Strawberries: 3 Show-Stopping Benefits You Shouldn’t Live Without

Strawberries are one of the most delicious health foods I know. They’re what I use to make other health foods taste better! By themselves, they’re a yummy snack during the busy week. In cereal, oatmeal, and smoothies, they can take a bland grain or protein mixture and convince you to enjoy every bite of it. The ancient Romans knew how amazing strawberries are: they not only enjoyed eating them but from their medical literature we can see that they knew some of their healing properties too. The ones you buy at the store may not be exactly like the ones that crowded the sunny groves in antique Europe, but they offer many of the same benefits. This is one instance where you can trust your palette. Strawberries’ amazing taste hides 3 show-stopping benefits that make them an even easier sell as a mid-morning snack.   1. The Benefits of Berries             Most berries are superfoods and strawberries take advantage of that proud lineage. They give you a lot of the same health benefits as others. They contain a ton of vitamins, plant fiber, natural sugar, and phytochemicals. These compounds are found in many edible plants and have been shown to reduce our risks for chronic diseases across the board. Other bioactive compounds include flavonols, anthocyanins, and ellagic acid. These work to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. The effect? Improved cardiovascular health, healthier eyes, and even a lower risk for some cancers.   2. A Healthy Brain             Strawberries contain fisetin, an antioxidant shown to fight inflammation in your whole body, but mostly in your brain. It promotes blood flow and reduces oxidative stress. The result is a “neuroprotective” effect that stimulates new brain growth, improves memory, and helps protect your brain against age-related degeneration. If you’re getting older or have a history of age-related mental disorders in your family, consider this extra motivation to add strawberries to your daily routine.   3. A Healthy Heart             Many foods secretly tell us their contents through their color. Strawberries, for instance, get their hue from a compound called anthocyanin. It’s an anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-cancer ingredient that has even been shown to encourage healthy heart function. Studies have shown that it has a helpful impact on blood platelets and blood vessels, which reduces our risk for coronary heart disease. Best Ways to Eat Strawberries             With all these show-stopping benefits, strawberries should seem like an even more enticing treat than they already did. However, if you’re eating them for your health, there are wrong ways to do it! As much as we all love chocolate-covered strawberries or strawberry shortcake, it’s important not to fool ourselves. Those are desserts. They may contain strawberries, which have more health benefits than sprinkles, but there’s no way to notice any benefits if you eat them that way. No matter how heart-healthy [...]

2021-06-07T19:06:21-07:00By |

3 Ways Cucumbers Can Help You Live Longer

Cucumbers are multipurpose health staples. People use them to hydrate, to diversify their salads, and even to care for their skin. As a health food, cucumbers are so nutritious that they verge on medicinal. They contain high amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, potassium, magnesium, and manganese. Despite being mostly water, cucumbers are an ideal delivery system for those other nutrients. While cucumbers seem merely harmless on a nutrition label, eating them regularly comes with a few key benefits that can help you live longer. Here are 3 ways that cucumbers contribute to a healthier life.   1. Blood Sugar Control             Processed sugars piggyback on carb-rich foods that are easy for us to eat on the go in the modern world. A busy workweek often means less time to cook and prepare meals, which can lead to you and your family eating more processed foods. This can lead to higher blood sugar levels, which can affect mood and lead to diabetes. Cucumbers not only provide a healthy, fiber-rich alternative to processed junk but also actively reduce blood sugar levels.   2. Cancer Prevention             Cucumbers contain lignans, which are polyphenols found plentifully in some plants. Name aside, they have recently been studied for their ability to fight hormones that can lead to uterine, breast, prostate, and ovarian cancers. These and other nutrients found in cucumbers can disrupt cancer cell development in many potential strains. Those with a history of cancer in their family or a proactive attitude about living longer should consider a cucumber diet as one of their essential tools.   3. Anti-Inflammation             We now know that inflammation is a root cause of a lot of chronic conditions, particularly those vital to normal brain function, blood sugar levels, and cardiovascular control. Fisetin is an inflammation-fighting compound in cucumbers that can help treat out-of-control inflammation. Fisetin can improve memory from age-related degeneration and reverse learning impairments over time. But you may not notice these specific effects. Instead, the general anti-inflammatory and brain-boosting effects will just put you in a better mood and give you more energy over time. This is one of the reasons cucumber water is such a popular hydration option in the nutrition world. It not only provides that dose of vitamins and minerals along with hydration but also gives you a fresh source of anti-inflammatories. This is why, along with all its other benefits, cucumber has a reputation for boosting energy and improving mood.   The Takeaway Cucumbers are not only an amazing health food that pack a host of life-extending benefits, but they have no downsides. They’re readily available, composed mostly of nutrient-rich water, and easy to eat raw, as a drink, or in a salad. Blood sugar control, inflammation reduction, and cancer prevention are three huge health benefits that could help you live longer if you eat cucumbers regularly. They’re not the most [...]

2021-05-27T17:46:22-07:00By |

Does Coffee Dehydrate You? Here’s Everything You Need To Know

When you first think of being dehydrated or needing something to quench your thirst, coffee isn’t usually what immediately springs to mind. Sure, coffee can be thirst-quenching but on a hot summer’s day, an iced coffee sounds more appealing than a piping hot Espresso or Latte. For a lot of people worldwide, coffee makes up a large part of their daily fluid intake so knowing its effects are important. We all know that coffee gives us a boost in terms of our attention and making us feel more alert, but does it actually hydrate us or in fact make us more dehydrated? In this article, I’ll attempt to dive into this topic and find out the effects of coffee on our hydration.   What Are The Signs Of Dehydration? Is Coffee a Diuretic? Before jumping and looking at whether coffee does dehydrate people it’s important to have a clear understanding of what the signs of dehydration are, so you know how to spot them if you feel like you are becoming dehydrated. Dehydration is when the body loses so much fluid that it stops functioning normally and these fluids are not sufficiently replaced When this happens the body will show symptoms in numerous ways and adults should seek medical assistance if they are feeling symptoms of dehydration over a prolonged period of time. Perhaps the most obvious sign of dehydration is an increased feeling of thirst. If you notice yourself feeling thirsty or have gone without water for any length of time, then be sure to increase your intake to rehydrate sufficiently. Along with a feeling of thirst, you may also have a dry mouth, and this is another symptom to be wary of. Another sure way to know if you are dehydrated or not is the color of your urine. If your urine is light in color then it means that you’re sufficiently hydrated. If you’re not hydrated then your urine will be darker in color. If your urine is yellow then you need to drink water immediately as it means you are dehydrated. If your urine is orange or a darker color then you need water immediately and you should consult a medical professional. These are all immediate signs of dehydration and can be easily remedied. If someone continues to be dehydrated they may experience more severe symptoms such as dizziness or a feeling of light-headedness that may affect someone’s ability to walk or stand properly. A fever or an increased heart rate may also be noticed if you are severely dehydrated.   Coffee And Dehydration: What Are The Facts? Now that we know the signs to look out for when dealing with dehydration, we can tackle the main question of this article: Does Coffee Cause Dehydration? The short answer is no, at least that’s what research suggests, although caffeine is a mild diuretic which can make you need to urinate more frequently it does not actually make you more dehydrated. Dr. David [...]

2020-09-28T16:27:11-07:00By |

8 Reasons Why You Need Beets in Your Diet

Beets or beetroots are by no means the sexiest superfood. To the uninitiated, they have a distinctly earthy taste – without the right preparation, they may turn you off after one taste. But the reason (or reasons) you should stick around and try to refine your beet consumption strategy is that these unassuming purple-red roots are packed with minerals and vitamins that give them tons of medicinal value. Read on to learn about the 8 best reasons to add beets to your diet. They range from the mineral composition of beets to the effects its components have on your body’s functions. If you care about your health, you should figure out how to make beets as great for your tongue as they are for your body already.   1.    Nutrient Profile In terms of vitamin and mineral-rich foods, you want to look at the balance between nutrients and calories. Beets provide a ton of essential nutrients without hardly any calories. These include magnesium, manganese, folate, fiber, potassium, Vitamin B6/C, and even protein. This profile encourages beets’ productive health effects on your body.   2.    Performance Boost Improving athletic performance with diet requires a balance of efficient cell function and oxygen increases. Beets have been shown to slightly boost athletic performance by reducing exhaustion in comparison to oxygen consumption. 2 or 3 hours before training, drink beet juice to observe a slight performance boost in your next event or session.   3.    Inflammation Reduction Inflammation, particularly the kind associated with obesity, can be reduced by consuming betalains, pigments in certain plant compounds that reduce inflammation markers in your kidneys. People at risk for heart and liver disease, osteoporosis, or even certain cancers can reduce their risk with betalain-rich foods like beets.   4.    Blood Pressure Improvements Beets have been shown to reduce systolic blood pressure when consumed regularly, though the effect is more pronounced when the beets are raw as opposed to cooked. Since chronic high blood pressure leads to an increased risk for stroke, heart failure, and other problems, beets can be part of a heart-healthy diet that prevents you from becoming another statistic.   5.    Improved Mental Health Age-related cognitive decline can lead to memory problems and even dementia. While some aspects of this decline are inevitable, blood flow and oxygen levels in the brain can affect it. Beets contain nitrates which can improve age-related cognitive function by increasing blood flow to your brain and helping your blood vessels dilate more efficiently.   6.    Better Digestion Fiber is the hallmark of healthy digestion. Beets contain a good serving of dietary fiber, making them choice foods for people that want to encourage healthy colon function and prevent uncomfortable problems like constipation and IBS.   7.    Weight Control A lot of the above benefits add up to better weight control by improving your body’s ability to absorb and use nutrients. As a food source, beets are packed with water and skimpy on calories, making them great, [...]

2020-12-15T12:51:01-08:00By |

4 Health Benefits of Celery: Why It’s More Than a Diet Fad

Celery is a polarizing vegetable. Some of us can barely swallow its stringy texture or tolerate its unique flavor while others will willingly dip it in peanut butter to add protein and saltiness to an already healthy snack. Here’s something you should know: celery has more health benefits than a fad diet or an occasional snack. Every part of the celery plant, from the seeds to the leaves to the stalk, contains health benefits that you can easily get just by shopping for celery at any grocery store (make sure it’s organic!). Not only does the plant consist mostly of water, which hydrates you for some basic benefits, but the remainder is a combination of vitamins that make celery a must-have in any refrigerator.   1. Celery Improves Digestion           There have been some rumors in the diet community that celery is a “negative calorie” food. Let me explain what this means. It means that theoretically, since it’s mostly water, celery may require more calories to eat than you gain from it. This is one factor that has made it a superstar in many fad diets. But I’m all about evidence. I’m more interested in celery’s ability to improve digestion than the possibility that it could burn 5 calories through chewing. Celery is made of mostly indigestible fiber, which jumpstarts your gut and helps you have regular bowel movements. Being high in water and a compound called apiuman also speeds up digestion and can prevent ulcers. All these things can lead to more effective weight loss and appetite control than the possibility of being a “negative calorie” food, as the fads call it.   2. Celery is Full of Flavonoids             Despite being mostly water, celery contains a ton of flavonoids, which have a variety of functions in our bodies. The ones that celery can give you include beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, and lutein. I don’t have space here to go into specifics, but these flavonoids contain a host of health benefits. They go a long way to reducing inflammation, lowering your risk for chronic diseases, improving vision, enhancing immune function, and even preventing the growth of cancer cells.   3. Celery Can Fight Inflammation             I’ll take one of those benefits and run with it: celery’s flavonoid combination acts as an antioxidant to help fight inflammation. This is especially good news for people with rheumatoid arthritis and other auto-immune conditions. If you experience joint pain related to a chronic disease, you’ll be happy to know that celery has been shown to help manage daily arthritis symptoms using its unique blend of minerals and flavonoids.   4. Celery Comes in Three Parts             So far, I’ve only talked about the fibrous stalk that most of us are used to eating. But celery’s leaves and seeds come with their own benefits. The leaves, for instance, are packed with Vitamin [...]

2021-05-28T15:58:20-07:00By |

3 “Eggciting” Health Benefits of Eating Eggs

When you’re busy with a job or kids, you know the value of eggs. They’re the cheapest readily available source of protein, make a quick and nutritious breakfast, and are essential components to a ton of recipes. But despite their amazing utility, they haven’t always been loved. For a long time, the science behind cholesterol pointed to egg consumption as a culprit in the rising numbers of heart disease sufferers in the developed world. Now, however, we have a clearer picture of how good and bad cholesterol interact. We know that the fats in eggs actually improve cardiovascular health, as well as contain essential nutrients. So, if an old-fashioned nutritionist or fad diet tells you to stay off eggs for your heart, consider instead how far cholesterol science has come. Eggs come with these 3 amazing health benefits, which I’ll get into after we look a little closer at the myths surrounding one of the most universal foods in the world.   The Myth Surrounding Eggs             Before we get into the specific benefits of eating eggs, I want to dispel the myth that has made eggs a bit of a taboo subject for nutritionists in the past. They still come up in conversation as fatty and high-caloric, unrecognized for their nutrient content and the science behind healthy cholesterol. The first statistic that gave eggs a bad name is the fact that half of the calories in an egg come from the fat in the yolk, which is high in cholesterol. Back when doctors didn’t understand that cholesterol comes in different forms that need to be balanced, they advocated excluding eggs from the diets of people with cardiovascular issues. The link between cholesterol, fat, and heart health gave eggs the reputation of being an unhealthy food, but we now know that they don’t increase “bad” cholesterol in regular amounts. Those who are on a low cholesterol diet may need to restrict their egg intake, but for most normal people, eggs pack a lot of nutrients without any adverse effects. Their cholesterol content is the “good” kind. With that out of the way, here are the 3 amazing health benefits you can get from eating eggs.   • Essential Nutrients             Eggs are packed with nutrients and it isn’t hard to see why. After all, eggs are designed to feed and nourish a baby bird until it’s ready to hatch. This means, in theory, that eggs are the most perfect food: they contain every single nutrient, mineral, and vitamin necessary to sustain life. So, if you thought they were only a source of protein, you should consider the facts. Egg yolks contain Vitamins A, B2, B5, B12, and selenium. The egg white is densely packed with protein. Granted, an adult human can’t survive solely on the trace amounts of these vitamins contained in normal eggs. But the fact that they’re all in there makes them an [...]

2021-05-26T18:52:51-07:00By |

Six Reasons Baking Soda Isn’t Just for Cakes

Baking soda is something that can be found in just about every household. Intriguingly enough, what it's doing in those homes can vary quite a bit. You're probably already familiar with baking soda's eponymous role in baking. You might even know of it as an effective cleaning agent. But did you know that baking soda also offers some extremely useful medicinal properties as well? Baking soda is composed of a salt known as sodium bicarbonate. While sodium bicarbonate does occur naturally, it is mostly produced artificially. Ancient Egyptians were familiar with a mineral salt known as natron, which is made from a mixture of sodium carbonate compounds and contains roughly 17% sodium bicarbonate. Though natron was important in antiquity, often being employed as a cleaning agent and an early form of soap, it would take modern chemistry to truly unlock the potential of sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate's history as a consumable begins in the mid-1800s. It started when a British chemist was experimenting with chemical leavening agents in the hopes of assisting his wife's baking efforts. She suffered from a yeast allergy. After discovering sodium bicarbonate's ability to make bread rise with no yeast, it didn't take long for it to be christened “baking” soda and hit the market. While this particular feature was what brought sodium bicarbonate its modern day ubiquity, baking soda rapidly came to be appreciated outside of the kitchen as well.   What Baking Soda Does For The Body Although you probably get a little bit of baking soda in whatever baked goods you eat, it's not exactly part of the diet. Instead of a foodstuff or even a supplement, baking soda's uses in the body are more reminiscent of a medicine. It can be used to help in the treatment of a variety of conditions both minor and severe. It's great to have on-hand to tackle common symptoms that could befall anyone. Let's take a look at six ways to can put baking soda to use to make life a little simpler. 1. Baking Soda Can Calm Heartburn And Indigestion             Sodium bicarbonate is an active ingredient in many over-the-counter remedies for heartburn and indigestion. Because it is highly alkaline, it does a great job of neutralizing the acid in your stomach. This acid can be a major contributor to indigestion and ulcer pain, and is the root cause of heartburn. Instead of buying an expensive preparation like Alka-Seltzer, you can make your own at home. Just add a little bit of baking soda to a glass of water and drink it down.   2. Baking Soda Is An Effective Anti-Inflammatory Agent             Inflammation is a major source of pain and a contributor to chronic conditions in the body. In experimental trials, researcher's identified baking soda as activating a novel anti-inflammatory pathway in mesothelial cells, which can disperse this effect throughout the body. This has been investigated for its potential [...]

2021-06-07T13:12:36-07:00By |

Why Coconut Water is the “SuperDRINK” You Should Be Drinking

Coconuts have taken the health food world by tropical storm. In all their forms, coconuts pose health benefits touted by nutritionists and holistic healers around the U.S. It’s like we discovered a new food group! Coconut milk, oil, and especially coconut water have gained massive popularity in the last 10 years or so. Coconut water is a superfood found in young coconuts. As coconuts age, the liquid sweetens and thickens into what we call coconut milk, and then finally congeals into the white flesh that lines the inside of the shells of adult coconuts. Even though all these substances are chemically similar, coconut water offers surprising health benefits that the other forms do not. Of all coconut products, this is the one to watch.   How Coconut Water Promotes Good Health             Hydration is an essential aspect of healthy bodily function on every level. Every cell in our bodies requires water to function properly. In addition, the chemical reactions that make everything in our bodies work require water for lubricating, transporting, and facilitating nutrients through these processes. We’re all busy during the workweek, but if there’s one thing you should do to make yourself healthier, it’s to drink enough water. However, water by itself isn’t as functional as we might think. We also need electrolytes, which absorb and transport that water to the areas that need it. You need both to become properly hydrated. This is where sports drinks get their fame, offering athletes a readily available source of electrolytes to facilitate hydration under harsh conditions. However, mother nature has them all beat. It turns out that coconut water has almost the exact same electrolyte balance as human blood itself. Coconut water is the ideal way to hydrate because of this balance. Not to creep you out, but coconut water is amazingly similar to human plasma. It can even be used intravenously in emergency situations that require a transfusion! No other fluid on earth can do this because none except coconut water is perfectly sterile. Many alternative health professionals now call it “the perfect fluid” because of its amazing ability to hydrate the human body.   Nutrient Content             In addition to its incredible hydrating abilities, coconut water also contains nutrients, enzymes, amino acids, and antioxidants. They all come with unique abilities that make it even healthier to drink. These abilities include: Reducing inflammation Promoting healthy digestion Balancing blood glucose and insulin levels Providing phytonutrients Promoting skin and eye health Improving heart and urinary tract function (with potassium) Aiding weight loss This nutrient cocktail only makes coconut water an easier sell.   Coconut Water and Aging             Coconut water offers health benefits to people no matter their age. However, it turns out that it can actually help you stay younger too. Coconut water is now recognized as the number one natural source of compounds called cytokinins, which have been studied [...]

2021-06-08T01:37:43-07:00By |

5 Curious Health Benefits of Eating Carrots

For a while, my kids never had much use for carrots (other than for occasionally pretending to be Bugs Bunny). I didn’t buy them regularly, put them out, or try to make them taste good. When I learned about the curious popularity of carrots, though, and the surprising health benefits people get from eating them, I started making an effort. Their benefits are so pronounced that the regions that originally cultivated carrots thought of them as medicine first and food second. Stop letting carrots fly under your radar and take advantage of these 5 curious benefits of eating pop culture’s most famous tuber.   1. Carrots Fight Cancer             Scientists have been analyzing carrots’ cancer-fighting capabilities for years. One study used carrot juice to kill cancer cells, while another found that high-carrot diets reduce the risk for prostate cancer. They’ve even been found to reduce a person’s risk for gastric cancer by a fourth. If cancer runs in your family, a carrot diet could be a justifiable caution to fight the risk in yourself. For everyone else, fighting cancer is a bonus on top of all the other benefits carrots offer.   2. Carrots Improve Brain Function             When people feel groggy, they zap their brains with a dose of caffeinated coffee. I’m guilty of powering through some of my days on caffeine too. But the healthier alternatives to increased brain function we can find, the better off we’ll be. Turns out, carrots are pretty good at dispersing brain fog without any of caffeine’s negative aftereffects. Their effect on memory and cognitive function, which comes from their high levels of antioxidants, is even more pronounced on people with age-related cognitive decline.   3. Carrots Keep Your Heart Healthy               Carrots contain beta-carotene as well as those antioxidants I mentioned. Together they can substantially lower your risk for coronary heart disease, provided you eat them regularly. Bad cholesterol or LDL has also been found to be lower in those who consume a diet that includes carrots. Since heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women, carrots could be your secret lifesaver.   4. Carrots Can Improve Your Skin Health             Beta-carotene is an effective vitamin for improving and maintaining healthy skin. Skin cells become damaged and die naturally, especially in the sun and wind. Premature aging related to rough skin treatment sounds like a nightmare. Carrots can help you wake up from it by maintaining the youthful luster of your skin with its high dose of vitamins.   5. Carrots Really Do Help Your Eyes             This is the last thing I’m listing because you already know this one. You’ve probably heard about eating carrots for your eyes since you were a kid. In World War II, the British hid the fact they had invented radar [...]

2021-06-07T10:20:44-07:00By |

Top 5 Amazing Health Benefits of Flaxseeds

Even the ancient Egyptians knew how amazing flaxseeds are, which is why we’ve been eating them for their nutrition content for thousands of years. Modern science has shown us exactly why by revealing its nutrient composition, which is high in fiber, healthy fats and fatty acids, proteins, calcium, and iron. They’re both nutrient-dense and full of calories as well. Flaxseeds contain powerful antioxidants and phytochemicals that are difficult to get from natural sources in the modern world. Adding flaxseeds to your diet can improve your health in many ways. Here are the 5 essential reasons how this superfood can help you.   1. Flaxseeds are Rich in Proteins and Healthy Fats             Proteins and healthy fats help us maintain appetite control as well as support healthy cardiovascular function. This is one of the main reasons why flaxseeds have become so popular. Omega-3 fatty acids are infamous for their heart-healthy effects and for slowing mental aging processes.   2. Flaxseeds have Anti-Inflammatory Properties             Those fatty acids can also act as an anti-inflammatory and reduce the levels of key proteins responsible for inflammation in our bodies. Lowering this inflammation can have huge benefits on your cardiovascular health, as well as reduce your risk for chronic diseases.   3. Flaxseeds Promote Healthy Digestion             Flaxseeds, especially in the form of flaxseed oil, promote healthy digestion and gastrointestinal health. Flaxseed oil acts as a powerful laxative and anti-diarrheal agent as well, which promotes your overall bowel regularity. When you’re on a tight work schedule, inconsistent bowel activity can be troublesome. Regularly consuming flaxseeds can help.   4. Flaxseeds have Anti-Cancer Properties             Flaxseeds have been shown to slow the spread of certain cancers. By reducing oxidative stress and aiding DNA repair, the healthy proteins and acids in flaxseeds can kill cancer cells before they spread.   5. Flaxseeds contain Lignans             Lignans are antioxidants that aren’t common in modern diets. They occur naturally in seeds and some whole grains and can inhibit the overproduction of estrogen. They’re also a powerful antioxidant. This means that the lignans in flaxseeds can help you manage the effects of hormone-related diseases and reduce the risk of cancers related to sex hormones, such as breast and prostate cancer. Lignans also encourage digestive health and repair gut flora, as well as balance cholesterol levels. Just four tablespoons of flaxseeds a day can give you all the lignans you need to reap their impressive health benefits.   The Takeaway Flaxseeds are rich in proteins and healthy fats, which is great news for vegetarians that need to find natural plant sources to get their daily allowance. They also promote healthy digestion and fight cancer, two of the hallmarks of viable superfoods. Flaxseeds can also protect against the effects of out-of-control estrogen, which makes them unique in the food world as a [...]

2021-06-08T01:20:03-07:00By |

3 Reasons to Include Beans in Your Diet

Beans are humble, widely used foods that you can pick up cheaply in many forms and varieties. They’re featured in cuisines around the world and even show up in a fairytale or two. So far as we know, these legumes may be the earliest plants ever cultivated by humanity. Their hardiness and health benefits have been common knowledge for millennia. But if you’re not eating beans regularly, you’re not cashing in on this knowledge. Our distant ancestors cultivated beans for certain reasons, even if they didn’t know what they were. Modern health science helps us break down the humble bean into its component benefits so you can be sure why you’re including it in your regular diet. If you’re not on board yet, maybe you will be by the bottom of this page.   1. Beans are Heart-Healthy             No matter which beans you choose, they’re going to be packed with plant-based protein, making them ideal sources for vegan and vegetarian diets. This protein helps lower LDL (“bad” cholesterol) levels to improve your heart health and reduce your risk for heart disease. They also moderately reduce blood pressure, increase good cholesterol, and fight inflammation in your circulatory system.   2. Beans are Weight Loss Food             Beans satiate your appetite because of their high protein and fiber content. Despite high protein, beans are still low in calories, however, which makes it easier to get your daily protein without gaining weight. They’re also packed with nutrients like magnesium, potassium, folate, and Vitamins B1, B6, E, and K. All of these minerals work together to improve your metabolic response, reduce obesity-related inflammation, and get your digestion moving. All of this can help you lose weight.   3. Beans Can Lower Blood Sugar             Beans’ high fiber content makes them slow to digest. If you’re diabetic, you may know this as a “low glycemic index.” For the rest of us, it just means that slow-digesting foods like beans increasing your blood sugar very slowly. What’s the big deal? This gives you more control over your sugar levels, helping you feel satiated for longer between meals. This is great for losing weight but especially useful for diabetics. Beans provide a nutritious, low-calorie way to regulate their blood sugar levels, as well as get their daily protein allotment. Gradually reduced blood sugar and insulin levels can be achieved by including beans regularly in your diet.   How to Eat Beans             We all know that beans are staples in food cultures around the world, many of which have influenced comfort foods in the United States (my vegetarian chili, for instance, is definitely a family favorite!). But this doesn’t mean beans are good for everyone. You need a few tips to avoid making some common mistakes with bean preparation. For some people, beans can cause gas, cramps, and bloating. They may [...]

2021-05-27T17:39:09-07:00By |

9 Reasons Why Dark Chocolate is Actually Good for You

Chocolate beckons to us, especially around the holidays when the whole world seems designed to tempt our better judgment. Who knew that fighting back meant giving in? Rather than give up chocolate completely, consider instead how you can use it to your advantage. Chocolate, specifically dark chocolate that’s at least 70% cacao, has numerous health benefits when eaten in moderation. You heard me – moderation. While I can’t give you the superpower of converting a half-pound milk chocolate Santa into anything other than love handles, I can give you 9 good reasons to eat a bit of dark chocolate a few times a week as a treat. Calming that sweet tooth doesn’t have to be a guilt trip! Keep reading to learn why you should give yourself a break.   1.    A Boosted Mood When you eat dark chocolate, you may feel happy, but it’s not all a matter of taste! Dark chocolate can send a jolt into the neural centers that program pleasure and actually improve our mood at the source. Cognitive enhancement due to dark chocolate has identifiable mechanisms proven in laboratory settings. The word is “neuroplasticity” and it means that your brain can grow and adjust more easily. And it’s something dark chocolate can give you.   2.    Increased Cognition and Memory The same functional boost that improves your mood can also improve your recall memory. This means that the boost you get in focus and performance when you’re on chocolate isn’t an illusion! It’s science.   3.    Hearth Health Eating chocolate seems like the main ingredient in a recipe for failing health, but that’s not necessarily the case! The right dark chocolate can relax your blood vessels, which reduces blood pressure as a result. This reduces your risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.   4.    Weight Loss In addition to improving heart health, dark chocolate is a mild prebiotic, a form of fiber that can give a boost to your digestive health. It does this by giving good bacteria the go-ahead to grow and help you absorb nutrients. This can help you lose weight as a result.   5.    Lower Inflammation Free radicals surge in our bodies in response to uncontrolled inflammation, damaging our cells on a basic, functional level. Dark chocolate is part of a class of foods called antioxidants that snub free radicals and lower inflammation as a result. Blueberries are another popular, powerful antioxidant, so if you can find dark chocolate-covered blueberries, you’ll be doubling up on this benefit.   6.    Cancer Prevention When free radicals and inflammation keep growing out of control, they can initiate processes that eventually lead to cancer. Dark chocolate flavonoids like quercetin play a role in free radical reduction and therefore, cancer prevention.   7.    Lower Blood Sugar You may think that the last thing you need when your blood sugar is high is more chocolate, but dark chocolate can actually reduce oxidative stress. This is a leading factor that causes [...]

2020-12-15T13:26:52-08:00By |
