What Puts You at Risk for an E. Coli Infection?

E. coli, or Escherichia coli, is a type of bacteria that normally lives in the intestines of humans and animals. While most strains are harmless, others can cause severe stomach cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting. Understanding what puts you at risk for an E. coli infection will help you maintain your health and prevent potentially serious outcomes. Consumption of Contaminated Food One of the most common ways individuals contract an E. coli infection is through the consumption of contaminated food. Raw or undercooked meat, especially beef, is a significant risk factor. However, one of the myths and misconceptions about E. coli is that foods of bovine origin are the only source. E. coli can also be present in raw milk, unpasteurized dairy products, and fresh produce not properly washed. Ensuring that your food is cooked to the right temperatures and handling produce with care can significantly reduce the risk of infection. Contaminated Water Drinking or swimming in contaminated water also elevates the risk of an E. coli infection. This includes water from lakes, rivers, pools, and even municipal water supplies when they become contaminated. Boiling water or using water purification systems can help safeguard against E. coli in drinking water. Always avoid swallowing water when swimming in lakes or pools to minimize your risk. Poor Personal Hygiene Another factor that increases the risk of an E. coli infection is poor personal hygiene. Failing to wash hands thoroughly after using the bathroom or handling raw food can easily spread the bacteria. Therefore, regular handwashing with soap and water serves as a simple yet effective defense against E. coli. Close Contact With Infected Individuals or Animals Being in close contact with someone who has an E. coli infection or with animals that carry the bacteria can increase your risk. This is because E. coli can be transmitted through tiny fecal particles. If you understand what puts you at risk for an E. coli infection, you can better protect yourself and your loved ones from this bacterium. Prevention is always better than the cure, so take the necessary precautions to stay healthy, and reach out to healthcare professionals if you do notice signs of infection.

2024-03-13T07:32:28-07:00By |

3 Best Hypoallergenic Dogs for People With Allergies

If you’re allergic to pet dander, you may assume you’ll never get to enjoy puppy cuddles or kisses—but think again! Hypoallergenic dogs can be ideal for people with allergies because they don’t shed as much as other breeds. Less shedding means less pet dander floating through the air and adhering to your upholstery. Keep in mind no dog is truly hypoallergenic, but some breeds release an amount of dander that’s low enough to not cause allergic reactions in humans. Continue reading to learn about the best hypoallergenic dogs for people with allergies. Bichon Frise The bichon frise is bred to be hypoallergenic, so it’s a great pick for people with allergies. These fluffy white dogs are also ideal for people who live in compact spaces or urban environments due to their small size and confidence. Bichons love children, so they also make great family dogs. Bichons have cheerful personalities and enjoy pleasing their owners, so expect a lot of tail wags. Bichons have adaptable personalities and get along well with other dogs, so if you already own a dog, a bichon may be the perfect addition to your family. With an alert and curious attitude, a bichon encounters friends everywhere they go. If you enjoy taking your dog on trips but are looking for ways to keep pet hair out of your truck or car, a hypoallergenic bichon is a great choice. Poodle Poodles are some of the most popular dogs in the United States as well as one of the best hypoallergenic dogs for people with allergies. Poodles fall into one of three categories: standard, toy, or miniature. The good news is, every version is hypoallergenic, so you can choose the size that best fits your lifestyle and activity level. Poodles have curly coats in black, white, or apricot. Although movies and television shows often portray them as prissy or high maintenance, they’re extremely athletic and versatile. Poodles are also incredibly smart, so they’re very easy to train. With a low-allergen coat and a sharp mind, a poodle makes a great companion for any dog-lover. Portuguese Water Dog If you’re looking for a medium-sized dog, a Portuguese water dog is a great option. In fact, former President Barack Obama owned two throughout his years at the White House. Portuguese water dogs are known for their curly, allergy-friendly coat as well as their laid-back, playful personalities. As the name suggests, Portuguese water dogs were bred to be fishermen’s helpers, so they have an athletic build that’s highly adaptable to water. Their extreme intellect and desire to please makes training a breeze. Plus, they’re comfortable in small living spaces if they receive enough exercise throughout the day. No matter what type of hypoallergenic dog breed you choose, you’ll enjoy the unconditional love and companionship that comes with being a dog-owner. At the end of a long day, there’s no greater feeling than walking through the front door and knowing someone is always excited to greet you.

2023-11-16T10:01:45-08:00By |

Ways To Make Getting Older Easier for Your Body

As people age, they must prioritize their well-being and take steps to ensure they can enjoy a healthy and fulfilling life. Getting older doesn’t mean you have to settle for pain or discomfort—there are ways to make getting older easier for your body. With the right effort and time, you can spend your later years living to your heart’s content. Exercise Regularly Engaging in regular physical activity is crucial for easing the effects of aging. It will be hard at first, but once you start exercising regularly, it will become easier and easier. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day, such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming. Don’t forget to warm up before starting your workout and cool down with stretching exercises afterward to prevent muscle stiffness and injuries. Manage Chronic Pain If you’re experiencing chronic pain, you should collaborate closely with your health-care provider. One common myth about chronic pain is that it’s unavoidable. In reality, treating your body well and maintaining good habits can help you better avoid it later down the line. When you fill your life with positive choices and act fast when you start noticing pain, you can keep chronic pain out of your life. Eat Healthily Nourishing your body with a balanced and nutrient-rich diet is key for coping with the effects of aging. Focus on consuming lean proteins, such as tofu and legumes, and a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables that provide essential vitamins and minerals. Incorporate whole grains like brown rice and quinoa for fiber and energy, and stay hydrated with plenty of fluids. Great hydrating drinks include water and herbal teas, but you can also eat hydrating foods, such as cucumbers and watermelon. Get Quality Sleep Quality sleep is essential for maintaining our health as we age. Strive for seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to allow your body to recharge and rejuvenate. Create a relaxing bedtime routine, such as taking a warm bath, reading a book, or practicing mindfulness meditation, to promote better sleep. Also, ensure that your sleep environment is comfortable, cool, and dark to optimize sleep quality. High-quality sleep will go a long way in keeping your body charged and able to combat whatever challenges the next day brings. Remember, these tips serve as a foundation for making aging easier on your body. Prioritizing self-care now will lay the groundwork for many healthy and fulfilling years ahead. With proper care and attention, we can age gracefully and enjoy life to its fullest.

2023-09-27T11:10:07-07:00By |

Mistakes To Avoid When Recovering From a Health Emergency

Recovering from a health emergency can be an overwhelming and challenging process. By being mindful of the mistakes to avoid when recovering from a health emergency, you can achieve the best possible outcome during your recovery journey. It still won’t be easy, but you’ll be in a much better position than you will if you make these mistakes. Failing To Follow Medical Advice One common mistake that can hinder your recovery is not following medical advice. You must adhere to your doctor’s advice and recommendations. This means taking prescribed medications and following recommended treatments. Failing to do so can have serious repercussions and potentially worsen your condition. Remember, your health-care provider’s expertise is invaluable, so trust their guidance and comply with their instructions for the best possible outcome. Your commitment to following medical advice will greatly contribute to your recovery. Going to Bad Hospitals and Doctors Ensuring you receive high-quality care is paramount during your recovery journey. Conduct thorough research to identify reputable hospitals and doctors known for their excellence in providing medical services. Look for hospitals that have high patient satisfaction rates and positive reviews. Medical errors and less-than-great nurses and doctors are just a few signs your hospital is terrible and low-quality, and you should seek care elsewhere. If you’re not sure where to go, seek recommendations from trusted sources, such as friends, family, or health-care professionals. Additionally, consider checking hospital accreditation and doctor certifications to ensure they meet the necessary standards. Choosing the right health-care professionals who have a track record of success and expertise can help your recovery process go smoothly. Failing To Rest Adequate rest plays a pivotal role in the healing process after a health emergency. Your body needs sufficient time to recover and rejuvenate. Aim for seven to eight hours of quality sleep each night to support healing and prevent further complications. During sleep, your body repairs damaged tissues, boosts the immune system, and replenishes energy levels. It’s also when the brain consolidates memories and processes emotions, promoting overall well-being. Not Taking Time To Heal Recovery is a gradual process that requires patience, self-care, and a mindful approach. Resist the temptation of rushing back to your normal activities too soon. By giving yourself ample time and space to heal, you allow your body to fully recover, rebuild, and regain its strength. Remember, the healing process is unique for each individual, and impatience can lead to setbacks. Prioritize self-care, listen to your body, and embrace the journey of healing. By remaining mindful of these common mistakes to avoid when recovering from a health emergency and taking proactive steps, you can enhance your chances of a successful recovery. Prioritize positive care and treatment and seek health support when necessary. When you do so, you’re paving the way for a smoother and more fulfilling road to recovery.

2023-09-26T07:14:25-07:00By |

Tips for Keeping Yourself Healthy This Year

Health is different for all people, but most people follow the same steps to achieve their health dreams. If you step back and take inventory of your life choices, you can discover how to keep yourself healthy this year. There will still be times when it’s more difficult, but with the right tools and knowledge, you can overcome these challenges and make healthy living attainable. Focus on Sleep One of the first things you must do to stay healthy is focus on your sleep. Sleep is one of the most important things everyone needs to get, but it gets harder as you get older and more variables get in the way. Additionally, beyond just the eight hours you need, you want that sleep to be high-quality. If you want to be healthy, you must pay special attention to your sleep, and that includes: Avoiding food and drink before bed Minimizing screen use Turning ambient lights off Finding your ideal sleep configuration If you can do these things and try to keep your sleep uninterrupted, you can get the quality sleep your body and brain need to stay healthy. Take Care of Your Physical Health... Sleep is important because it makes taking care of your physical health easier. Taking care of your physical health is two-fold, as you need to watch what you eat and take care of your body through exercise. Luckily, good sleep makes exercising easier. It’s important to take care of your physical health, and the best way to do that is by learning more about yourself, finding what works for you, and pursuing it. So try different self-care and eating habits until you find the right option for you. ...and Mental Health Finding the time and resources to manage your physical health is crucial, but there’s another aspect of your body you can’t neglect—your mental health. You need to pay special attention to your feelings. This year, set some goals for journaling or meditation, and if possible, consider talking to a therapist as well. With their expertise, they can help you take control of your mental health. Use Proper Safety Equipment In addition to focusing on sleep and the health of your entire body, you need to be careful with the choices you make when going outside of your comfort zone. For example, a great way to be active and boost your health includes riding a motorcycle. There’s a lot to love about these machines, but you need to focus on safety and use essential motorcycle safety equipment. Helmets are a must, but you should also find the right jacket, pants, and any other safety accessories you need. Whatever you’re out doing, whether it’s motorcycle riding, playing sports, or anything in between, be sure to get the right safety equipment to keep yourself safe and healthy. With the right knowledge and tools, you can keep yourself healthy this year. Yes, it will still take time and work, but once you create a [...]

2023-09-28T20:17:05-07:00By |

Genius Tips and Tricks To Achieve Better Sleep

No one wants to toss and turn at night. Unfortunately, poor sleep can lead to grumpy days and an endless cycle of insomnia. Reclaim your rest with these genius tips and tricks to achieve better sleep! Address Sleep Disruptions There are various culprits for bad sleep, from noisy neighbors to back pain. It’s important to address sleep disruptions to create a healing plan. If your problem is body aches, chiropractic care can help you. Chiropractors can improve your relationship with sleep by easing body tension. They can adjust your spine to improve blood flow and massage sore muscles. If your issue is technology distractions, disconnect from devices at least an hour before bed. You won’t spend hours scrolling on social media and miss precious sleep. Set a Consistent Alarm Establish a sleep routine with a consistent alarm. Practice waking up at the same time each day to gain stability. Normalizing your sleep patterns helps with productivity and nightly rest. Generally, you’ll fall asleep at a certain time to ensure enough rest for the next day. Pick an alarm time and stick with it, even on the weekends. Minimize Noise Noise can interfere with your sleep rhythm and make you stay alert. Although some people can ignore sounds, others can’t block out extra noise. A sleep-friendly bedroom has minimal noise. You can create a quiet environment by silencing devices. Reduce your TV volume, turn off smartphones, or silence game consoles. Limit Naps During the Day Another tip to achieve better sleep is to limit naps during the day. Napping too long or too late can affect your nighttime rest. Basically, it throws off your sleep schedule and makes it difficult to rest when you want to. The ideal nap length is 20 minutes, and you should rest in the early afternoon. You can indulge in daytime sleep to refresh your body without disrupting bedtime. Be Mindful of Caffeine Consumption Caffeinated drinks like coffee and soda are popular because they give people energy. In some cases, people turn to caffeine to overcome daytime sleepiness. But that does more harm than good. Afternoon caffeine may lead to long-term sleep deprivation. Be mindful of your caffeine intake and avoid those beverages later in the day.

2023-07-19T09:57:23-07:00By |

3 Questions To Ask a Pain Management Specialist

Pain management is a very personal experience. For some, pain is the result of a sudden injury. Meanwhile, some people experience pain due to repetitive actions that cause damage over an extended period of time. A pain management specialist will help you find the root of the problem and suggest a treatment. Many experts are available. Thus, there are qualifying factors to consider before committing to a specific specialist. Today, we’ll introduce you to three critical questions to ask a pain management specialist during your first discussion. What Treatment Do You Specialize In? Pain management experts specialize in many techniques. Sometimes, pain management means exploring new lifestyle changes. Symptoms may also require hands-on procedures. Ask the expert what forms of treatment and areas they specialize in and how their expertise may help with your symptoms. For example, you can find clinics that focus on weight loss management to help handle pain and more health problems. However, other clinics may offer weight loss management alongside physical therapy, chiropractic adjustments, red light therapy, and more ways to deal with pain. Having an extensive toolkit ensures your pain management specialist can accurately explore a wide range of treatments for your issue. Do You Provide Alternatives to Medication and Surgeries? When you explore the different treatments available from a pain specialist, you can decide which options you are comfortable with. You can even take details such as medication and surgery into account. Anyone who wants to avoid pain medication and invasive surgeries should ask a pain specialist about what alternatives they offer. As mentioned above, some specialists provide treatments involving physical therapy and red light therapy to reduce pain. These procedures are ideal for patients who don’t want invasive treatments or drugs. That said, always ask about the use of medication and surgery beforehand so that you know what to expect from the specialist. For example, several common causes of chronic elbow pain in adults exist, and your personal preferences play a key role in how your pain specialist will find a plan to assist. This principle applies to any pain that you feel upon arrival at a wellness clinic. Will Frequent Visits to Your Clinic Be Necessary? Traveling to and from the pain specialist’s office frequently may be an issue, depending on your symptoms. If the travel is challenging for you, ask how frequently you will have to visit. This is an essential question to ask a pain management specialist because alternative options may be available for your treatment. For example, telemedicine provides patients and professionals with a way to communicate remotely. That way, the patient can remain at home while the professional provides pain management advice. Ask any pain specialist the questions above so that you can find the path to better health whenever you’re ready.

2023-05-02T07:56:46-07:00By |

How To Stay Safe in Your Wheelchair This Winter

It can be difficult to live an active lifestyle in your wheelchair during normal weather conditions, but winter can come around to throw you some more curveballs. Mother Nature conjures up ice, snow, sleet, and slush that can make your life more difficult and dangerous. But there are ways for you to stay safe in your wheelchair this winter. Make Sure To Power Up If you utilize an electric wheelchair, it is a good idea to ensure your battery is fully charged before venturing out. However, cold weather can be detrimental to the battery capacity, so you may also want to pack an extra one just in case. That way, you won’t end up stranded without any power and find yourself going through unnecessary struggles to get home. Dress for the Weather Even if you are taking public transportation in your wheelchair, you should not count on those systems to keep you warm. Instead, you should dress for the winter weather and even bring extra items to keep you warm and healthy in case something goes wrong. You never know if your means of transportation will experience a delay, and you will find yourself stuck in the cold. Keep Your Chair Rust Free Another important tip for staying safe in your wheelchair this winter includes wiping down the surfaces of your chair. You’ll encounter a lot of water and salt during the winter, which can cause rust on your chair or problems with the electronic components. If you want to keep your chair in good condition, maintain it and wipe it down when you have the opportunity. Look Into Your Tire Options You’ve likely seen snow tires that help vehicles get through the snow and ice much easier, and you can make the same changes to your wheelchair. One way you can do this is by adding knobby tires to your chair, or you can even create your version of snow tires by adding wire ties to your wheel and tire. These will help you gain traction in the snow and make winter traveling easier. Although the cold conditions will tempt you to stay inside during such harsh weather, there is a strong chance that you will eventually have to make the journey in the snow. With these tips, you can do it in a way that will make the trip far less stressful and much safer.

2022-12-08T17:56:51-08:00By |

How To Help People With COPD Have a Healthy Holiday

The holiday season is a stressful time for many, especially those with chronic illnesses. They feel they have to constantly juggle between joining in with regular festivities and caring for their health. If you have someone in your life with a chronic illness, such as COPD, there are some ways you can help them have a happy, healthy holiday. Keep reading to learn how you can help people with COPD enjoy the holidays with you. Put Their Health First We’ve been struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic for several years now, and many people would rather forget it happened. Though, for those with chronic illnesses that affect the lungs, such as COPD, such airborne diseases are still a constant threat. By putting their health first, you can help them feel more comfortable coming to your holiday gathering. Ask all guests to wear masks so the person with COPD can feel safe attending your party. Another constant health risk, other than COVID, is smoking. If you or someone else at the party smokes, and you want to invite someone with COPD, create a designated smoking area outside, so the person with COPD doesn’t have to worry about smoke exposure. Serve Safe Food Food and drink are essential in holiday celebrations. Unfortunately, not all food and drink are safe for people with COPD. Alcohol, salt, and heavy foods such as mac and cheese and cake aren’t safe choices for people with COPD. While you don’t have to ban these drinks and foods from your party, make sure to offer a diverse menu so they can choose what’s safest for them. Offer non-alcoholic cocktails and alcoholic versions, provide small plates and big plates for those struggling with portion sizes, and keep an array of healthy and less healthy food on the table to choose from. Consider Them in the Gift Exchange Giving and receiving gifts is one of the best parts of the winter holidays. If your gathering will feature a gift exchange of some sort, make sure to consider the person with COPD. There are certain thoughtful gifts that someone with COPD may cherish more than someone without a chronic illness, although you shouldn’t disclose their health status without their permission. Make sure everyone has the necessary information to pick out the right present for their recipient unless you’re doing a game such as White Elephant. Everyone should get to celebrate the holidays healthily and happily, and people with COPD are no exception. You can help people with COPD have a healthy holiday by listening to them and following the advice we’ve listed above. Your loved one should feel comfortable telling you whatever they need regarding their health to help them enjoy this holiday season.

2022-11-15T11:40:24-08:00By |

Why Horses Make Effective Therapeutic Animals

Therapeutic animals come in numerous forms and offer multiple types of aid. Some animals provide service support while others help soothe unruly anxieties. Although cats and dogs mainly fill the job title for therapeutic support, horses are among the most effective and healing animals. Here are three reasons why equine species offer effective therapeutic benefits. Emotional Mirrors Horses are hyper-vigilant and sensitive. They observe others and pick up on people’s emotions. Like empaths, horses mirror collected feelings, displaying one’s uneasiness, confidence, and other sensed moods. Most of the time, people bottle up their emotions or find it hard to fully express themselves. Since horses mirror others, they create a visual and tactile representation of one’s emotions. They help people become aware, connect to, and express their own feelings. Spending time with a horse is like looking back at an emotional reflection of oneself. Equine Gait Therapy One of the most poignant healing qualities of a horse is its gait. Throughout the history of equine therapy and hippotherapy, many people have used a horse’s gait to benefit their minds and body. Equine gait training uses the movement of a horse’s walk to strengthen, rehabilitate, and improve people’s bodies, skills, and mental fortitude. Hippotherapy combines multiple treatments, from occupational to physical, into one therapeutic technique. Equine therapy now ranks as one of the most effective forms of alternative therapy. Non-Judgmental Accompaniment Horses operate more with their heart than with their head. They reflect people’s emotions rather than build their own judgmental responses. Therefore, horses provide non-judgmental accompaniment, making them great therapeutic partners. They don’t care about how you look, your age, or your life history. All they desire to do is keep you company and create safe, reflective spaces. When saddling up, you can enjoy peaceful support and feel heard and important as the horse senses your emotions rather than reacts to them. Horses offer numerous effective therapeutic properties, from emotional mirroring to non-judgmental accompaniment. They make people feel seen and provide solutions to enhance one’s life. Finding different ways to heal with horses, like going on equine-guided retreats, helps you connect with these therapeutic species and receive their beneficial influences.

2022-10-12T11:40:43-07:00By |

Healthy Habits to Consider Adopting at Home

While some people try their best to live a healthy life, others are not so keen on commitment and upkeep. However, there are more ways than actively exercising to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Small changes in how you eat and the activities you partake in have benefits that gradually stack up. These are some healthy habits to consider adopting at home. Avoid Late Night Snacks For the late-night eaters out there, whether or not you’re indulging in junk food is inconsequential to the effects it has on your body. When your body is operating on its natural circadian rhythm, the functions related to digestion slow down once it’s time to sleep. Eating late into the night and sleeping promptly after has a good chance of creating digestion issues such as heartburn or acid reflux. Saving the cravings for the morning is the best way to avoid issues when you wake up. Visit the Sauna The sauna is more than a place people go to for relaxing on their vacations. If you are active in your weekly exercises, it’s a good idea to hit the sauna for about 20 minutes once you finish your routine. This method has been shown to improve your heart functions with other added health benefits. However, it’s important to avoid additional strenuous activities after your visit and rehydrate before heading out. Use Natural Sweeteners No one said you are not allowed to have a sweet tooth when aiming for a healthier life. The key is consuming it in moderation and using natural ingredients that do not conflict with the body. While there are several reasons that natural sweeteners are better than artificial ones, finding ways to incorporate fruit and other sweet foods is often a better choice. Getting started on changing your daily habits is a journey that anyone is capable of beginning. The best time to start is now while you slowly adjust your routine over time. Hopefully, by implementing a few healthy habits to consider adopting at home, you will find yourself in a better health state soon.

2022-10-12T14:06:23-07:00By |

Simple Purchases To Improve Your Well-Being

Health and wellness are difficult to achieve, and an infinite number of obstacles make them even more challenging to find. Thankfully, you can purchase some items that simplify the process and help make health and wellness much more attainable with much fewer headaches. Read on to see which simple purchases you can make to improve your well-being. A Weighted Blanket A weighted blanket may not seem like the most life-changing purchase you could make, but it will surely transform your life. These blankets feel lovely to be under, and they are transformative. If you have trouble sleeping, one of these blankets can help. Reviews claim that it fixes problematic sleeping schedules, restless legs, anxiety, insomnia, etc., and it’s also a comfortable blanket to have. Even if you don’t think you struggle to sleep, consider one of these blankets, and you’ll wake up the next day feeling mentally and physically refreshed. A Hot Tub This purchase may not seem the simplest, but once a professional installs everything and you learn to maintain your hot tub, you won’t look back. Of course, there are various pros and cons for small and large hot tubs, but you won’t be thinking about it too much when you’re relaxing in the tub. The hot water does wonders for your body, as it lessens the load on your muscles and is a natural anti-inflammatory, giving your body the recovery it needs. The hot water can also relieve stress and ease headache pains, so you can fully relax and let the water jets do their job. Meal-Prep Kits One of the day-to-day things everyone must do that can bog people down is cooking. It’s essential to living, but there are so many choices and complicated processes involved that make it overwhelming. Thankfully, there are meal-prep kits and guides you can find to simplify things. Instead of needing to decide what you want to cook and eat every day, you can make that decision on the weekend, cook everything in advance, and eat worry-free for the week. Various meal prep containers and kits can help make the process smoother, as well as a variety of guides online to keep the meals balanced and nutritious. These simple purchases don’t seem like a lot, but they will significantly improve your well-being. However, with that said, these items aren’t the only things you need to feel better and healthier. You have to also put time and effort into working on yourself, whether that’s physically or mentally, as that is the best path forward for significantly improving your well-being.

2022-10-12T12:29:56-07:00By |
