Did you know that civilizations have used honey for thousands of years for health and wellness reasons? That’s because honey has a multitude of uses and benefits. Many people use honey solely as a sweetening agent. However, it has so much to offer us. Find out some of the most popular ways you can use honey for health and wellness.

Hydrating Dry Skin

When you look at honey, the first thing you notice is how thick and viscous the texture is. That makes honey a wonderful hydrating ointment for dry skin, which is why many people enjoy using it during their skin-care routine. Honey is also gentle on the skin, so it’s perfect for those with sensitivities. If you want to use honey in your skin-care routine, apply it to your skin as a mask and let it rest for 10–15 minutes.

Topical Treatment

You might not have known that you can use honey as a topical treatment to heal wounds. But there’s a caveat here: you can’t use any old honey off the shelf. You will have to use manuka honey, otherwise known as medical-grade honey, which is one of the rarest types of honey in the world. In fact, many hospitals even use manuka honey. Manuka honey is so unique and rare because of its antioxidant and antibacterial properties, which makes it a phenomenal healing agent.

Fights Bad Breath

Yes, one of the top ways you can use honey for health and wellness is by ensuring you have fresh breath all day long. The reason honey is so good at fighting bad breath is due to its anti-microbial properties that fight the bacteria that contribute to bad breath. Next time you’re feeling a case of halitosis approaching, you can have a soothing glass of tea with honey to fight it off.