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Joy, the Secret to Changing Your Life

When I begin working with clients, one of the first questions I invariably ask is, “what do you do for fun?” It sounds trite. It seems like one of those throw away questions that we ask to make lively small talk at a cocktail party. The truth is, the answer to this question has an incredible impact on your life. We’ll get into why, but before we do, take a moment to answer the question for yourself.   Okay, now that you’ve got an answer, let’s explore why our fun matters so much? Let me start with my own story. Once upon a time there was a young professional woman. She graduated from college and began her career in the humanitarian aid sector as a fundraiser. She loved her work. Her nights and weekends were spent with friends, her then husband, and her dogs. She loved adventures in nature, dancing, travel, and socializing. Throughout the next decade, she found lots of ways to have fun. She traveled to four continents, she spent her Sunday mornings in a jazz dance class with her cousin, she spent most Saturday nights out dancing. She studied hard, worked hard, and played hard. But, all was not right. Her husband was not a fit. Her whirl of social life was becoming too much. She was ready for change.   Fast forward. In her thirties, she moved to a spiritual community, developed a daily meditation practice, married a loving man, and had two babies. She didn’t dance anymore. Her career became secondary. She didn’t have dogs anymore. Her babies were amazing, but she was constantly exhausted and had no time to care for herself. She tried to workout, but it was so boring. Her only motivation to get on the treadmill was the chance to listen to her dance music in solitude. Life was rich with love, but progressively heavy. Finances were tight. The weight of duty began to drag her down.   As her thirties came to a close, her second marriage became strained. Her career hit a dead end. The pandemic hit. She was laid off. Her life, it seemed, was unraveling again. She surrendered her worries and embraced the pause. She embraced her motherhood. She took her kids outside and they began to spend time with animals again.   And then it happened. She sat on a horse and remembered JOY. She remembered freedom. She remembered courage. The joy of the horse brought her back to herself, her heart, her inner peace. The rest, my friends, is the history of recent years. The blossoming of new life, new career, new wisdom, new purpose.   And now you. What do you enJOY? What in your life brings you into that frequency? I’m not talking about the ways you disconnect, fill space, zone out. I’m talking about the things you do that bring excitement, enthusiasm, action? What do you do without hesitation? What do you do that moves your body [...]

2021-12-27T14:03:16-08:00By |

Don’t Give Up

“Hold up your cup here is some positive tea that I want to pour out for you.”   People have different capabilities of handling tough problems and the failures that may come along. Some would give up even before they get started. Others persist and achieve their dreams no matter how difficult the path proves to be. A philosopher once said that one’s ability to deal with obstacles as well as their failures determine how successful they be. Here are seven reason why you shouldn’t give up on your dream.   First, everyone struggles at some point in life. You are neither the only one nor are you the first one to be in tough situations. In the same way roses grow amidst thorns, and it calls for struggle to pluck them, no perfect outcome comes without struggle. A wise man said that nothing comes on a silver plate. The life story of Oprah Winfrey provides a clear demonstration of how this successful woman emerged from rags of poverty, to be among the richest icon producers in the world. Other icons such as Dwayne Johnson and Lewis Howes have the same story of consistent struggles and later success.   Secondly, there is more than one option in every situation. Success calls for proper evaluation of one’s past successes and failures to identify the best path to take towards the pursuit of their dreams.   Thirdly, past failures should not determine one’s own future. In fact, setbacks improve creativity and thus, one should embrace them, learn from them and use them as a stepping stone to success. After noticing that his production was not selling well in the market, Dwayne Johnson learned from his failures and laid down his agents and again emerged at the top of the market.   Fourth, no struggles last forever and one should stay positive that the situation will get better sometimes. Staying focused on the prize and being persistent no matter the price attracts some fine reward. If one has true interest in gaining something or attaining a goal, they should never give up and finally they will achieve their objectives. Remember, a faint heart never wins a fair lady.   Fifth, you were born and, therefore, there is no way you won’t face challenges on earth. Every human being exists to find a course in life; which presents a rough path at some point. The fact that you are alive gives you no chance to do nothing less than struggle. According to scientists, you were the luckiest among the four hundred trillion gametes to be conceived. Thus, you are a fighter and you can do anything you dream of with sufficient effort and determination. Whatever happens in one’s own life is directly proportional to the choices they have made as well as their ability to pursue their dreams and goals in life. The only excuse that you can give for failure or despair is death. Age, gender, race and [...]

2021-10-21T13:19:55-07:00By |

Money Matters, the Secret to Getting What You Want

Yesterday I cleared star thistle from the winter pasture for the horses. It’s a noxious weed that can harm horses if they decide it’s tasty, so this cloudy fall afternoon found me hacking at it with my handcrafted scythe. Yes, this tool makes me feel like an Amish woman, but it works wonders and is much more pleasant than the loud engine of a weed whacker. As I slashed away the poisonous plants, a loud voice cried out in my earbuds, “What is your financial blueprint?!” The voice was that of T. Harv Eker and the audiobook was Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. The truth is, I wasn’t there in that pasture only to care for my herd. I was there to clear the poison in my mind. Let me rewind. A few days before this, I logged into our bank accounts and credit cards. I could sense something was off and after some foot dragging, knew that I needed to take inventory of our finances. What I found shocked me. For the first time in ten years of partnership, our cash savings was drained. I took a breath. I reached out to my husband with the news. My heart leapt in panic. Being who I am today and knowing what I know about life, I knew the panic was unhelpful. I also knew that suppression was useless and avoidance futile. So, I sat with it. I let all the terrifying emotions arrive and be named. When the kids were asleep, my husband and I met. We talked about money, I named my feelings, we considered our options, and made some decisions. I decided to reach out to my coach and business partner, Ezra. He always has practical feedback and I knew that I could use an outside perspective on things. My current beliefs have brought me this far, it was time to try something new. My coach brought to light some key issues around valuing myself and working with my husband as a team. Then he offered the book recommendation by Eker. I promptly downloaded it from my Audible and headed to the pasture to listen, learn, and clear things up. What I found was an application of what I already know to be true, but offered with new words and wrapped in the language of making money. The truths rang clear, the new application brought new awareness's, and anything that didn’t align in my heart I set aside. So, here’s the secret to getting what you want: There are four steps to changing anything you want to change in your life. Your money, relationships, business, spiritual life, health, anything. The four steps are: Awareness -Unpack your suitcase of subconscious beliefs about X (in this case money) Choice - Decide what you want in your suitcase and what you are ready to leave behind. Action - Now, repack it with care and take it with you as you travel. Reflection - Notice what changes. [...]

2021-10-22T16:52:15-07:00By |

Set Yourself Free

“Hold up your cup here is some positive tea that I want to pour out for you.”   Learning to let go of something in your past can be one of the hardest things in life. Yes, letting go is very difficult. I once thought it meant a sign of weakness if I didn’t hold on. We often feel that if we let go of something or someone, we are giving up. Actually, the best thing for us is to be set free. To let go of that old jacket that you know you will never wear again, to let go of that old car that’s no longer drivable, to let go of that person that we once loved, and might still love, but deep down know they aren’t right for us. Yes, it’s easier said than done. As humans we’re accustomed to holding on, it makes us feel strong, it’s comfortable, and it’s what we know. However, if we’re stuck on the past, how can we open our hearts and minds to new things? In the process of letting go, you will lose many things from the past, but you will find new things in your future. We hold the key to our future and it can be designed to our own liking. But often what we do is we let our past determine the design of our future. And as a result, it looks quite similar to our past. The desperate attempt to hold on to the things that were familiar to us limits our capability to experience happiness and joy in the next chapter of life. If we are going to open the door to our future, we have to throw away our key to the past. We have to let go of all the pain, all the agony, and all the grief that’s in our heads. I’ve learned in my coaching practice to be direct with less steps in order for you to retain or remember our session. Let’s begin!!   Here are two simple steps to set yourself free:   Step One: Forgive the People Who Hurt You It's one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive. Forgive everybody ~Maya Angelou When you’ve been hurt by someone, it’s not always easy to let it go. But holding on to a grudge will only make you feel worse. If you hang on to bitterness, disappointment, and ill will towards those who have harmed you, you are willingly handing your future to them. Zig Ziglar once said “just because somebody screwed up your past, it doesn’t mean you should give them permission to screw up your future.” Forgiveness is about braking free from the chains that bind you. Forgiveness is about moving on. Forgiveness is about refusing to replay the same event in your mind over and over again, like a broken robot. Forgiveness is about giving yourself a clean slate. Forgiveness is our choice and often our pathway [...]

2021-09-24T18:09:53-07:00By |

Moneywoman: Unleash Your Inner Financial Superhero

The first National Women’s Equality Day was in 1971. Women couldn’t get credit cards in their own name back then. And if a woman became pregnant, she could be legally fired. Thankfully, a lot has changed, but some things haven’t. Women still do not receive equal pay for equal work. The gap is roughly 20%1, and women continue to live longer than men, now by an average of seven years. That one-two punch — lower earnings over a longer lifetime — makes it critical for women to become even more knowledgeable and confident about their finances. We talked with Darrelyn Dunmore, an agent with Strategic Wealth Specialists in Mobile, Alabama about her own journey to financial confidence and how she helps other women become more empowered.   HOW DID YOUR JOURNEY TO FINANCIAL CONFIDENCE BEGIN? We know that 80-90% of women will become solely responsible for their finances at some point in their lives, mainly due to divorce or widowhood. That’s what happened to me. I went through a divorce in 2000. Suddenly, I was a single mother of two daughters and scared to death.   WHAT DID YOU DO? I signed up for a seminar about how women could work towards financial freedom. The leaders encouraged us to take a “financial snapshot” of where we were at that moment, and to map out where we wanted to be in the future. We also gained an understanding of basic financial concepts and how they applied to our lives. That experience gave me the courage and understanding to move forward.   HOW HAS YOUR EXPERIENCE TRANSLATED INTO YOUR WORK? Nearly two-thirds of American women, ages 40 to 79, have already dealt with a major financial “life crisis,” such as job loss, divorce, the death of a spouse, or serious illness. I meet with women of all ages and every socioeconomic level. And they all share the same concern: “How can I protect myself financially?” Married women want to know whether they will be okay if something happens to their husband. In many cases, the husband doesn’t understand their financial situation himself or he won’t give his wife this vital information. I’ll never forget talking with an 81-year-old widow who said, “He wasn’t supposed to go first. I don’t know what we have or where to start.”   WHAT ABOUT YOUNGER WOMEN? Many millennial-age women contact us because they’ve seen what their parents went through in the 2008 financial downturn. Savings wiped out. Jobs lost. Net worth slashed. They want to begin developing a financial strategy now so a similar crisis doesn’t set them back. Many women are just like I was back in 2000: divorced and scared. All these women are educated, but they just don’t know what they don’t know about their finances.   HOW DO YOU HELP WOMEN BECOME FINANCIALLY CONFIDENT? Financial education made all the difference in my life — and that’s what we provide to our clients. We help women get financially organized, [...]

2021-07-28T18:31:56-07:00By |

When is Filing for Bankruptcy a Good Idea?

Can you define “bankruptcy” in a legal sense? Did you know that “bankruptcy” does not mean you do not have any money? Now, if you picture the word “bankruptcy,” you would not be picturing anything happy, uplifting, or positive. You’d be picturing someone sad, hopeless, and doesn’t have any money to their name. We are living in times of great uncertainty and anxiety. Some people have been impacted more than others, but everyone has felt the effects of the world we find ourselves in. One of the most damaging and common effects of these challenging times is our finances. Businesses that used to be steady in their profit are now struggling to make ends meet. People are taking salary cuts, being furloughed, or even losing their jobs. Unexpected medical bills, from either COVID-19 or something else, have created heartache, stress, and hardship for hundreds of thousands of people.   No matter who you are, you have felt the negative financial effects, and you are probably feeling lost or worse - hopeless. When people start to struggle financially, filing for “bankruptcy” doesn’t usually seem like an option. They’ll strive to work hard to avoid it, but they are missing out on a potential opportunity to improve their situation. “Bankruptcy” doesn’t mean you are admitting you are a failure, and it doesn’t make you a bad person. We want to share why filing for bankruptcy may be a good idea.   How is bankruptcy defined? Before we get into when you may want to consider filing for bankruptcy, let’s define it. Bankruptcy is a court order that discharges some (but not all) of your debts if the court finds you have no means to pay back the debt you are currently in.   Is there only one way to file for bankruptcy?             There are two main ways to file for bankruptcy – Chapter 7 bankruptcy or chapter 13 bankruptcy. Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, most of your assets (things you own that have value to the economy, like a house or car) are liquidated (sold to generate money to pay off your debt). People can file for Chapter 7 due to reasons like divorce, unexpected and expensive medical bills, and unemployment (making this more relevant in today’s times). Chapter 7 bankruptcy is considered a fresh start because it can quickly resolve almost all your debt. However, it is important to remember that assets like your car or house will be sold to pay off your debt. If you have personal assets that you cannot part with for whatever reason, then Chapter 7 may not be an option. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is different from Chapter 7 because it allows you to keep all your property and repay lenders with less than the amount owed. The catch with Chapter 13 bankruptcy is that you must meet certain qualifications.   How can bankruptcy help me?   If you’ve been affected by economic hardships, you [...]

2021-05-24T21:03:17-07:00By |

The 5 Best Ways to Handle Student Loan Debt

The opportunities to get an education at a higher level are the most they have ever been in recorded history. Between scholarships, more people willing to leave their home cities/states, and the increased investment in return for a great education – college is available to more people than ever. Unfortunately, not everyone can get free college tuition. Unless you’re a student-athlete or on a full scholarship, you will be paying a lot of money to attend college. Even people with scholarships still must pay for things during college. This is where student loans come in. The increased availability of college for everyone means the increased need to pay for that college experience. The most realistic way to be able to afford college is through using student loans. Student loans are a great option for people to be able to attend college even if they don’t have the money to pay for all of it, but they aren’t always great. Over 40 million Americans have student loans, and the numbers of loans increase every day. Student loans can be challenging because you may simply forget to pay for them, you may not think they are a big deal, or you/your job may have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and you are suddenly in a rough spot financially. Student loans can increase your debt quickly if they are not properly managed and paid on time, but sometimes life happens, and you can’t pay as you would like. Fortunately, there are options available for you. We want to share five ways to manage your student loan debt.   Know What You Are Working With             Before you create a plan on managing your student loans, first you need to know what type of loans you have. Your loans may be federal or private which have different rules and timelines Your loans may have different timeframes for expected payment (you may have much longer on one than the other, which can help you prioritize your payments) Your loans may have different interest rates which will affect which loans will cost you the most money in the long run Knowing every detail about your loans will direct you on how to address them.   Know Your Grace Periods (and ignore them, in a way)             Each loan will have different “grace periods” which is the time after you graduate where you will not be expected to pay anything on your loans. Some grace periods may be 30 days, and some may be 9 months. Once you know your grace periods, you have two options, either… Don’t pay anything during the grace period but start saving up/creating a strategy to begin paying when the period is over If you can, start paying your loans now (even if you have a grace period). This creates a habit of setting money aside where, by the time the grace period ends, you will [...]

2021-05-20T12:32:27-07:00By |

5 Insider Tips for Buying a Car Online

Even though we’re in the middle of a pandemic, we still need to be able to go places (safely). Now that we are stuck at home, we miss being able to just get in the car and drive places. Since we have not been using our car as much as normal, we start to notice little things here and there that we never noticed before. Maybe we never took care of our car the way we should Maybe the knocks and sounds that we’ve been used to now are more concerning Maybe the car is close to breaking down Either way, you start thinking about getting a new car. Maybe you have been able to save up some money since you’re not driving as much. Maybe you have been waiting for just the right time to get a new car, and now seems as good as any. Now that you know you want a new car, you also want to be safe about buying a car. You can’t just go to the dealership and spend all day test-driving cars and talking to different salespeople. You need to be able to look for a car from the comfort of your own home. Here are 5 great tips for buying a car online.   Figure Out Your Budget             Before you start looking at cars, you need to understand how much you are willing to spend on a car. There are different car loan calculators online that you can use to determine how much you can afford based on your finances (income, debt, etc.). Even those these calculators can show you how much you would be spending on the car loan itself, you need to be aware of other factors. Car insurance and gas should also be considered when planning your budget for a car.   Get Pre-Approved for a Loan               Once you have decided your budget, the next step is to check your expectations against the reality. In this case, it means going to a bank and getting pre-approved for a loan. Banks will review your finances and determine how much they are willing to loan you. Even if the amount they offer is lower than you though, you now know the exact numbers you are working with so you can make the best financial decision.   Research           Long gone are the days where people would walk into car dealerships clueless and just hope the salesperson didn’t try and overcharge them.  Now, you have many resources online that ensure you go into a car search with helpful knowledge. You can find out a car’s MSRP (Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price), along with your current car’s trade-in values and reviews. You may have a certain car in mind, but upon research, find out there are many negative reviews. Researching your current and potential future car’s information will give you the confidence [...]

2021-05-20T13:02:48-07:00By |

How to Find and Fix Errors on Your Credit Report

A credit report is one of the most important reports regarding your past, present, and future. It shows lenders (companies who are considering granting you a loan, like a bank or a credit card company) that you are responsible and can reliably pay back any debts; critical to making any major purchases (like a house or car). Unfortunately, if your credit report has a low score, it shows companies that you are unreliable and cannot manage money well. Companies don’t have time to look at every person’s file and go into their entire credit history to understand how they got to where they are finanically – they just need to see the number, decide, and move on. Credit reports are an important resource that companies review regularly when making big decisions, but that doesn’t mean they are perfect. Credit reports, like any other piece of information, can be wrong from time to time. In this case, these errors can negatively affect your life and prevent your chances of achieving your goals. Since credit reports can impact your life in major ways, you should always review your credit report to identify and fix any mistakes. Here is how you can find and fix any errors on your credit report.   Request Your Report             The Fair Credit Reporting Act was created to ensure that all information on credit reports is accurate and private. The report is a clause that allows people to request a free copy of their credit report once a calendar year (every 12 months). This report will come from one of the three major credit companies – TransUnion, Experian, or Equifax. There are two easy ways to request this report, either… Visit Call 1.877.322.8228   Verify All Information             Credit reports are not a quick document to scan through – you must take your time and review every line to ensure it is correct. Here are some common mistakes and why they should be checked…   Personal information (name, address, any known aliases) Verify all your personal information is updated and accurate. If you see an “alias” on there that is not you, then you may have been the victim of identity theft, and someone may have been hurting your credit through bad transactions. If your name is misspelled, it is likely not a big deal, but such a minor error may mean there are other errors in your report. Current and Past Credit Accounts First, verify that all closed credit accounts are shown to be closed on the account as well. Look for any mistakes such as late payments (if you’ve never made any late payments). Look for any accounts that you don’t recognize, because they may have been opened by somebody else under your name. If you are divorced, make sure your former spouse’s debts are not on your report. You also must verify accounts are not listed more than [...]

2021-05-24T20:33:24-07:00By |

7 Important Reasons Why You Should Buy Life Insurance Today

No one wants to think about death. It’s a difficult subject to discuss, and most people will want to avoid the subject altogether. However, death is a natural part of life. It is not often that people know when they are going to die, and because it is a mystery, it is something we don’t plan for. Unfortunately, it is something we must plan for. While we may not know when it is going to happen, it is important to have plans in place in case the worst should happen. This is where life insurance comes in. Life Insurance is an agreement between a person and an insurance company where, if the insured person dies, the money will be paid to a beneficiary (someone who would receive the money, like a spouse or family member). Life Insurance is not a policy most people think to have, but they should. With so many options available for life insurance, you can find a policy that works for you, regardless of your situation. If you are still unsure about life insurance, or even if you’ve never thought about it - here are 7 reasons you should buy life insurance.   It’s One Less Thing for Your Loved Ones to Worry About             In the unfortunate case that you die, you will be leaving behind loved ones. They will be dealing with a lot, and the last thing they should be worried about is money. Life Insurance guarantees that your loved ones will receive money in the event of your death. This is especially important if you had a job and that income was supporting your family. Now, even without that income, life insurance will help them financially.   It Can Pay Off Debt             Unfortunately, debt doesn’t go away in death. If you leave behind any debt, life insurance can significantly reduce or even pay off the debt so your loved ones will not have to worry about it. Between funeral expenses and planning for the future, you don’t want your loved ones to have to be dealing with the added level of stress that comes with paying off debt.   It Creates Cash Value for You               There are two types of life insurance – term life insurance and whole life insurance. Term life insurance is only active for a specific timeframe (months, year, etc.). Whole life insurance stays in place until you cancel the policy. Whole life insurance also builds up cash value, and you can withdraw from this cash if needed. This way, you can have an emergency fund of cash you can pull from in emergencies (that do not involve your death).   It Can Come at a Discount             Odds are the insurance company you already work with for car or home insurance also offers life insurance. Combining your insurance options (like [...]

2021-05-24T19:27:16-07:00By |

6 Smart Ways to Eliminate Credit Card Debt

Have you ever felt like, no matter what you do, you can’t seem to get ahead of everything? It feels like, no matter what you do, you are always struggling to keep up. This has never been truer than these pandemic times that we are currently living in. With people either losing jobs, being furloughed, or having their salaries reduced, everyone has been affected financially in some way. And yet, we still need to buy things to survive. Whether you have been using credit cards to buy things here and there, or you experienced a major unexpected bill (medical, home repair, etc.), most people are dealing with some sort of credit card debt now. What if there was a way to eliminate that credit card debt, so you could keep the money you earned instead of just using it to make a dent in your debt? Whatever your situation is, we want to share 6 ways to easily eliminate your credit card debt.   Cut and Budget             Before you do anything, you must commit to not increasing your credit card debt by much (if at all).  Find out how much you owe on each card, and plan to stop paying with a credit card. You won’t be able to ever catch up on debt if you keep adding to it (or pay a little but charge a lot). Once you’ve decided to stop using your cards, the next thing is to budget. Figure out the essential spending – food and bills. Everything else can and should wait until you are in a better place financially.   Transfer Balances to a 0% Credit Card             Credit card interest, where a “penalty” fee is added to the total amount you owe (based on how much it is) is one of the quickest ways your debt can increase. There are 0% interest credit cards available to anyone with a good credit score (around 700 or higher). You can transfer your balance to a 0% card and not have any interest added to it if the balance is paid in full by the end of the introductory period (around a year). If you have good credit and a good plan to pay off your debt, transferring the debt to this one card is a great way to get rid of your debt without it increasing. This is also known as “debt consolidation”, where, instead of paying off multiple credit cards with different balances, you are making one payment for one debt. If you have a good plan in place (and use the other ways mentioned in this article), debt consolidation is an effective way to eliminate your debt.   Pay Your Minimum Payment Twice             When dealing with credit cards, people usually pay the minimum amount and hope for the best. Like we previously mentioned, just paying the minimum is not going to [...]

2021-05-24T18:53:42-07:00By |

6 Genius Ways to Save Money While Renovating A Home

Now that you’re home more often due to our crazy times – have you noticed how much repair your home needs? Whether it’s minor chips in the wall, old and damaged flooring, or outdated fixtures that are long past their prime – spending more time at home means finding more things wrong with your home. When you are spending almost all of your time in the same place, you get inspired to fix everything. You may think that, since you’re spending more time at home, you might as well make your house look as nice as possible. You deserve a home you are proud of, and sometimes that may mean changing it up. In this scenario, we’re not talking about caulking some of the baseboards or just painting over some scuff marks – we are talking about renovating a home – a project that will cost a significant amount, take some time, and involve lots of little tasks. As we mentioned earlier, you deserve to have a home you are proud of, but that doesn’t mean you should go broke doing it. Renovating a house costs money, but it doesn’t have to cost as much money if you do it right.   Here are 6 ways to save money while renovating a home. Create a Budget             As with any large project, you have to start by knowing what you are working with in terms of money. You may want to get your entire home and re-build from the ashes, but what you can afford may not line up with that. Make a list of everything you want to do in your home, and then create a budget with how much you are willing to spend on the entire project or break it up by category (“We are willing to spend up to $X for the kitchen”). Starting with a specific amount of money helps guide every decision in your renovation to ensure your home looks good and your bank account doesn’t look empty. In addition to money, the next thing you need to properly plan a budget is priority. You may not be able to afford to do everything at once, and that’s ok. Prioritize the major/main things you want to do first, and focus your budget and energy on those. After you’ve completed those tasks, you can reevaluate the time, money, and need for other possible renovations.   Do It Yourself (Or Get It Ready)             Some things are best left to the professionals, like plumbing. There are other projects, like installing a backsplash or re-carpeting a room, that you can do yourself. There are many resources you can use to learn how to do certain home projects… Books at your local library or hardware store Weekend workshops focused on specific projects at stores like Lowes or Home Depot YouTube There are contractors and professionals with their channels on YouTube who share tips [...]

2021-05-21T00:15:58-07:00By |
