4 Reasons Why Zinc is Good for Your Immune System

The cold and flu season is upon us, which means that at any moment your already busy week can become completely overwhelming. The sniffles aren’t even the worst of it. The worst part is when you can’t get everything done because you’re not feeling up to it. Your work gets put on hold, your family gets sick too, and your diet plans become your last priority. So much of your weekly balancing act hinges on a properly functioning immune system. Many of us have been told to drink orange juice and tea when it comes to preventing sickness. But in the realm of vitamin supplements, Zinc is the immune system superstar. Knowing what Zinc does for you and how you can get your daily allowance can be useful information year-round. During cold and flu season, it’s your survival guide.   Why Do We Need Zinc? Zinc is an essential nutrient – our body both needs it and doesn’t produce it, which means we have to get it from our diet. Many processes – from wound healing, immune function, and growth – are fueled by Zinc. This is why it’s become a major synthetic mineral, fortified into cereals and snacks so people get enough. It’s an abundant trace mineral, has a hand in most metabolic and nerve reactions in our bodies, and supports our immune cells too. If you’re truly Zinc-deficient, you even start to lose your taste and smell: that’s how important it is. Here are some specific, noticeable health benefits you can get from supplementing with Zinc.   1.     Immune System Function             This is why we’re all here. Zinc plays a huge role in immune cell function, which means that supplementing with it can help those cells do their job. This reduces oxidative stress, which reduces your risk for everything from the common cold to infections. With cell growth and division in healthy overdrive, your body can build up ironclad defenses against the flu season.   2.     Age-Related Conditions             As we get older and our systems weaken, we become susceptible to a host of conditions. Pneumonia and various infections can be deadly if your body can’t fight them, which is why Zinc becomes even more important as you age. The improved immune response provided by a healthy dose of Zinc encourages the production of “T-cells,” which are your body’s little soldiers against the impending forces of infection. It’s so effective at boosting your activity that people have even reported improved vision and mental performance when taking Zinc daily.   3.     Inflammation Response             One of the reasons that Zinc improves not only your defense against sickness but the symptoms as well is that it decreases inflammation by reducing oxidative stress. This affects your whole body, reducing your risk for heart disease, cancer, and age-related mental conditions. While this doesn’t reflect a direct impact on immune health, it [...]

2021-05-28T18:27:52-07:00By |

4 Natural Remedies for a Sore Throat

Sore throats are the worst, especially for kids (and the busy parents of said kids). It’s not only uncomfortable, but it makes eating and sleeping difficult too, which makes everything worse. Sore throats are actually our body’s immune systems doing us a favor, sending inflammation to areas that are targeted by viral infections. But that doesn’t stop it from being a pain in the neck. While your body tries to figure out what to do with your infection, you should try to figure out what to do with your body. Try these 4 natural remedies for a sore throat to soothe yourself or your family during the inevitable colds that come with the winter dry spells.   1.   Honey             Honey may be the most readily available and widely known treatment for a sore throat. Your mom was probably always ready with honey and tea when you got sick. Even if she didn’t know the science behind it, your mom knew what she was doing. Honey has all kinds of effects beneficial to throat soreness, including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant benefits. This means that this golden goo, made of flower dust and bee spit, can give you soothing pain relief in your throat at the same time it fights the infection that gave you the soreness in the first place. Very rarely can you find a substance that works to control both the symptoms and the disease, but honey is a special case. Research the kinds of honey that are out there to maximize its benefits.   2.   Apple Cider Vinegar                Apple cider vinegar is known throughout the world as an enemy of bacteria. Even the ancient Greeks mixed it with (you guessed it) honey, to treat the flu and cure a cough. Even today, apple cider vinegar is a great soldier in the battle against throat soreness, even though many people now think of it purely as a weight loss supplement. The worst thing about apple cider vinegar, of course, is the acidic taste, which can hurt your teeth as well if you’re not careful. This is why the antibacterial benefits of apple cider vinegar are only really worth it if you mix it with something. Dilute the vinegar with warm water or juice and add some honey to make it more palatable.   3.   Marshmallow Root             Marshmallow root has a cute name, but doesn’t look much like its fluffy, sugary namesake. You can buy it whole for the most intense effects and turn it into a supplement by soaking it in a cheesecloth. However, most of us know marshmallow root as an ingredient in pre-made herbal teas, often called “throat coat” teas. The name comes from marshmallow root’s ability to soothe your throat and provide a protective, lubricating layer that fights throat inflammation. These teas can provide a great emergency throat soother that’s easy to store [...]

2021-04-15T19:25:19-07:00By |

5 Natural Remedies to Help with a Cough

The weather is changing, which people with sensitive noses know is the sign of cold and flu season coming up. People with busy workweeks know how a cold can make their lives difficult. Those of you with kids dread the thought of sick days home from school where everyone’s schedule gets thrown off and nothing gets done. If you feel a cough coming on or you already have one, you may be on medications to get rid of it. But you can only take those so often. These 5 natural remedies to help with a cough are far more pleasant than cough syrup and help your body rehydrate and fight inflammation as well as treat your cough. Use these natural remedies strategically to avoid coughs from yourself or to give sick kids a natural and pleasant way to take their “medicine.”   1.   Increased fluid intake             Fluids are your body’s army against invading cold and flu germs. If you have a cough, room temperature fluids (and lots of them) can help with throat soreness and calm down your cough. Many people have found that hot beverages are even more soothing than room temperature ones. Water, herbal teas, and broths are traditional remedies that work wonders to give you the fluids you need. Even fruit juice tastes better warmed up, especially for kids who don’t like warm broth.   2.   Tea with honey             Honey, especially dark, raw honey, is a miracle substance when it comes to relieving coughs, often outperforming over-the-counter cough-suppressants. The taste factor is a bonus. My go-to cough remedy is a cup of warm marshmallow root tea with honey. The honey tastes great and reduces cough-related inflammation while the marshmallow coats your throat to help you feel less sore.   3.   Ginger             Ginger is well-known as a powerful natural anti-inflammatory. Coughs cause all kinds of inflammation and ginger helps your throat relax, especially if the cough is dry. If you’ve got flu-related nausea or pain, ginger can help settle your stomach too. The best way to take ginger is naturally. Buy some whole root, thinly slice about an inch of it, and drop it into boiling water for about 5 minutes. Get some honey and lemon in there too for added effects.   4.   Peppermint             Menthol is the ingredient in peppermint that gives it a cooling sensation. It also reduces inflammation in your throat when you’ve been coughing, which not only relieves some pain but also reduces your urge to continue coughing. Peppermint also has antibacterial, antiviral, and decongestive properties, so it’s got a lot going for it. Peppermint lozenges or teas could be a big help when you’re coming down with a cough and peppermint essential oil also makes for great decongesting aromatherapy, if you’re into that.   5.   Pineapple             Pineapple isn’t [...]

2021-04-16T17:53:18-07:00By |

How to Ease Back Pain At Home

Whenever you experience back pain, even doing something as natural as sleeping becomes a daunting task. You cannot even concentrate on work, but are there things at your disposal that could help ease the pain at home? Let’s find out. Back pain is mostly accompanied by a hustle and tassel of finding the right position to sit or sleep. And this short-lived comfort does not last for too long as you might need to get a few things done.   Causes of Backache Muscle and ligament in the back getting tensed and strained - mild ache Dislocation of the disks - severe to excruciating ache Arthritis - mild to severe Spine injury - severe to unbearable agony Osteoporosis - the weakening of the vertebrae bones that starts mild and worsens after   This list shows that there are different degrees of back pain, and each has its best remedy. For instance, a comparison of aches from back pain versus arthritis may differ in the ache’s source and intensity. If discomfort persists even after trying the following, consult a doctor who will assess the basis of your backache. Below are back pain help home remedies that you can carry out on your own.   Exercise This is ideally the first thing that you can do at home to keep back pain at bay. If you have confirmed that the aching sources from strain, back pain relief exercises may be your best home remedy. You should always start small with manageable stretches, and advance to complicated yoga poses if you wish.   Dietary Supplements If your back pain roots from dietary deficiencies that may cause your spinal bones to become weak, then calcium, potassium, and collagen supplements are known as the best keto friendly protein powder that may come in handy. These substances will help keep your backbone healthy and wade off the agony. Collagen is incredibly beneficial in keeping the spinal cord intact and in place. Dietary supplementation also entails adding more foods high in these same nutrients in your daily meal plan.   Good Sitting Posture The simple act of sitting right could improve your back aches immensely. It would help if you sat in a manner that your spine is perpendicular to the ground and not in a slouching form. If you spend most of your day sitting, make sure your seat has good back support and periodically take random walks to stretch.   Back Massages Stress coming from daily hustles may result in your backaches, and a good old massage session might do the trick. A back pain massage is best done using oil while you are lying flat on your tummy. The person giving the massage must be gentle and work the way up and down your spine, slowly massaging all the disks into place.   Pain Killers If the pain is too hard for you to handle, painkillers may help. But you have to realize that painkillers do not solve any [...]

2021-02-26T17:51:30-08:00By |

3 Proven All-Natural Supplements for Younger Looking Skin

Our skin is the largest organ in our body. It absorbs and reacts to everything; from the amount of sun we get to the food we eat. A healthy diet is paramount to healthy skin. But what works one week to keep it looking clear, clean, and young may not work the next week. This is bad news for busybodies and working parents. Even if you don’t have time to experiment, however, don’t worry! You’ve come to the right place. Rather than splurge on expensive artificial products with laundry lists of ingredients and uncertain effects, you should invest in your skin’s health for the long term. That means understanding the fundamentals of healthy skin and how a healthy diet and all-natural supplements are the only “secret” to looking young you’ll ever need. The anti-aging products industry is one of the most profitable in the world. They would pay for you to not read about these great all-natural supplements for great skin year-round.   1.   Vitamin A             There are three basic principles to maintaining healthy skin: less oil, less inflammation, and more moisture. Vitamin A is best known for the first thing. Oil produced by our glands can cause dead skin cells to build up, block our pores, and cause all kinds of ugly breakouts. Vitamin A reduces the size of those glands to keep our natural oils at a manageable level. This makes Vitamin A – both as a topical treatment and oral supplement – the first line of defense against acne. Vitamin A promotes healthy collagen and even reduces skin inflammation related to breakouts.   How to Take Vitamin A Vitamin A is fat-soluble. This means that your body can store it, which is good for retention but bad for those at risk for overdoses. It can build up to toxic levels if you don’t dose it properly. Thankfully, so long as you get it naturally, you don’t have to worry. Foods rich in Vitamin A include dairy products and meat. Foods like carrots and tomatoes contain beta-carotene, which becomes Vitamin A when you consume it, so a few well-rounded meals a week should maintain your body’s healthy supply. In a pinch, an oral supplement could work too. Just remember that dosing is important. It’s best to consult a doctor before starting a new supplement.   2.   Collagen             Collagen is already in our skin. It’s the protein that makes skin elastic, which is shorthand in the skin health community for “looking young.” Collagen is the basis for all anti-aging products, so getting it naturally and purely should have an even more pronounced effect. Our collagen levels naturally shrink as we get older, so supplementation can stop the clock for a while.   How to Take Collagen Edible animal skin, such as from fish and chicken, contains a lot of collagen. Bone broth and gelatin also contain the same protein compounds. However, powder, [...]

2021-04-22T15:50:30-07:00By |

The 6 Best Teas for Cold and Flu Relief

We all love it when the weather starts changing and the mornings gradually get cooler. But colder temperatures mean that cold and flu season is coming up, which can be a huge problem for people who are susceptible to colds, work around a lot of people, or have kids at home. Colds can spread fast and make everyone miserable. If you ask a doctor (or a mom), the first thing they’ll tell you is: drink more fluids. This is good advice, but which fluids are best? Warm teas not only provide medicinal relief when you choose the right herbs, but the warmth soothes your throat, and additives like honey and lemon can help suppress your cough. If you take advantage of the best teas out there for cold and flu relief, you can speed up your recovery and enjoy a fresh herbal remedy at the same time.   1.   Peppermint             Peppermint’s distinct cooling sensation comes from menthol, which makes a great cough suppressant. Just breathing the steam off a cup of peppermint tea can relieve congested sinuses. Drinking it can lower inflammation and pain in your whole body. If that wasn’t enough, peppermint has even been studied by major drug organizations for its antiviral and antimicrobial properties. It’s the multipurpose cold and flu-fighting tea that no pantry should be without as we approach the winter months.   2.   Echinacea             You may know echinacea more as an immune-boosting supplement than as a tea, but this herb is notorious for its ability to shorten a cold or flu. If you feel an illness coming on and don’t need specific decongestive effects (yet), echinacea tea might even be able to prevent the cold altogether by boosting your immune response. It works as a light anti-inflammatory supplement as well. Herbal teas often mix lemon or mint with the echinacea for an even tastier immune-boosting beverage to warm you up during flu season.   3.   Stinging Nettle             Stinging Nettle is an ancient remedy for the flu due to its ability to boost your immune system with Vitamin C and carotene. Don’t let its aggressive name turn you off: it’s packed with antioxidants and helps you fight the systemic inflammation that results naturally from being sick. Those who already have chronic inflammatory conditions like arthritis may have heard of nettle tea before, but not in the context of getting over a nasty cold. As a tea, it can do a lot of good.   4.   Ginger             Ginger is a well-known herbal remedy and it’s a cold germ’s worst nightmare. It can both prevent colds from coming on and soothe one you already have by reducing inflammation in your throat, reducing congestion, and even clearing up bacterial and viral issues related to your sickness as well. Ginger is a powerful antioxidant and tests higher for antibacterial effects than [...]

2021-04-22T13:55:27-07:00By |

COVID Survival Guide: 5 Essential Supplies You Need at Home

COVID has not only driven most of us home, but has also made us realize how unprepared we are to stay healthy and happy using only the things we already have in the house. The CDC has offered guidelines on social distancing and only going out when necessary, but what about everyday living? There’s been a lot of confusion about what supplies are essential during the quarantine, leading many people to overbuy certain items like food and toilet paper. Please don’t! We’re not in an apocalypse right now: the only shortages of essential items have been caused by people panicking and hoarding hygiene products. But that still leaves the question: what are the essential things that we should all have at home during the lockdown? After living in it for a few months and thinking hard on the essentials, I’ve come up with this list of 5 essential supplies to help you outlast the COVID quarantine in relative comfort and safety.   1. The Right Mask             Wearing a mask when you go out or interact with others is the CDC’s main recommendation. It’s going to lead my list too. They help prevent you from spreading COVID to others and offer some limited protection from others who may have it. What I’ve discovered though is that wearing a mask has a hidden benefit: it visually reminds everyone to social distance and to refrain from touching their faces. That’s the main aspect that will keep you safe while out shopping during the pandemic. Also, I said the “right” mask for a reason. Remember that the cloth should have enough ply so that when you pull on both sides, it doesn’t stretch too much.   2. Water Purifier             There’s no health reason related to the pandemic to buy a water purifier, but I’ve discovered having one at home is an essential part of my survival arsenal. The reason is that I’m shopping less (once or twice a month), so I don’t have as many opportunities to buy bottled water. A good water purifier from a store or online vendor can help you keep hydrated with clean water while you spend time at home. As a bonus, you won’t be using and processing all that plastic that comes with drinking six bottles a day.   3. Hand Sanitizer             Hand sanitizer is your best friend during the pandemic. You can use it frequently to lower the chances of infecting yourself by touching your face as well as contaminating surfaces that you or your family will touch later. I always keep a small bottle on me. They sell them now infused with aromatics like Eucalyptus and Lavender to keep you relaxed; always a plus during times of high stress. These are my favorites because pandemic living isn’t always relaxing! With family cooped up, job conditions changing, and financial situations strained, just a little [...]

2021-04-14T18:15:19-07:00By |

4 Great Health Benefits Connected to CBD

CBD or cannabidiol used to have a bad reputation with parents and lawmakers because it comes from cannabis plants, the same plants that produce marijuana. However, since the methods of extracting it have been refined, we now know that CBD can be manufactured without any of the compound called THC, which is what gives you a “high” with conventional marijuana. The laws are changing on CBD and many people are starting to discover its amazing health benefits. Without any of the addictive or mind-altering properties of marijuana, CBD can be used safely to reap these 5 great health benefits. Read on to discover why this once-taboo product now features in health magazines and websites around the world.   1. Pain Relief             Pain relief is the most well-known benefit of taking CBD. Cannabis plants have been known for centuries to have properties that reduce pain, including their ability to relax our bodies and regulate healthy sleep. They decrease inflammation too by blocking some of the neural pathways that cause this pain. Anyone who suffers from chronic pain or an overactive nervous system should consider CBD as a possible pain relief supplement. Arthritis sufferers swear by its unique ability to lower inflammation. Even if you’re just aching in your back from running around all day, CBD could help.   2. Stress Relief             For many, this is the greatest health benefit connected to CBD. Everyone gets a stress headache now and then during the busy week, but it’s not supposed to be permanent. When your busy schedule starts turning into an anxiety disorder, CBD can help. CBD gives you a serotonin boost by binding to your neural pathways and helping them calm down. Not only is the effect similar to the kinds of anti-depressant medications you can get from a doctor, but it’s way safer too. Stress relief with no side effects may sound like a dream come true when you’re juggling kids or pulling a late night at work, but CBD can offer that.   3. Skincare             This is something that surprised me. Since CBD reduces inflammation in your entire body, one of its unexpected benefits is that it stops your skin from producing so much oil, which is what makes you break out. People with acne, psoriasis, and other surface-level (pun intended) skin conditions may benefit from CBD-based creams and topical ointments. The best brands also contain fatty acids like Omega 6 and Omega 3, which we all know are skincare essentials. They help your skin stay hydrated and smooth and can even reduce the visual effects of aging. Always a plus.   4. Heart Health             Here’s another great health benefit connected to CBD that most people don’t know. CBD’s ability to relax your nervous system leads to lower resting blood pressure. This means that it can have an indirect but positive [...]

2021-05-28T15:38:20-07:00By |

12 Ways to Support Your Immune System Naturally

Your immune system is your frontline defense against environmental toxins, viruses, bacteria, and other harmful microorganisms. Unfortunately, the toxins present in today’s world are weakening the human immune system at an ever-increasing rate and there’s only so much we can do to control what we’re exposed to. On the flip side, certain tools and supplements can help support your immune system. What Is the Immune System and Why Does It Need Support Your immune system is your body’s security system. It’s your natural defense against harmful organisms that cause sickness and contagious outbreaks. You come in contact with these agents every day and most are neutralized by your immune system without you even knowing it. However, if your immune system is weak, it may not win the battle against invading organisms, and that’s when you can get sick. The quality of your immune system relies on you — what you eat, what you’re exposed to, your physical health, and even your mental health. Suffice to say, you can support your immune system with nutrition, you can support it by bolstering your defenses and reducing the invading microorganisms it has to defend against, and you can support it by having good physical and mental health. 12 Ways to Boost Your Immune System Naturally A healthy diet devoid of refined sugar and processed foods is one of the best ways to support your immune system and physical exercise is also important. While these methods are helpful, they aren’t always enough. In a world where toxins run rampant and exposure is difficult to avoid, we really need to take extra precautions. Here are 12 ways to support your immune system naturally. 1. Probiotics The good bacteria in your gut are known as probiotics and are responsible for supporting digestion, combating harmful organisms, and keeping your immune system in check. Considering that 70% majority of your immune system resides in your gut, maintaining a balance of probiotic bacteria is essential for nurturing your immune defenses.[1, 2] Probiotic-rich foods like kombucha, sauerkraut, and kefir, or a high-quality, probiotic supplement can help balance your ratio of good to bad bacteria. A probiotic supplement like Latero-Flora™ is another effective way to encourage good balance. If you’re looking for a supplement that can improve your gut health, check out LATERO-FLORA at the AlrightStore. 2. Intestinal Cleansing Whether you’re on the road, at your computer, eating, or sleeping on a toxic mattress, it’s a safe bet that you’re exposed to toxins 24 hours a day. Most toxins take up residence in your intestines to wreak havoc on your health by degrading your immune system and weakening your defenses. Regular intestinal cleansing with an oxygen based colon cleanser like Oxy-Powder® can support your immune system by providing a balanced, clean environment for probiotic bacteria to thrive. The positive benefits of intestinal cleansing with Oxy-Powder® are enhanced when it’s paired with a good probiotic supplement. If you’re looking for a supplement that can improve your intestinal [...]

2020-09-28T17:29:04-07:00By |

5 All Natural Mood Boosters

Depression isn’t specific to one job or age group. It can affect anyone. It can come on quickly and hit hard or it can be subtle and hang over your head throughout your whole busy week. Many who deal with depression, seek the help from doctors and take antidepressants. While antidepressants can be a great refuge for people with serious, debilitating depression, many with more mild symptoms, could benefit more from natural sources of relief. These natural alternatives to medication provide a lot of the same benefits as antidepressants but without the nasty side effects commonly associated with them. Read on to learn how to support your mood naturally with these alternatives to antidepressant medications.   1. St. John’s Wort             Some antidepressant alternatives, including some discussed below, simply address the symptoms of depression by relaxing our bodies. St. John’s Wort is an example of a natural alternative that addresses our emotional imbalances at the source: our brains. This herb directly increases serotonin levels (the “happy” hormone), which are low in people who have chronic depression. It is a milder, natural alternative to medications your doctor would prescribe for depression. It’s worth noting, however, that St. John’s Wort, like many supplements, can interact with medications like blood thinners. Check with a doctor before starting on a new supplement.   2. SAM-e             SAM-e is another supplement that helps regulate hormones and body processes directly, reducing the symptoms of depression in many people who take it regularly. SAM-e is an abbreviation for a chemical that already exists in our bodies, with a complicated name that none of us need to know (it’s S-adenosylmethionine). By replenishing this chemical, SAM-e supplements can reduce instances of depression, though this supplement is not as well-researched as some others.   3. Lavender             Lavender is one of the most mass-produced stress-relief herbs and works as a natural alternative to antidepressants by calming and supporting our mood. Products derived from lavender often advertise their uses as anxiety relievers and sleep aids. You can take lavender in a ton of different ways, from scented hand creams to liquid supplements to flavored foods. Just remember that lavender has a general calming effect, not a direct chemical change in your brain that will reduce depression at the source. For mild symptoms or just as a general anxiety-reliever, however, it’s easy to find and pleasant in all its forms. I recommend a lavender-infused mist that comes in a spray bottle. Just one squirt on my pillow helps me get to sleep after a long day.   4. Omega-3             Omega-3 fatty acids are a superstar when it comes to healthy food due to their use in heart-healthy diets. However, you may not know that they’re also useful as a natural source of anxiety relief. They do this by reducing inflammation in your body, which is a [...]

2022-10-12T14:09:30-07:00By |

5 All-Natural Ways to Reduce Stress

I know that it seems counter-intuitive to reduce stress during a busy week. We want to reduce stress so we can get more done but doing so usually requires more work! Sometimes, to completely de-stress after work and the kids, the only thing we should be doing is nothing at all. Even that can be difficult when stress is running rampant. Since stress can affect digestion, blood pressure, blood sugar, and mood, it’s tempting to look for an easy way out. Prescription and OTC stress-relievers might help control symptoms, but they won’t solve your problem. These 5 all-natural ways to reduce stress can help you form a habit of daily stress-relief, free of prescriptions and side effects.   1. Exercise             Exercise is a scary term for some of us. It brings to mind lifting weights and subscribing to a gym that we don’t have time to visit during the week. For a lot of us (myself included), exercise can become a promise we make and break too easily. Here’s the good news: exercising for stress relief doesn’t have to be strenuous or time-consuming. You don’t have to use weights or equipment at all, though you could if you wanted to. Exercise relieves stress when it gets your body moving. You could just get up from your desk and walk around a bit. Stretching, light walks, and massages are all examples of “exercise” that help relieve stress by releasing endorphins and getting your blood pumping.   2. Meditation             Meditation has been shown countless times to help control mood by fighting negative thoughts. Deep breathing can calm overactive nervous systems. It can be combined with yoga poses for added benefits. It’s also another thing that not all of us have time for. In the case of meditation, it can’t be done quickly, but this makes it more essential for people with out-of-control stress. Meditation experts have a term called “safe space.” It refers to where we meditate but also to how we’re supposed to feel when we do it. Finding a safe space with no responsibilities, noise, work, or kids for even a few uninterrupted minutes can do wonders for stress.   3. Aromatherapy             Aromatherapy involves using essential oils to induce a physical stress-relieving reaction. The right product can help us calm down during the day or get to sleep at night. Lavender is a popular essential oil used in aromatherapy for its calming effects, including muscle relaxation. It can be bought in liquid form as an oral supplement, inlaid into pillows or hand creams, or used in aromatherapy. Many spas and physical therapy offices use this to calm their patients. Combine your meditation with aromatherapy using essential oils such as lavender, vanilla, or sandalwood to relax during the day or get better sleep at night.   4. Sauna             Using a sauna produces [...]

2021-06-07T10:04:40-07:00By |

6 Healthy Ways to Keep Your Body Detoxified

Not everyone can cope with the complicated diets we see in health magazines and commercials. Most of us just don’t have the time! Thankfully, there are healthy ways to keep your body detoxified without turning to fad diets, pills, or fasting. What is detoxing? What’s the best way to do it? Read on for some tips that will help you rejuvenate your body without sacrificing your evenings chasing a fad diet.   What is Detoxing? Detoxing removes unwanted waste products from your body. When your body can’t process them effectively, these toxins can cause fatigue and chronic inflammation. Detox diets often prescribe laxatives, vitamins, and other medications to forcibly flush out the gunk. But there’s a healthier way to detox. Detoxification happens naturally in our bodies already – the liver is your body’s natural sponge, absorbing and removing those toxins. Our goal with healthy detox is to reinforce your body’s natural detoxing process by helping your liver do its thing. How do you do that? Here are 5 easy ways.   1. Get Quality Sleep             We all know that sleep is important, but we still don’t always get our quality 7-9 hours. Young kids, early alarms, late work, and a noisy bedmate can make sleep tough, but it’s a must for anyone that wants to detox naturally. When you’re sleeping, your body has time to prioritize detoxification. Waste products get processed and flushed out. Your body reboots. Denying yourself restful sleep allows toxins to accumulate and stress out your body. Inflammation kicks in and blood pressure goes up. In the long run, this can lead to all kinds of issues with your heart and weight. Sleep is your number one defense against toxic buildup and the first step to keeping your body detoxified.   2. Drink More Water             Most people need about 100 ounces of water a day. That’s about 6 bottles, not including the water you lose by running between work, school, the store, and home. Most of us aren’t making it. This water is essential for keeping your body detoxified. Water helps your stomach digest and process nutrients. It flushes out waste products, lowers your temperature, and prevents toxic buildup. Using the bathroom more often may not be amazing, but remember what I said about the liver being a sponge? Well, it’s way easier to clean with water.   3. Eat Less Sugary and Processed Foods             Diets have one thing right: the importance of cutting out refined sugars and processed foods. Digesting junk food creates more toxins than the nutrients you get in return. Food with too much salt robs you of all that water you’ve been drinking. Your organs, energy levels, and anxiety won’t thank you for eating this way. Junk food may be quick and easy to prepare, but the more often you can replace junk with fresh food, the more efficiently your [...]

2021-04-22T14:04:56-07:00By |
