Make Your Dreams Come True by Mapping Out Your Desires!


“Hold up your cup here is some positive tea that I want to pour out for you”.

Just because others can’t see or understand your dreams doesn’t mean they are not valid or real. They are your dreams! Dreams only you can envision for your own life. Recently I traveled to Los Angeles, California on a business trip. While there, I was privileged to meet with Hollywood Celebrity and Creator, Tracey Edmonds. We sat and discussed so many essential things, but what we collectively enjoyed the most was the discussion on how to use a blueprint to maintain our focus towards our dreams. Some of you that are reading this article may say, “What’s a blueprint?” A blueprint is a design plan, draw up, or model. I know you have dreams for your life, yet it can sometimes feel impossible to make them real. Mainly because you haven’t yet found a blueprint to actually accomplish your greatest dreams. Most of us work so hard during the week with our 9-5 jobs that we don’t have time to literally draw out our blueprint for our own dreams. Once we get home from working an 8 to 9 hour day, we are too exhausted to do anything but eat and sleep. Well if you’re reading this, I want you to at least give 1 hour a day on the blueprint to your dream. I believe you were created on purpose, you are here to succeed and fulfill your dreams.

So, you’ve made a decision, you’ve decided enough is enough, that there’s more to life than your 9 to 5 job and you’re going to make a change. So, what’s stopping you?

Well, here are some strategies I would like to share with you that will help build your blueprint to success!

Remember, “A goal without a plan is just a wish!”

 Visualize Your New Life

However crazy it sounds, when you start seeing your new reality, you will start SEEING your new reality.

Allow this to be embedded into your everyday life. For example, instead of going home after work and immediately cutting on Netflix, replace that routine by going to a quiet place in your home and for 10 minutes, visualize yourself living your best life.

Visualization is defined as to recall or form mental images or pictures; to make visual or visible; to form a mental image of; or to make perceptible to the mind or imagination.

“To bring anything into your life, imagine that it’s already there.” – Richard Bach

So if you keep visualizing your gorgeous house on the hills, overlooking a vineyard, where you’re with your children and with the love of your life…don’t be shocked when that becomes your reality! It’s like you’re sending an order form to the God of the Universe saying, “Here are my desires, and I know you will grant them!”

It’s not good enough just to know what you don’t want! You must define and visualize what you want, be specific, be ambitious.


Create an Action Plan

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” ― Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father of the United States. We’ve all heard that before, but it’s true. You are only as good as your plan. Planning is key to success, if you do not have a plan for your life, then you will just end up falling into someone else’s plan and your life will not amount to much but mediocrity.

The plan must be specific. For example, knowing you need to set aside time to develop your dream is not enough. Specifically stating how many hours you will work, on which days, and at what time is more specific and definitely more likely to help you achieve your goals.

“The sooner you start planning your life, the sooner you will live the life you dream of.” – Hans Glint


Take Consistent Action


Consistency is key!

“It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.” – Tony Robbins

Seriously, you have to blow this thing up! Write it, visualize it, breathe it, dream it, and soak it in like your life depends on it… Because it does. If you are ready to see your true potential, it’s time to turn this up a notch. Create a vision board, meditate on it, and talk about it regularly with those dear to you.

It’s time to shatter your old patterns, kick the naysayers in your head to the curb, and truly live the life of your wildest dreams! You deserve it and quite frankly, the world needs YOU!


Hope your cup is full of positivity!
