About Buck Rogers

Buck Rogers is a regular contributor at NaturalNews.com

Science Unravels the Mystery of Everyday Telepathy

There is a rift between the world as we see it and the world as it really is. Science and spirit are our primary tools for closing this gap in our understanding, and at the edge of this rift has always been psychic phenomenon like telepathy, premonition and the familiar sixth sense. Many people experience these phenomenon with regularity, yet they escape scientific explanation, even though a large and historically deep body of experiential and anecdotal evidence exists. This library of evidence prevents dismissal of the psychic as either a figment of the imagination or the existence of an archaic belief system that still has imprints on the mind. This evidence implores to investigate further rather than reject. Some examples of psychic phenomenon are so common that they don’t even really stand out as having significance in our day-to-day to lives, as they are just seamlessly woven into reality. No one demands a scientific explanation. We’ve all experienced them before. The curious moment when a friend or loved one pops into your mind seconds before the phone rings, with them on the other line. You suddenly think of someone you haven’t seen in ages and a few minutes later that person texts you. These are the everyday tell-tale signs that the human psyche is always one step ahead of the human mind. Unexplainable, perhaps, but why is it that mental telepathy seems to be so commonly connected communication? Is it the brain acting as a radio transmitter, sending and receiving information at immeasurable speeds, or is it something more akin to quantum entanglement? The Scientific Approach To determine whether or not the telepathic or pre-cognitive experiences as these were occurring by chance or by some deliberate act of nature, author and biologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake conducted an experiment which goes a long way in answering this question. He set up an experiment which had a person receiving a phone call guess who was calling before answering. The subject knew the caller had to be one of four potential callers, giving the experiment a hit rate for chance of 25%, although in reality this phenomena occurs from a much broader base of callers. Looking at the statistical result, the general sample indicated there was about 44% chance of correctly guessing the caller, a number which is much higher than what can be accounted for by mere chance. More interestingly, the percentage rose even higher when the pool of callers was narrowed down to people who had closer social or emotional bonds with the subjects, such as close friends or extended family members. Brain Waves or Quantum Entanglement? The human brain and radios both use the same form of electromagnetic radiation to communicate beyond their physical boundaries. This type of radiation is energy transmitted at the speed of light in waves which can vary in strength, or volume, and in wavelength, the length of the cycle of the wave measured against time. Radios use much higher frequencies of energy than the human [...]

2018-01-02T03:18:48-08:00By |

8 Cutting Edge Minds Answer the Question – What Happens After We Die?

What happens after death, no one knows for sure. It is a question of theory and imagination mixed with ancient wisdom and intuitive guesses. Most of us can agree, however, that the human being is a soul which lives for a time in a physical body. The soul feels infinite, and records of near-death experiences clue us into the possibility that some greater journey begins the moment the body dies. It may seem that the realms of science and spirit are at odds with each other, but when examining the greatest questions of human existence, such as what happens after we die, the two disciplines converge. Even Einstein came to the conclusion that science and spirit are intrinsically inter-related, noting: “Every one who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe-a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble.” ~Albert Einstein In his book The New Science of Psychedelics: At the Nexus of Culture, Consciousness, and Spirituality, author and researcher David Jay Brown asked a number of contemporary leaders in the fields of consciousness, spirituality and science how they would answer the question. Their replies exemplify the broad possibilities, the hopes, and the 1. Ram Dass, Psy.D Spiritual teacher, former Harvard professor, pioneer of the LSD movement and author of the seminal book Be Here Now, Ram Dass shares his thoughts, referring to The Tibetan Book of the Dead. I think it jumps into a body of some kind, on some plane of existence, and it goes on doing that until it is with God. From a Hindu point of view, consciousness keeps going through reincarnations, which are learning experiences for the soul. I think what happens after you die is a function of the level of evolution of the individual. I think that if you have finished your work and you’re just awareness that happens to be in a body, when the body ends it’s like selling your Ford—it’s no big deal. I suspect that some beings go unconscious. They go into what Christians call purgatory.   They go to sleep during that process before they project into the next form. Others I think go through and are aware they are going through it, but are still caught. All the Bardos in the Tibetan Book of the Dead are about how to avoid getting caught in the afterlife.   “Those beings are awake enough for them to be collaborators in the appreciation of the gestalt in which their incarnations are flowing. They sort of see where they’re coming from and where they’re going. They are all part of the design of things. So, when you say, did you choose to incarnate? At the level at which you are free, you did choose. At the level at which you are not, you didn’t. Then there are beings who are so free that [...]

2018-01-02T05:15:40-08:00By |

Dr. Masaru Emoto Believed that Water is ‘Something Not of This Earth’

“Learning about water is like an exploration to discover how the cosmos works, and the crystals revealed through water are like the portal into another dimension.” – Dr. Masaru Emoto Human beings are essentially made up of water, and in his pioneering research, Dr. Masaru Emoto demonstrated that the molecular structure of water is greatly affected by non-physical events such as thoughts, words, and intention. In a series of ground-breaking studies he applied mental stimulation to water and photographed it with a dark field microscope, taking snapshots of the formation of ice crystals to show how the application of different intentions to water affected it’s physical structure. The results were nothing short of phenomenal. It turns out that just as tone and intention affect human-to-human communication, he proved that tone and intention are received as communication by water. Just as plants are now understood to be self-conscious and somewhat self-aware, Dr. Emoto’s studies suggest that water also exhibits signs of consciousness and intelligence. Here’s a look at the differences in a sample before and after being prayed over by a Buddhist monk in one of his tests:   The science of how intention affects molecules of water is unknown, and the results of Dr. Emoto’s work leave the door open for some big questions about life and about how life itself began on planet earth. Of what is the universe made? And why is water such a unique element in our world, with such unusual properties? In 2000, a comet carrying enough water to fill a small lake broke apart near the sun potentially validating the theory that comets could have brought the Earth’s supply of water to the planet during its formational stages. It was also recently reported, “…that “a significant fraction” of the water on Earth was inherited from interstellar space, and was there before the Sun was formed some 4.6 billion years ago.” Therefore, the water on this planet was here, or en route, before the planet itself. Read more articles from Buck Rogers. This theory is something that the late Dr. Emoto agreed with and mentioned in his book, The Hidden Messages in Water, noting that water appears to be conscious, reacting with intelligence to it’s environment, and foreign to planet earth. Here are some of his thoughts on the matter: “My investigation into the mysteries of water makes me think that water is something not of this earth. Why do you think there is so much water on this earth? Most explanations say that when the earth was formed, some 4.6 billion years ago, water turned to steam, evaporated and formed rain that fell on the earth, resulting in the creation of the oceans. But not all scholars agree with this theory, and some offer radically different alternatives. One such scholar was Louis Frank of the University of Iowa, who has proposed that water arrived on this planet in the form of lumps of ice from outer space. Professor Frank began his investigation when he became [...]

2018-01-01T20:27:51-08:00By |

DMT Research to Ask if Spirit Molecule Can Extend Life Beyond Clinical Death

“Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.” –Max Planck, ‘Where Is Science Going?’ Commonly referred to as ‘the spirit molecule,’ the chemical compound dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is known for its mysterious role in connecting human consciousness with the physical body, and for the strong visionary effects it has when ingested. DMT is being closely examined by researchers in many fields from around the world, but acclaimed psychologist Dr. Ede Frecska, Chairman of Psychiatry at the University of Debrecen in Hungary, is pushing the envelope, aiming to demonstrate that DMT can extend the life of consciousness beyond clinical death for a longer duration of time than is currently possible.  Found naturally in humans and many plant species, the DMT molecule itself quite fascinating: “DMT, or dimethyltryptamine, the visionary chemical compound found in abundance throughout the plant kingdom and in many mammals, is naturally produced inside the human body. It is most plentiful in the pineal gland, which is considered to be the potential biological locus of human consciousness and the seat of the soul. The pineal gland is known as the third eye, or the point source from which consciousness manifests itself in the human body. It is suspected that, when a persona falls asleep, DMT is released into the brain from the pineal gland to induce dream states of consciousness, and also that, when a person dies, a flood of this chemical is released, accounting for the consciousness-expanding effects of near-death experiences and for the movement of the psyche into realms beyond waking life.” –Dylan Charles Dr. Ede Frecska and his team of researchers in Hungary are now curious to know if this abundant and mysterious chemical can actually fuel the continuation of consciousness in certain life-threatening emergencies by prolonging the period of clinical death, giving valuable additional time to rescue efforts. Recent research in the UK has brought forth compelling evidence that consciousness does in fact survive death longer than we had previously thought, which adds credence to the possibility that we may be able to manipulate the experience of death with DMT.  “A team of researchers at Southampton University in the UK recently conducted one of the largest ever studies about what happens to consciousness after death. The conclusion: We still don’t know what happens, but consciousness and awareness appear to linger for sometime after physical death, suggesting that consciousness and the body are entangled actors somehow, and that may unravel and follow separate paths after what we refer to as death.” [Source] READ: Consciousness Survives the Death of the Body – New Research Confirms The Spirit Molecule and Rainforest Medicine   A subject of infinite fascination, DMT is also the active ingredient in the world’s most potent psychedelic, Ayahuasca, an Amazonian tea brewed from at least two plants and has been used traditionally the chief spiritual tradition of many indigenous rainforest cultures. It gained notoriety from the [...]

2018-01-01T20:26:17-08:00By |

Color Therapy – Another Suppressed Medical Technology

All colors have a unique frequency and wavelength, and many believe that colors are powerful healing tools that hold promise in medical applications. Yet, today, it is uncommon to find people who embrace the healing potential of colored light, and it’s unlikely that your mainstream medical doctor would even acknowledge the potential of color therapy. This was not always the case, however. The technology for color-therapy, the Spectro-Chrome, was developed in 1923 and used for over 20 years in the United States. It may have predicated advancements in color therapy, but we shall never know for sure, as it was it deemed pseudoscience and wiped out by the US federal government who outlawed it and confiscated and destroyed all privately-owned machines were confiscated and under the supervision of US Federal Marshalls. Its creator, Dinshah P. Gadiali was issued a federal indictment and ordered to destroy all of his research materials, thus putting an end to his life’s work and the future of light therapy research. Light Therapy in Today’s World There is, in fact, an established medical treatment, known as phototherapy, that utilizes lightwaves to improve patient wellness. The treatment of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is one example, and patients who suffer from this type of depression are exposed to bright light while comfortably seated. Another example of the use of phototherapy is the treatment of newborns with prolonged signs of jaundice. The baby is placed under a halogen or fluorescent lamp (with their eyes covered to prevent damage) to help to lower the bilirubin levels in the baby’s blood (which gives the jaundiced baby’s skin its yellowish/orange hue). Phototheraphy is also used in the treatment of other skin conditions such as acne and eczema. If phototherapy is effective, at least in these cases, is there potential in color light therapy? The Hidden History of the Spectro-Chrome The Spectro-Chrome reached the height of its popularity in the 1940’s and 50’s when many mainstream physicians used them in thousands of clinics in the U.S. The machine was designed with the premise that light fuels all life on planet Earth, and thus could also serve as “food” for the human body. The Spectro-Chrome was simple. It had 5 strictly tinted glass plates and an incandescent bulb behind them. A patient would be exposed to colored light using a specific combination of the 5 colored plates while lying in a dark room for a one-hour session. The light could be cast over the entire body or over a specific area that was matched up almost precisely with the meridian lines and points used by in Traditional Chinese Medicine such as acupuncture. On July 14, 1951, a full-bore FBI raid on Danishah’s clinic removed every one of his machines and destroyed them with sledge hammers. After a long court battle, Danishah was sentenced to three years in prison and the Spectro-Chrome machine continues to be an illegal device under a permanent federal injunction. The Spectro-Chrome was easy to reproduce, and could be built and used without a high monetary investment or advanced [...]

2018-01-02T02:57:40-08:00By |
