Many families cherish gift-giving as an important tradition during the Christmas holiday. Whether you exchange gifts together or need to send gifts from a distance, use a thoughtful present to express your love. Consider these tips for giving Christmas gifts to grandchildren.

1. Know Important Expectations

While the word “expectations” can sound demanding, knowing expectations makes the gift-giving process much easier. You want to give your grandkids presents they will appreciate and enjoy. You also want to make sure the parents can appreciate the gift.

Sometimes, well-meaning grandparents can give too many presents. This can lead to a lack of appreciation from the kids and too many objects in the house. Ask your grandkids’ parents about any limits or guidance for gifts to avoid this potential issue.

2. Consider Your Grandkids’ Ages and Personal Interests

Another tip for choosing Christmas gifts for grandchildren is to consider the kids’ ages and personal interests. Many toys have age ranges labeled clearly on their packaging.

You want to choose an age-appropriate toy that’s safe and interesting for your grandkids. Many toys can hold your grandchild’s heart for a long time. For example, one of the top Christmas gifts for a new grandbaby is a stuffed animal pacifier holder. Long after outgrowing the pacifier, your grandbaby will still love hugging, squeezing, and cuddling their toy.

Your grandchildren’s personal interests can also guide you to the right gifts. Since kids can go through phases quickly, so check in with the parents to make sure that you’re up-to-date on your grandchildren’s interests.

3. Consider Gifting Experiences

Finally, consider giving experiences. Activities, lessons, and events can open your grandchild’s mind to exciting things in the world. You can share these experiences with your grandchild or set it up as a family event for special bonding.

Consider gifting an annual membership to a museum or waterpark. Or fund a new hobby, like playing a sport or an instrument. Tickets to special events like concerts, theater shows, and movies also create fun memories.