGHT SUPERFOOD” broccoli makes a fantastic daily food choice.