“Hold up your cup here is some positive tea that I want to pour out for you”.

“I give up! I’m not going to bother anymore!” You’ve said things like that at some point, I’m sure. So have I. When you just can’t seem to get something right, it seems a waste of time to try any more. We all have our ways of limiting what we think we can do and what we believe we can accomplish. When we limit our thinking we limit our growth and then we totally miss out on opportunities because we think we can NEVER do it.

Never is such a discouraging word.

Why do we say we’ll never do something?

“I’ll NEVER lose weight.”
“I’ll NEVER get a better job.”
“I’ll NEVER graduate from college.”

“I’ll NEVER be able to afford college/a house/to have kids.”
“I’ll NEVER pay off this debt.”
“I’ll NEVER be able to retire.”

NEVER is a very narrow way of looking at things.

That leads me to tell you, “NEVER SAY NEVER.” I know, I know. It’s a Justin Bieber album, but it’s actually a true statement. Thinking of the word “NEVER” with one of your dreams really isn’t going to help. It’s going to frustrate you and drag you down. If I thought to myself, “Ugh, I’m never going to be an article writer,” would I be here? Most definitely not.

Achieving a goal is a wildly exhilarating thing. If you’re flirting with the idea of giving up, you could be throwing away something wonderful―your best future.

“Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries.” ―James A. Michener

There’s going to be anxiety about uncertainty and fear about failing, but push yourself to keep going. After all, you’ll never know how close you are to succeeding if you quit now.

Resilient people are known for their grit and determination, an outlook that acknowledges that challenges lie ahead, but rather than fearing them, welcomes them and the growth that will surely accompany them. They are inclined to think ahead, display characteristics of optimism and positivity, and a refusal to capitulate to external pressures.

“You just can’t beat the person who won’t give up.” ―Babe Ruth

Resilience is all about positivity. We must try to actively bring positivity into our lives as it becomes a resource, a well from which we can draw strength in times of need. We must absorb all we can from the good things in our lives.

All your life you wanted other people to believe in you and yet you do not belief in yourself.

Now, hopefully you realize that you project into others what you feel inside.

Therefore, if you want others to belief in you, first you have to belief in yourself.

It doesn’t even have to be about your career. It can be with anything—friends, love, family, money, etc. Just always have hope, think positive and avoid being a Debbie Downer. Oh yeah, and NEVER SAY NEVER!

As I end this article, I’m going to leave you with a quote that encourages me throughout my journey.

“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” ―Dale Carnegie


                        Food For Thought

If someone looks your way at the gym, in the studio or on the sidewalk, it’s easy to assume they’re judging or laughing at you, but chances are they’re just motivated by your efforts. Instead of avoiding them, hold your head high and smile. After all, they could need some encouragement themselves. This journey is yours and yours alone, and you should never feel like you’re inadequate for working to improve your quality of life. ALRIGHTNOW!