Taking a deep breath is simple, but sometimes it’s just too hectic to stop and smell the roses…both figuratively and literally. That said, when you’re calm and collected, which I strive to be as much as possible, finding time for the essentials is easy. In this case, essential oils are my essentials. Not only do they smell like heaven, but the effects are everything from relaxing to exhilarating.

There are countless varieties of essential oils available, with scents ranging from mild to almost overwhelming. Choosing which to use can be a task, so I’ve done the research, and I’ve reaped the rewards. My picks? Lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, and tea tree oil. Each of these essential oils has its unique qualities, fabulous aroma, and lingering effects. I don’t play favorites; it all depends on my mood and what’s on my mind.

As you may have guessed, essential oils are plant-based, derived from plant extracts, so the all-natural element suits my lifestyle, as I try to be as chemical-free as possible in terms of my health and beauty routine. Who needs stuff you can’t pronounce when there’s so much goodness in nature? Here’s why I love these four essential oils above all others, making them my ultimate go-tos.


1. Lavender Essential Oil







When I’m in the mood to chill and decompress, I’m all about the light and lovely scent of lavender. It’s floral and fresh, making me feel like I’m alone with my thoughts on a grassy hill as the sun starts to set on a cool summer evening. A dab or two on my pulse points and I’m ready to relax. I often choose lavender in the evening when I can settle into the sofa after putting the kids to bed. A glass of red wine along with my lavender luxury is the cherry on top. Ahhh…

What’s more? Lavender has a bounty of health benefits, including improved blood circulation, better breathing, skin healing, and pain relief. You gotta love lavender!


2. Eucalyptus Essential Oil







A Monday morning pick-me-up often comes by way of (lots of) coffee, but when I want to start my day with a beneficial body boost, I go for energizing eucalyptus. It’s minty cool and stimulates all my senses. I love how it clears my sinuses and invigorates me. A little goes a long way, so only use a drop or two, otherwise it can be a bit bothersome to those around you, since the scent is strong. When I’m feeling sluggish or I’m in a rut, my eucalyptus gives me the edge and enthusiasm to shake it off and succeed.

Eucalyptus is also an all-natural anti-bacterial, and is used for oral care. These days, anything that has any sanitary properties is a plus.


3. Rosemary







Foodies, rejoice! Not only can you get your fix of rosemary come dinnertime, but you can incorporate the one-of-a-kind scent into your essential oil routine. It’s somewhat woodsy in aroma, and I love this one when I’m feeling stressed or need some mental stimulation. Personally, it reminds me of my childhood, spending time in my grandmother’s kitchen as she made her roasted chicken. The comfort factor is where it’s at. Now I’m getting hungry…
PS: You won’t smell like food when you dab on your essential oil!

When I am feeling under the weather, I rub some rosemary oil on my chest and it helps cure my nagging cough. I also dab it on my temples when I have a headache. It soothes from the outside in.


4. Tea Tree Oil







I’m into tea tree oil for it’s sharp and not-at-all-subtle scent. It’s somewhat menthol-like, but I happen to think menthol is a clean and fresh scent. Don’t be confused by the “tea” in tea tree. This one doesn’t smell like your daily post-yoga green tea or anything like an English Breakfast blend. That said, I grab my tea tree after an intense workout or on a humid day, and I’m instantly cooled down and don’t have to worry about “the funk.” I even put a little on my scalp after showering and I swear it makes by hair healthier. It gives a whole new meaning to “teatime.”

Another perk of tea tree oil is it’s ability to deal with acne. Breakouts are not just for teens, and I get my fair share of pimples, especially around that “time of the month.” I put a little on the red spots before bed and wake up looking a lot better.


Give these four essential oils a try. See how you like them. If the scents I adore aren’t up your alley, there are lots more to choose from, including peppermint,  sweet orange, lime, myrrh, and more. Essentially, it’s all up to you.