Strength-Building Exercises Decrease Risk for All Causes of Disease

Check Out These Simple Strength Exercises Anyone Can Do!   From birth to approximately 30, your muscles are growing in strength and size with little effort from you. However, once you're in your 30s you begin to experience sarcopenia, the natural loss of muscle mass and function.1 With inactivity you can lose as much as 5 percent of your muscle mass each decade after 30. This loss may speed up as you reach 65. Only 23 percent of people over the age of 45 report meeting strength training recommendations.2 However, strength exercises are the most important type of exercise you need to stay strong and healthy as you age. Gaining and maintaining muscle strength is just one of the benefits. This form of exercise may help prevent osteoporosis, improve your balance and control, prevent injuries and improve your ability to perform day-to-day movements. Strength exercises are an integral part of a well-rounded exercise program and are important for every age group, from children to seniors. Unfortunately, many ignore this aspect of exercise as they may believe a gym is required, or that strength training will create bulk. Intensity, not higher weights, can achieve beneficial changes on a molecular, chemical and hormonal level in your body that may help slow or prevent many of the diseases triggered by a sedentary lifestyle. In fact, research has confirmed that exercise is one of the best preventive strategies you may use3 against many common diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.4 Recent research now demonstrates that strength training is vital to your longevity and could add years to your life.5 Strength Exercises May Reduce Risk of All-Cause Mortality In one of the largest studies to compare mortality outcomes using different types of exercise, researchers discovered those who incorporated strength training in their routine experienced a 23 percent reduction in premature death from any cause and a 31 percent reduction in cancer-related death.6 Researchers from the University of Sydney studied over 80,000 adults and found that promoting muscular strength may be as important as aerobic activities. Some find strength-based exercises more intimidating or less attractive as they seem more demanding or boring. Aerobic exercise has also been the focus of many studies, demonstrating they improve executive functioning7 and cardiovascular fitness,8 improving your endurance and stamina throughout the day. However, this featured study suggests strength exercises may reduce the risk of all-cause and cancer-related deaths.9 The World Health Organization's (WHO) Physical Activity Guidelines for adults 18 to 64 recommends 150 minutes of aerobic activity with at least two days of strength-based exercises each week.10 Lead author Emmanuel Stamatakis, Ph.D., believes public health authorities have neglected to stress the importance of strength exercises and misrepresented how active Australian citizens were as a nation.11 Stamatakis cites the Australian National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey as an example of the increased risk of disease from lack of activity Australians suffer.12 The report finds 53 percent of Australians are inactive. However, when strength-based exercise [...]

2018-10-04T12:49:05-07:00By |

Exercise Four to Five Times a Week to Prevent Arterial Stiffness

Exercise is the Source of Multiple Health Benefits!   Many associate the normal aging process with hypertension, chronic disease and heart disease. However, while these conditions are common in an aging population, many studies have demonstrated they are not inevitable outcomes of aging. Heart disease affects approximately 1 in 13 Americans over the age of 18.1 It continues to be the leading cause of death in the U.S., as 1 in 4 deaths is associated with heart disease.2 Mortality from coronary heart disease has been on the decline, likely attributable to improved treatments following heart attack, but the number of individuals living with the disease has not. Those at higher risk for heart disease have high blood pressure, smoke, are overweight, drink excessive amounts of alcohol and are physically inactive.3 In the U.S., the percentage of adults over age 20 with hypertension is near 33 percent.4 The condition is responsible for 3.7 million outpatient hospital visits each year, and 32,000 deaths from essential hypertension and hypertensive renal disease. Hypertension is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease, with a significant contributing factor being physical stiffening of the large arteries.5 A recent study finds exercising may reverse the aging of your heart and blood vessels as measured by the stiffness of your arteries.6 Activity Reduces Risk of Arterial Stiffness Recent research published in the Journal of Physiology7 analyzed the effect of differing amounts of exercise over 25 years on arterial stiffening in older adults. The study enrolled 100 people in their 60s and evaluated their exercise history throughout their lives.8 After measuring arterial stiffness, they found those who exercised two to three times a week for at least 30 minutes had more youthful middle-sized arteries supplying blood to their head and neck. However, the most impressive results were in those who exercised four to five times a week. They had healthier large central arteries as well as healthier midsized ones. Data found there was little effect on the smaller peripheral arteries in either of the groups.9 Researchers measured the larger arteries supplying the chest and abdomen but did not take into account confounding factors, such as diet, education and social background. While these factors may have had an impact on the results, lead author from the Institute for Exercise and Environmental Medicine, Dr. Benjamin Levine commented:10 "This work is really exciting because it enables us to develop exercise programs to keep the heart youthful and even turn back time on older hearts and blood vessels." In another study, researchers found relatively short aerobic exercise in older adults could reduce arterial stiffness in those who have Type 2 diabetes, hypertension or hypercholesterolemia.11 One study put participants through a 12-week combined exercise program and found improvements in arterial stiffness, functional capacity and body composition in postmenopausal women who suffered stage 1 hypertension.12 Individuals with metabolic syndrome have a threefold increased risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease, in part due to an increase in arterial stiffness. In a study published [...]

2018-09-18T17:49:10-07:00By |

Strength Training Can Relieve Depression

One Hour of Exercise a Week Can Prevent Depression!   Resistance exercise training, commonly referred to as weight training or strength training, is often viewed as an activity aimed at building large muscles. While it certainly does build muscle mass and strength, its benefits don't end there, as strength training offers bodywide benefits from your heart to your brain. In fact, recent research published in JAMA Psychiatry revealed it's even beneficial for your mood and may help to alleviate symptoms of depression.1 A meta-analysis of 33 trials involving nearly 2,000 people showed that strength training led to a significant reduction in depressive symptoms, and this held true regardless of the participant's health status, improvements in strength or how much strength training they completed. According to the study's lead author, Brett Gordon, a postgraduate researcher in the department of physical education and sports sciences at the University of Limerick in Ireland, the greatest improvements were seen among people with symptoms of mild to moderate depression, as opposed to those without depression, which suggests strength training may be most effective for people with greater depressive symptoms.2 Strength Training May Be as Effective as Antidepressants While strength training may not provide an all-out cure for depression, Gordon noted in an email to Time that it may improve depressive symptoms as well as antidepressants and behavioral therapies.3 Many different strength training programs turned out to be beneficial, so Gordon recommended strength training for two days a week, with eight to 12 repetitions of eight to 10 strength-training exercises, to boost mental health, which are the guidelines suggested by the American College of Sports Medicine.4 The World Health Organization's (WHO) physical activity guidelines for adults 18 to 64 also recommends at least two days of strength-based exercises each week.5 Past research has also highlighted strength training's psychological benefits, including a study on stroke survivors, which found improvements in strength are associated with a reduction in levels of depression.6 Yet another review revealed impressive mental health benefits of strength training in adults, including:7 Reductions in anxiety symptoms in healthy adults Improvements in cognition among older adults Improvements in sleep quality among older adults with depression Reductions in symptoms of depression among people diagnosed with depression Improvements in self-esteem Further, in a study of older depressed adults, 80 percent experienced a significant reduction in depressive symptoms after taking up strength training for 10 weeks, such that researchers concluded, "PRT [progressive resistance training] is an effective antidepressant in depressed elders, while also improving strength, morale and quality of life."8 In yet another study of older adults with depression, those who took part in high-intensity strength training three days a week for eight weeks experienced a 50 percent reduction in depressive symptoms,9 whereas separate research showed strength training exercise reduced depressive symptoms in older Hispanic/Latino adults as well (endurance, balance and flexibility exercises were also beneficial for mood).10 What Makes Exercise so Good for Your Brain and Mood? The featured study in JAMA Psychiatry [...]

2018-09-17T19:12:52-07:00By |

Top 4 Ways to Get an Unfair Advantage (naturally) with Your Workout Results

Get More Out of Your Workouts with Natural Supplements!   Let’s face it, everyone is looking for ways to do things faster and more efficiently. Whether it is an insane work week, active family, or a combination of both, it can become difficult to become physically fit without spending an obnoxious amount of time in the gym. Then, for those who do manage this herculean task, they are often seen walking around awkwardly or limping due to excessive wear and tear on their body. It doesn’t have to be this way. When you understand how to eat, recover, and repeat, you can legitimately get an unfair advantage over those who don’t understand these core concepts. In addition to that, when you get your hands on high end supplementation that dramatically improves workout results and recovery, you can begin to get more from less time in the gym. The first step in maximizing your workouts is to increase your overall energy, and augment your energy levels just prior to your workout routine. To do this, oxygen levels in the body need to be very high, which means your nutrition has to be dialed in and your toxic load very low. To gain incredible levels of oxygen, especially prior to a workout, consider a daily superfood smoothie 60-90 minutes before your workout. (Try the Ultimate Warrior Smoothie Recipe.) During your workout, don’t eat any food but make sure to drink fluids to lubricate your muscles and organs with important nutrients like minerals, electrolytes, and naturally occurring sugars. A great option is raw coconut water or highly mineralized spring water, or purified water with a pinch of sea salt. It’s very important to note to avoid energy drinks during the workout (and altogether) as they actually will eventually cannibalize your ability to recover and generate great results. After your workout, you want to eat as soon as possible, ideally between 30-60 minutes after the workout. At this stage, you want to make sure to alkalize the body to offset lactic acid build-up at inflamed sources of the body, replace glycogen and nutrient stores that were depleted during your workout, as well as consuming quality sources of protein to repair and rebuild muscle. Now, surprisingly, many workout enthusiasts do not maximize any of these stages, and typically get the results they do from a sheer amount of work ethic and eating constantly. This may work to some degree, but wouldn’t you like a way to get great results without obsessing about it and make that little time you have for the gym more productive? Or maybe you have time for the gym, but would like to improve your endurance, performance, and recovery to become more physically fit and a better athlete? Good news, there’s a better way. 4 ways to naturally augment your workout results Keep in mind that to make the most of your workouts, your daily food regimen is paramount. There are no magic tricks to outwork a bad [...]

2018-09-11T15:03:44-07:00By |

Try This Bodyweight Workout, No Equipment Needed

Strength Training Can Help Prevent the Development of Cancer   Exercise is one of the foundational pillars of developing and maintaining optimal health. Strength training is just one type of exercise that may be used to maintain muscle mass, strengthen muscles and, when done without rest between sets, can be part of a cardiovascular high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session. For some, strength training, or weight training as it is also called, may be out of your comfort zone. It may feel intimidating to walk into a weight room filled with men “pumping iron” or you may feel that strength training is only for those who want to “bulk up” and train for a Mr. Universe competition. However, there are strategies you can use that reduce your discomfort and result in strong, flexible muscle tone. Below is a training routine you can use at home to maintain and improve your muscle development, all without equipment. Bodyweight strength training has been popular for decades since it’s efficient, cheap and effective. Before I share this simple, yet effective, routine, let’s quickly discuss why you want to include this form of exercise in your weekly routine. Why Weight Work? Strength training has a number of benefits to your health and wellness. As you age, your body naturally loses muscle mass. The medical term for this condition is sarcopenia, and it is one of the most important causes of functional decline and loss of independence in older adults.1 Sarcopenia is defined as both a loss of muscle mass and functional strength. In one survey, seniors expressed greater fear of loss of independence than of death.2 Loss of independence is also costly. The Family Caregiver Alliance estimates that by 2050 the number needing paid long-term services will rise to 27 million.3 Lost income and benefits of individuals caring for family at home averages $303,000 over a lifetime. You may reduce your potential risk for loss of independence by using simple strength-training exercises to slow sarcopenia, improve muscle strength and improve your balance and coordination. Strength training may also help prevent the development of cancer. In a recent study, scientists found strength training, even without using weights, cuts your risk of cancer.4 The study showed that strength training at least twice a week reduces your risk of death from cancer by 31 percent.5 When combined with aerobic activities, the risk of dying from any cause is reduced by an impressive 30 percent.6 When strength training is combined with optimal levels of vitamin D, the benefits are even greater. In my previous article, “How Vitamin D Can Help Slash Your Risk of 7 Different Acute and Chronic Disease,” I shared how the combination of strength training and vitamin D could reduce your risk of Type 2 diabetes and the deposition of visceral fat. Your waist-to-hip ratio, which is a numerical indicator of the amount of fat deposited in your abdominal cavity, is a far better measurement to determine your risk of Type 2 [...]

2018-09-05T13:16:44-07:00By |

Fitness More Than Fatness Determines Your Health and Longevity

Increase Your Fitness, Increase Your Health and Longevity!   Did you know that fitness level is a strong predictor of longevity, especially for adults over age 60? While obesity receives much airtime as a public health problem, it seems that being thin is not the be-all and end-all of a healthy body. Results of a 12-year study have indicated that fitness levels can be more important than your weight levels and can definitely influence whether or not you suffer from health problems and die earlier than those who are physically fit but not necessarily thin. The 12-year study was conducted by Professor Steven Blair from the University of South Carolina in Columbia. Researchers looked at the relationship between body fat, fitness and longevity in 2,603 people over the age of 60. At the start of the study, fitness levels were assessed using a treadmill stress test and body fat was calculated by various measures, including BMI, waist circumference and fat percentages. The volunteers had follow-up medical checks over the 12-year study period. The overall results showed that fit adults who engage in cardiovascular exercise on a regular basis outlived the unfit, regardless of their level of obesity or waist size. There were 450 deaths during the study. Researchers found that those who died were older, had lower fitness levels and had more cardiovascular risk factors than survivors. Death rates for those with higher fitness levels were less than half of the rates for those who were unfit and not surprisingly they were less likely to have risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as hypertension, diabetes, or high cholesterol levels. The exception however was with those who were severely obese or with large amounts of abdominal fat. The message from these study results is that there is great benefit to being physically active on a regular basis even if you are overweight. Exercise has a systematic effect on many levels - it strengthens the heart, the lungs and builds up the skeletal muscles. It also provides great benefit to the brain and the overall well-being of the person. It is important though to maintain a healthy body weight at the same time. "Our data provides further evidence regarding the complex long-term relationship among fitness, body size and survival. It may be possible to reduce all-cause death rates among older adults, including those who are obese, by promoting regular physical activity, such as brisk walking for 30 minutes or more on most days of the week," said Dr. Xuemei Sui of the University of South Carolina. The findings for this study are published in the Dec. 5 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

2018-08-28T18:15:50-07:00By |

Exercise: The Miracle Antidepressant Drug?

Combat Depression with Exercise!   Common wisdom holds that exercise boosts your mood, in addition to benefiting your physical health. Terms such as “endorphins” and “runner’s high” are afloat in the popular lexicon. If you are a person who exercises regularly, or if you know someone who does, you will likely be aware of this bonus that comes along with vigorous physical activity. Ample evidence seems to suggest that exercise might hold great promise in the treatment of disorders such as depression. But anecdotal evidence and personal testimony do not a mental health revolution make. A new anti-depressant medication, for example, must be tested through clinical trials that prove its efficacy and safety before it can be put on the market. In the last couple decades, there has been some interest in looking at the mental health value of exercise. Until recently, however, studies investigating the effectiveness of exercise in the treatment of mental health have not been conducted with the same level of scientific rigor as the clinical trials used to bring anti-depressant medications to the market. Limitations of previous studies have included the absence of a control group, individuals not being randomly assigned to study groups, and testing the effects of exercise on individuals who were not suffering from a mood disorder. But a recent placebo-controlled study conducted by James Blumenthal, professor of psychology at Duke University and published in the September issue of the journal Psychosomatic Medicine compared exercise to a common antidepressant medication in a group of individuals diagnosed with major depressive disorder, and found that exercise was as effective as the drug at alleviating symptoms of the disorder. In this study, 202 depressed adults were randomly assigned to one of four groups: one that received the antidepressant sertraline, one that worked out in a supervised group setting three times a week, one that worked out at home, or one that received a placebo pill. Sixteen weeks later, 47% of the group that took the antidepressant, 45% of the supervised exercise group, and 40% of those that exercised at home no longer met the criteria for major depression based on a standard measure of depression symptoms. Although the percent of improvement in the group that exercised on their own was less than that of those that exercised in a supervised group, and the percent improvement in the supervised exercise group was slightly less than that of the group that took the antidepressant, the differences between these three groups were not statistically significant. All groups improved a statistically significant amount over the placebo group, 31% of which no longer met the criteria for depression at the end of the study. This study provides powerful evidence that exercise may be a viable alternative to antidepressant medication in the treatment of major depressive disorder. Other studies have found that the benefits of physical activity can be realized in individuals who are not depressed, but who feel, as is common in our fast-paced culture, that [...]

2018-08-28T17:11:09-07:00By |

Exercise Can Fight Aging

Exercise Can Keep You Young!   A recent study conducted by researchers from Saarland University in Germany has found that engaging in long-term physical activity results in an anti-aging effect. Telomeres, the protective caps found on the ends of cell chromosomes that gradually shorten with age, were found to shorten more slowly in athletes who exercise regularly. Every time a cell divides, its telomeres get a little bit shorter and the cell becomes slightly more susceptible to dying. Telomeres have been compared to the plastic ends on shoelaces that prevent them from unraveling. Recent telomere research has discovered that the shortening of telomeres is directly correlated to the aging process as cell integrity slowly degrades over time. In the study, researchers evaluated two groups of healthy, non-smoking people and two groups of professional athletes. The one athletic group was composed of athletes averaging 20 years old who were members of the German national track and field team while the other athletic group was composed of middle-aged runners who had been training since they were young. Researchers found that in both groups of athletes, physical exercise had led to the activation of the telomerase enzyme which is responsible for producing and stabilizing telomeres. Telomerase activation led to a reduced shortening of telomeres in the athletes' leukocytes, white blood cells that protects the body against infection and disease. The most visible effect was noticed in the middle-aged participants who had been engaging in regular endurance training for several decades. Other scientists believe that even moderate levels of exercise are responsible for slowing down the aging process and even reversing it. Many studies have shown that engaging in regular physical activity helps to prevent the onset of chronic disease and can help to lower cholesterol and reduce blood pressure. By slowing down the aging process, other diseases like cancer, stroke, and diabetes can also be prevented. A similar study conducted in Sweden found that regular exercise also contributes to increased intelligence and boosted learning ability. More than 1.2 million 18-year-old Swedish men who enlisted for military service were evaluated. Researchers found that their intense physical training resulted in increased IQ and improved learning abilities. Regular exercise increases blood flow to the brain which many believe helps to improve nerve function. Exercising also produces sweat which works to cleanse the body of toxic buildup and improve overall well being. A whole array of benefits can be achieved by regularly exercising. Sources for this story include:

2018-08-27T17:44:11-07:00By |

Why Exercise and Endorphins Make You Happy

Can Going to the Gym Make You Happy?   Avid exercisers often enjoy a euphoric feeling after their workouts. Sometimes called a "runner's high," this notable post-workout boost in happiness and energy levels is what keeps many devoted exercisers coming back for more. The feel-good vibes are typically attributed to endorphins, which are neurochemicals produced in your brain's hypothalamus and pituitary gland. These natural painkillers are similar in structure to the drug morphine and activate opioid receptors in your brain to help minimize pain. Endorphins are linked to your body's reward circuits as well and are associated with other feel-good activities like maternal behavior, eating and drinking or having sex.1 Endorphins in your blood also increase in response to pain and stress, such as exercise, and it's long been suggested that these endorphins help people feel good after their workouts. There's even a term, "endorphin junkie," often used by gym rats who are "addicted" to the exercise "high." There's just one problem. Endorphins Can't Cross Your Blood-Brain Barrier The idea that endorphins cause the runner's high has been in circulation for decades. Dr. J. Kip Matthews, a sport and exercise psychologist, told CNN:2 "Long-distance running was quite popular in the mid-1970s around the same time that endorphins were discovered. Anecdotally, there were a lot of reports of the so-called 'runner's high.' … By suppressing the experience of pain, a number of researchers put forth the idea that endorphins could be the source of this euphoric feeling after intense exercise." However, as CNN reported, research has shown that endorphin levels might not increase in your body until you've exercised for a full hour.3 So why you can still feel euphoric after a very short, intense workout like high-intensity interval training (HIIT)? Some research suggests endorphins are only produced during anaerobic exertion, such as HIIT or intense weight training (and not during typical aerobic exertion unless you exercise for about an hour).4 This still doesn't explain the full picture, however, as most related studies have measured endorphin levels in your blood during exercise. This isn't indicative of the endorphin levels in your brain, because endorphins can't cross your blood-brain barrier.5 So while exercise may increase blood levels of endorphins, it's the endorphins in your brain that would make you feel good. And research hasn't proven that exercise increases brain levels of endorphins. What does increase in your brain following exercise is a neurotransmitter called anandamide, sometimes known as the bliss compound. 'Bliss Compound' May Be Involved in the Runner's High Anandamide is a neurotransmitter and endocannabinoid produced in your brain that temporarily blocks feelings of pain and depression. It's a derivative of the Sanskrit word "bliss," and a deficiency is associated with increased anxiety and stress.6 Anandamide is actually found in chocolate too and is thought to be one reason why eating chocolate may give you a boost in mood (chocolate also contains other chemicals that prolong the "feel-good" aspects of anandamide). In relation to exercise, however, [...]

2018-08-24T12:05:02-07:00By |

7 Exercise Tools Everyone Should Have

Among their many benefits, exercise tools such as foam rollers are useful for releasing tension points, improving range of motion and supporting muscle recovery. Most serious athletes, bodybuilders and exercise enthusiasts own one or more of these handy, inexpensive tools, which continue to grow in popularity. Like the foam roller, most of these tools are designed to be self-administered for the purpose of myofascial release, but you can use them with a partner if desired. Your fascia is a band or sheath of connective tissue, primarily collagen, that provides support and protection for your muscles and internal organs. Fascia also can become tight due to inactivity, overuse or trauma caused by your job activities or workouts, or sometimes due to an accident, poor posture, repetitive stress injury or surgery. When your fascia constricts, you may experience inflammation, which can result in a thickening of the connective tissue, as well as pain and irritation. By breaking down fibrous tissue, you boost your body's blood circulation, which, in turn, promotes healing and helps relieve painful symptoms. Besides a foam roller, Prevention magazine1 suggests six other "must have" exercise tools to help you target problem areas and achieve relief in a matter of minutes. Foot Massager: Bringing Relief to Your Hardworking Feet Caring for your feet is an important consideration no matter what you do for a living, but most especially if your job or other activities involve a lot of walking or standing. After carrying you around all day, your feet deserve special attention. Unfortunately, frequent neglect of your feet can result in serious aches and pains. For example, it's vitally important you wear high-quality, supportive footwear. If you don't, you may end up with plantar fasciitis, which occurs when the tendon running along your arch, from your toes to your heel, becomes inflamed. Plantar fasciitis is extremely painful and may involve weeks or months of treatment and recovery. The pain is often at its worst when you take your first steps in the morning or after long periods of rest. Whether or not you have plantar fasciitis, using a foot massager to roll out aches and pains is an effective way to release tension in your feet and promote blood circulation. Golf, lacrosse or tennis balls can be used on your feet but they can easily slide out or roll away unless used on thick carpet. Foot-specific rollers, which are generally slightly larger than a golf ball, can be used on any surface. Check out the video below for simple instructions on how to use a foot massage ball to address pain such as that caused by plantar fasciitis. [embedyt][/embedyt] Lacrosse Ball: Dig Into Tight Muscles Alone or With a Partner If you've ever had a massage therapist dig into one or more tension points on your back or shoulders, you may be happy to know you can use a lacrosse ball to achieve a similar effect. Due to its compact size, a lacrosse ball [...]

2022-10-12T14:47:13-07:00By |

For Optimal Brain and Nervous System Health, Exercise Your Leg Muscles

While exercise is primarily valued for its influence on physical health, strength and mobility, there’s ample evidence showing physical exercise, especially strength training, is just as important for healthy brain and nervous system function. A number of studies, which I’ll review below, have linked muscle strength, and leg strength in particular, to various cognitive benefits. This fascinating link was again demonstrated in a recent study1,2 published in Frontiers in Neuroscience, which shows that neurological health is as dependent on signals from your large leg muscles as it is on signals from your brain to your muscles. In other words, it’s a two-way street, and neither “lane” is more important than the other. As noted by the authors: “Both astronauts and patients affected by chronic movement-limiting pathologies face impairment in muscle and/or brain performance. Increased patient survival expectations and the expected longer stays in space by astronauts may result in prolonged motor deprivation and consequent pathological effects. Severe movement limitation can influence not only the motor and metabolic systems but also the nervous system, altering neurogenesis and the interaction between motoneurons and muscle cells. Little information is yet available about the effect of prolonged muscle disuse on neural stem cells characteristics. Our in vitro study aims to fill this gap by focusing on the biological and molecular properties of neural stem cells (NSCs) … The overall results support the existence of a link between reduction of exercise and muscle disuse and metabolism in the brain and thus represent valuable new information that could clarify how circumstances such as the absence of load and the lack of movement that occurs in people with some neurological diseases, may affect the properties of NSCs and contribute to the negative manifestations of these conditions.” The Importance of Leg Exercise for Brain and Nervous System Health According to the press release,3 the finding “fundamentally alters brain and nervous system medicine — giving doctors new clues as to why patients with motor neuron disease, multiple sclerosis, spinal muscular atrophy and other neurological diseases often rapidly decline when their movement becomes limited.” In other words, whenever you’re unable to perform load-bearing exercises, you not only lose muscle mass due to muscle atrophy, your body chemistry is impacted in such a way that your nervous system and brain also begin to deteriorate. To reach this conclusion, the researchers prevented mice from using their hind legs for 28 days. The animals could still use their front legs, however, and were able to eat and groom normally without getting stressed. At the end of 28 days, the sub-ventricular zone of the animals’ brains was examined. This is an area of the brain responsible for the health of nerve cells. Remarkably, neural stem cells — undifferentiated stem cells that can develop into both neurons and other brain cells — had declined by 70 percent in the animals that had not used their hind legs, compared to unhindered controls. Neurons and oligodendrocytes (glial cells that insulate nerve cells) [...]

2018-08-21T15:44:43-07:00By |

5 Best Home Exercises

Get Fit Right In the Comfort of Your Home!   Everybody needs exercise, but not everyone has time for the gym or aerobics classes, or maybe they just want to do some quick exercises on a rest day from the gym. Exercising at home can be just as beneficial as going to the gym, as long as you complete your 30 minutes recommended exercise – all is OK. So what are the best exercises to do? To save over complicating matters, here are 5 of the best exercises for home, and by completing these you can fulfill your daily recommended 30 minutes: 1. JUMPING Jumping on the spot, or Jumping Jacks are more beneficial than they sound,  building up stamina and increasing your heart rate. It will give the legs a complete workout, namely the thigh and calf muscles. Jumping on a small trampoline, also known as rebounding, is also great for firming your legs, thighs, abdomen, arms, hips and supports Lymph system health. How to do it: Just jump up and down, 5 or 6 inches is all that is needed. You can also try the Tabata approach: Set your phone timer for 4 mins. Do 20 seconds of jumping, 10 seconds rest, 20 Seconds of jumping and repeat until the entire 4 minutes is up. 2. BACK EXTENSIONS This is a strength exercise that uses the resistance of the body to exercise the lower back muscles and the stomach muscles. How to do it: Lie face down with your arms by your sides, gently and slowly lift your head towards the ceiling as far as you are able, if you feel comfortable doing this you can lift your legs also. When you are at your limit, hold this position for 3 seconds and then lower yourself back to the starting position. As you condition yourself over time, increase the hold time to 5 seconds and eventually 7 seconds. Repeat 15 times. 3. PUSH-UPS This is one of the old-time favourites, and one of the best you can do for building stamina, building the triceps and pecs all in one exercise. How to do it: Lie face down with the palms of your hands at roughly shoulder width, keeping your back and legs straight. Then lift yourself by pushing against the floor with your arms, and once reaching the highest point, gently lower yourself back to the starting position. If you find this is too much at the start, you can do the same thing with your arms. But rest on bent knees, as this will take some of the pressure off your arms. 4. SIT-UPS Another easy exercise for the home, and great for that 6 pack you may be wanting, not only does it exercise the stomach muscles and back muscles, it is great for the hips with regard to strength and motion. How to do it: Lie on the floor with bent knees, your feet should be flat at this point, if [...]

2018-08-20T18:02:13-07:00By |
